Master's Sweet Heart Is Spoiled By Everyone

C1896 When You're Bored You Want to Torture Your Brother

C1896 When You're Bored You Want to Torture Your Brother

Nangong Ai looked innocent. "Aren't you going to feed me?"    


Su Nian was quite angry when he heard that. Was this Nangong Ai really going to make the two of them look like a couple when she was only five years old?    


"Eat it yourself." Su Nian put the cake on the table.    


"Oh." Nangong Ai did not refute him and just made her own move.    


Su Nian looked at her jade-like face and ate with relish. He pursed his lips and said, "Is it delicious?"    


Nangong Ai frowned and shook her head. "It doesn't taste good."    


She didn't forget that Su Nian said that the cake wasn't delicious and was sweet and greasy, so she said it wasn't delicious.    


After Nangong Ai said that, she pushed the cake away a little.    


Su Nian felt even more depressed in his heart and said, "If it is not delicious, throw it away. Don't make it again in the future. I'm leaving."    


Su Nian left. He really had an indescribable feeling towards Nangong Ai.    


It was very contradictory.    


It was the child marriage he had decided on since he was young, but she no longer had any self. It was as if she was a robot that had been meticulously nurtured for him.    


Su Nian was very annoyed with this kind of thing. No matter how fierce she was or how bad it was to her, she would follow his orders. She would not refute him, she would not resist, and she would not even feel wronged.    


After Su Nian left, Nangong Ai looked at the cake on the table and licked her lips. Just as she was about to throw it into the trash can, Gu cutely ran over and called her from afar, "Nangong Ai!"    


Nangong Ai looked over and greeted, "Cute older sister."    


Cute Gu ran over with a smile and pinched her face, "Sister-in-law is so obedient!"    


Gu Cute was a little smaller than Su Nian, so he naturally had to call Nangong Ai sister-in-law.    


Nangong Ai blushed and said in a childish voice, "Brother Nian doesn't like you calling me that. You better not call me that."    


Gu cutie rolled her eyes. "What does it have to do with me if he doesn't like me? It's fine as long as I like him!"    


Nangong Ai,... ""    


"But Big Brother Nian will be unhappy." Nangong Ai frowned.    


Gu Cute continued to roll his eyes. "It has nothing to do with me even if he is unhappy. If he dares to beat me up, I will tell my aunt to go!"    


Nangong Ai,... ""    


" I will say Nangong Ai. " Gu cutely ridiculed her, "Why do you listen to Su Nian so much? Why do you care about him so much? As I say, his bad temper is all because of you!"    


Nangong Ai blinked.    


Gu cutie was attracted by the cake's fragrance and looked over, "Hey, there's a cake to eat. Did you make it?"    


Everyone knew that Nangong Ai knew how to bake. Previously, she loved to make small biscuits. Later, she stopped making them. It was said that she was angered by Su Nian's dog and later changed to making cake.    


"It smells so good!" Gu cutie was hungry. "You don't want to eat it? Then let me try it?"    


Nangong Ai swallowed her saliva. "I already ate it. If you don't mind, then eat it."    


Gu cutely smiled and narrowed his eyes. "What do I dislike? Between the two of us, apart from husband, we can't share anything else. I won't be polite."    


After saying that, Gu cutie picked up the cake and ate it. As she ate, she praised, "It's delicious. It's so fragrant!"    


Nangong Ai pursed her lips and finally felt comforted.    


She simply sat on the swing and chatted with Gu cutie, "Are you looking for my brother?"    


"Yes, that's right." Gu cutie nodded as she ate. "I'm bored, so I wanted to torture your brother."    


Nangong Ai was speechless."    


- -    


It was late at night. The three little fellows were also tired and were ready to sleep.    


However, they still refused to let Su Bai go. They insisted on sleeping together with Su Bai.    


Su Bai was helpless and could only agree.    


The father and son went to take a shower together. Soon, the sound of fighting came from the bathroom and Su Yi's exaggerated laughter.    


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