Overriding the Heaven

C790 Of Course I Won't Run away

C790 Of Course I Won't Run away

After separating with the crowd, Chu Yan memorized the map in his mind, and then headed in another direction.    


Although Chu Xing was caught off guard by Chu Xing's move this time, in a certain way, it gave Chu Yan a chance.    


"It's just that time is too tight, this is the only plan I can think of.    


For the rest of the time, he could only take things one step at a time and slowly perfect his plan according to the changes in the situation.    


Wanhai Sect, you better not disappoint me. " Chu Yan muttered.    


After walking forward a distance, Chu Yan looked around.    


Although they were still on the rocky beach, large chunks of rock had already begun to appear around them.    


The largest of these rocks was at least two stories tall. Even the smallest was about the height of a person.    


However, these rocks were extremely far apart from each other.    


Even for the neighboring two, the closest one was almost 150 feet away.    


However, this was enough for Chu Yan.    


He came to a spot where the wind was blowing from a rock that was around a floor high, and let out his handsome face and Xiao Tangtang.    


"It's finally out." He jumped onto Chu Yan's shoulder and flapped his ears.    


Xiao Tangtang looked around in a daze.    


The environment here was unfamiliar to it.    


However, it soon felt the pressure in the surrounding space.    


The Thousand Monster Graveyard was where the demon beasts died.    


To Xiao Tangtang, staying in such an environment was like throwing a child into a grave.    


He would naturally feel fear instinctively.    


But Xiao Tangtang quickly found Chu Yan who was beside him.    


In an instant, it acted as if it had seen its savior. It suddenly straightened its hind legs and threw itself into Chu Yan's embrace.    


Tears actually welled up in his big tiger eyes. It was a sight that made one's heart ache.    


After so many days, Xiao Tangtang had actually learnt to act like a spoiled child.    


Chu Yan stroked his tiger head, regardless of whether the other party understood him or not, he comforted them gently.    


was instinctively afraid of the Thousand Goblins Graveyard.    


However, it could not be denied that if the Monstrous Beast was here, it would definitely be of great help to its growth.    


Otherwise, his handsome father wouldn't have insisted for Chu Yan to bring the little white pig in.    


In other words, the Thousand Monster Graveyard had a ripening effect on demon beasts.    


If he was lucky, perhaps the demonic beasts in the Thousand Monster Graveyard would be able to inherit some of the ancient demon heirlooms.    


If that was the case, the profits would be huge.    


With Chu Yan by his side, Xiao Tangtang's emotions quickly stabilized, and he dared to open his eyes wide, curiously sizing up his surroundings.    


At this moment, Handsome also realized that something was amiss.    


It looked around and asked doubtfully, "Why do I feel that the atmosphere isn't right? Have you gotten into some trouble?"    


"A little." Chu Yan gave a brief summary of his current situation.    


The relationship between him and Chu Xing was not the main point, so he naturally would not mention about it first.    


The main thing to tell Handsome was that he was being hunted.    


"Second level of the Earth Origin Stage?" As expected, when the handsome man heard this news, his eyes instantly went wide, "Chu Yan, you're the crazy one, you're the one who's using Pulse Condensation Stage.    


Furthermore, he didn't even have Third level of the Pulse Condensation Stage, yet he actually dared to offend someone at the second level of Earth Origin Stage, and was even chased and killed by the opponent?    


What was even more frightening was that even though he didn't know where his opponent was, his opponent did, and it seemed like he could charge out at any moment.    


Tell me, how are you going to escape? "    


"I don't have you." Chu Yan laughed, and then added, "And who said I was escaping."    


"You —" The handsome man instantly understood the meaning behind Chu Yan's words.    


Suddenly, a pair of eyes widened roundly, to the point that Chu Yan was worried that its eyeballs were about to pop out.    


"The second level of the Wanhai Sect's Earth Origin Stage, is after all, a core disciple.    


Furthermore, with Chu Xing's current status in the Wanhai Sect, for this Tang Mu to be able to protect him in this Thousand Demonic Graveyard, it is inevitable that not only is his strength powerful, he must also have brought many good things with him. "    


"No, no." Without waiting for Chu Yan to finish speaking, Yingjun immediately shook his head, "It's still best if you use the Gates of Hell. Hurry up and put him away, it's like you're dealing with some light or thunder envoy."    


"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Chu Yan frowned in dissatisfaction, "If I use the Gates of Hell, I won't be able to get anything.    


Furthermore, unless there is no other choice, I will not use the Gates of Hell. "    


When he thought about that dream he had about the Road to River Styx, and that pair of huge eyes in his dream, Chu Yan instinctively felt that something was amiss.    


He didn't want to be affected by the person summoned by the Gates of Hell, so he didn't want to use it, so he naturally wouldn't use it.    


"Not to mention." Chu Yan then added, "It would be great if we could learn Chu Xing's purpose for coming to the Thousand Goblins Tomb from him."    


Chu Yan believed that Chu Xing definitely would not come to the Thousand Goblins Graveyard just to spectate.    


It would be a pleasant surprise if he knew of their plans and destroyed them.    


"Furthermore — —" Chu Yan glanced at the handsome one, "Earth Origin Stage cultivators should be even more delicious and better nourishing than Pulse Condensation Stage."    


The handsome face that was filled with resistance a moment ago instantly froze.    


It was obvious that it was struggling.    


Chu Yan was not in a hurry either, looking at his handsome appearance calmly and leisurely.    


A moment later, seeing that the little white pig's mouth was already beginning to drool, Chu Yan knew that this matter was complete.    


"Alright then." He knew that his brain was far inferior to Chu Yan's.    


So at this moment, it stopped thinking about it and patted Chu Yan's shoulder, and asked directly: "Just tell me, what do you want me to do, kill that Earth Origin Stage, then eat, oh no, first ask about what you want to know, then eat him."    


"First of all, you have to do something for me." Chu Yan raised his right hand, opened it and brought it in front of handsomeness, "Smell it, it should have the smell of two people."    


He stuck out his nose, carefully sniffed for a while, and then said to Chu Yan: "There are four unfamiliar scents."    


"Yes, four." Chu Yan nodded.    


He had always been inside the echo loop s before handsome, so he had never seen the Kong Ci brothers.    


Adding on Tang Mu and Chu Xing, the smell of strangers, should indeed be four.    


"Can you smell the scent of these four people in which direction?" Chu Yan asked again.    


"It's a little difficult, wait a moment." Closing his eyes, Handsome stuck his head into the air and took a long, careful sniff.    


Then, it jumped from Chu Yan's shoulder to the top of the rock. After sniffing for a while, it landed and used its little hooves to point at the side: "Two of them should be together right now. They are in this direction right now, and are getting further and further away from you."    


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