Master's Sweet Heart Is Spoiled By Everyone

C1819 We will Meet Again Trust Me We will

C1819 We will Meet Again Trust Me We will

Gu Xuan's head was numb, but he still said calmly, "Electroconvulse. Electroconvulse again. Pull your heart rate back to me. Blood transfusion. Blood transfusion immediately. Quick!"    


The operating theater was filled with anxiety.    


Gu Le'er, however, felt that her body was as light as a feather.    


Was her soul going to leave her body again?    


Would she wear it again?    


Where would she wear it to?    




She didn't want to leave!    


Not at all...    


In her confusion, she saw Gu Xuan and the others busy saving her.    


She saw herself lying on the operating table in a sorry state.    


Blood, a lot of blood.    


Is she dead?    


At this moment, a tender and cute voice sounded, "Mom."    


Gu Le'er's eyes immediately widened. Who?    


"Mom." A shining little dumpling walked towards her and looked up at her. Her eyes were filled with desire and puzzlement. "Mom, do you not want me anymore?"    


This little dumpling was a boy. He was super cute and beautiful.    


Gu Le'er was stunned. This dumpling looked very similar to Su Bai. It was just a miniature version of the cute Su Bai.    


"You..." Gu Le'er looked at the dumpling in surprise.    


Little Tuozi said, "Mom, I am Su Nian."    


Su Nian...    


Her son!    


Before Gu Le'er could reply, another two little bunnies came.    


They were both very beautiful boys, and one of them was exactly the same as her. It looked like they were mischievous and mischievous to the point of taking off.    


The other one was a combination of her and Su Bai. The eyes and nose looked like Su Bai, and the shape of the mouth and face looked like her.    


The temperament on her body also looked like a combination of her and Su Bai. She looked like a noble and noble young master, but her eyes were as cunning as hers, unlike Su Bai's calm and reserved manner.    


Gu Le'er was stunned.    


Three little bunnies held hands and surrounded her, calling her, "Mom."    


At the same time, they also sent out a soul questioning, "You don't want us anymore?"    


Gu Le'er was at a loss for words, especially when she saw the three little faces.    


At this moment, a man walked over.    


Gu Le'er's breath paused. It was Su Bai!    


Su Bai looked at her and said three words, "Live on!"    


Gu Le'er's tears suddenly rushed out like a dam that had been opened. She reached out to Su Bai and said, "Uncle!"    


But she could not reach Su Bai no matter what.    


The three little bunnies stared at Su Bai and asked, "Who are you?"    


At this moment, Gu Le'er felt as if a knife was twisting in her heart.    


Su Bai seemed to not be able to see the three children and only said to her, "Live on, I beg you, live on well."    


Gu Le'er's heart seemed to have been pierced by a sword. She choked and finally nodded vigorously, "Good, good. I live on, I live on well!"    


Su Bai laughed. His smile was so beautiful.    


However, Gu Le'er still could not reach him. It was as if she was bound by something.    


Su Bai's smile became blurry. Gu Le'er scratched her heart and lungs and shouted, "Uncle, don't go! Please, don't go!"    


Su Bai kept looking at her and said, "Wait for me, Gu Le'er wait for me."    


"We will meet again. Trust me, we will."    


Su Bai's figure completely disappeared.    


The figures of the three little bunnies also started to blur, but she heard the voices of the little bunnies. "Mom, it hurts."    


"Mommy, don't leave us behind."    


"Mommy, I'm afraid of Nian. It's so dark."    


Gu Le'er was suddenly shocked. She felt a huge force pressing her into a ball of darkness.    


She heard Gu Xuan's voice in a daze, "My heart rate has stabilized..."    


At the last moment when her consciousness completely immersed into the darkness, she seemed to hear Su Bai's voice again, "We will meet again. Trust me, we will."    


She did not know if this was the voice that really came from Su Bai's soul, or the voice that came from the bottom of her heart.    


Will we meet again?    


Will we?    




She also believed... incomparably!    


- -    


After the update, he thanked her for the reward.    


Update completed, thank you for the reward.    


Everyone, stay calm. You have to trust Ninth Master!    


I have a general outline and a detailed outline.    


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