Master's Sweet Heart Is Spoiled By Everyone

C1556 How dare You Snatch a Man from Me!

C1556 How dare You Snatch a Man from Me!

Gu Le'er had already expected this, so she had to force her to admit it. This time, she also got the answer she wanted!    


Gu Le'er smiled and turned to look at Su Bai, who had been quietly watching her torture him. Su Bai also raised the corner of his mouth and pulled her into his arms.    


Gu Le'er raised the corners of her lips full of confidence and said with a smile, "This time, she should collapse."    


Su Bai nodded.    


Mixin's dull eyes suddenly became clear and she stared at Gu Le'er with bulging eyes, "So you..."    


Gu Le'er interrupted her, "When I was learning hypnosis, you were probably still playing with mud."    


Just this simple sentence completely crushed Mixin and Mixin suddenly laughed. "Hahaha, I am Mo. Ha, I am Mo!"    


"I don't like Su Bai! I only love myself! But he's very strong, I want him. "    


" Hahahaha, I don't like Su Bai. No, no, no, I like him! No, that's not right. I'm Mo! I hypnotized him! Su Bai is mine, hahahaha."    


" Crazy. " Su Bai said.    


"En." Gu Le'er nodded, "Self-beautifying. Once the psychological defense of self-hypnosis collapses, it will be crazy."    


Mixin was really crazy. She laughed maniacally and her pair of eyes rolled around. She looked at the bones in her lower body, "Haha, whose bones are these? Mine? Hehe, this is my bone. It is so beautiful!"    


" Su Bai? Where is Su Bai? I don't like him at all, but he is like a piece of art! How exquisite! Must! Hahaha, Su Bai is mine! All of you will die! All of you must die! You are not allowed to snatch from me! Hahaha! Mine, mine!"    


" No! He's Gu Le'er's! Me, I am Mo? I am Mo? Hahahaha, destroy them! Let them split up! Snatch Su Bai over and let him die with me. Hahaha, let's die together!"    


"What should we do now?" Meiying, who had been silent the whole time, stepped forward and asked.    


"Lock him in the dungeon of the secret door." Su Bai said coldly, "Don't let her die. Just let her live like this. How long can she live?"    


This was not pity, but punishment!    


"Yes!" Meiying bowed his head respectfully.    


"I am Mo. Hahaha, I'm Mo! Eh, where's my leg? Where's my leg? Where's my leg? Why don't I have legs?    


Bones are also very beautiful. Hahaha, I'm so beautiful! Su Bai, you love me very much, right? Let's die together. Alright? Die with me, hahaha. "    


Mixin was dragged away like that.    


Gu Le'er frowned and then ordered, "After she dies, throw her into the pool and clean up her skeleton. She will definitely grind her bones and scatter the ashes!"    


"It's Young Madam!" A group of people from the hidden sects shouted.    


Gu Le'er looked at the stretcher that had left and said, "She will still be awake. She is not completely crazy. Remember to film it and let her appreciate it."    


"Yes, I know." Meiying replied.    


First Day took a deep breath and smiled. It was really exciting!    


It was simply satisfying!    


This hateful Mixin actually dared to hypnotize Su Bai. Most importantly, her previous attitude was really disgusting to the point of wanting to beat her up!    


Seeing her tough bones made her angry. She was like a rock in a latrine pit, smelly and hard, and extremely bad, so she was really angry!    


But now, she was being tortured by Gu Le'er so miserably!    


A person is neither human nor ghost!    


Half of his body was white, and he was half crazy and half crazy!    


Especially when she personally admitted it!    


Admitting hypnotism, admitting that she was Mo, admitting that she only wanted to possess him. Only by personally admitting it like this would she be able to vent her anger!    


Pleasurable, truly refreshing!    


Gu Le'er also had a smile on her face as she stared at the stretcher and said, "Daring to snatch a man from me, you are incomparably foolish!"    


Su Bai licked his lips and secretly smiled. He said in a serious manner, "At this time, you should kiss me."    




After the update, he thanked the reward.    


Finally, it was updated again. Hahaha, such a good beating!    


Thank you for your understanding and concern, thank you!    


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