CEO's Sudden Proposal

C417 You're Our Sinner

C417 You're Our Sinner

Of course, they wouldn't hide He Weifei's strength because of this. They were prepared to deal with him if he really got first place in the city. At the end of the day, they still hoped that He Weifei could live according to his wishes. He wouldn't be tired by anyone.    


Two months passed very quickly. Soon, it was the eve of the middle school examination.    


Li Qingai's house was a little further away from the exam area. He Weifei invited her to stay at home. After the exam, she could directly go on a trip.    


Li Qingai's parents had long heard of He Weifei's name. When they held parents meetings, they also saw He Qiaoyan and He Weifei. There was no need to ask to know that they were father and son.    


Li Qingai's father said, "Mr. He, Mrs. He, I'll have to trouble you these few days."    


"You're welcome. It's the same for the parents to receive two and three. When our house leaves the examination venue, the children can also sleep for a while longer. "    


"Yes, yes, yes." Li Qingai's father looked at the He Family that was no different from the villa. It was a lie to say that he was not envious.    


Putting aside the money for the house and courtyard, just the interior renovation of the house would not be able to run away with 35 million.    


This house could easily exceed 10 million. In the Rong City, it was definitely a tycoon.    


He Qiaoyan said, "After the middle school examination ends, I plan to let my two sons and Li Yuan go on a trip. Xiao Ai, if you don't have any other arrangements, you can go too. The children also need to travel."    


"Just four children?" Li Qingai's father was very surprised.    


"Yes, let Wei Fei take my brother out. My wife and I have other things to deal with."    


"Are you not afraid of danger?"    


"I believe they have the ability to resolve the crisis they are facing. The child is not young anymore, it's time for him to have his own consciousness."    


Li Qingai was a little hesitant. She was his only precious daughter and he was somewhat reluctant to part with her. However, seeing a rich person like He Qiaoyan so calmly throw the two children out to train, he more or less had to reflect on his own education method.    


Before Li Qingai could think of a result, she saw He Weiyu soft and cute walk in. The little guy threw himself into He Qiaoyan's arms. "Dad, how many boxes can I bring with me to travel with brother?"    


"How many boxes can you take?" He Qiaoyan asked with a smile.    


"One box and one bag."    


"Then take one box and one bag. Let big brother carry the rest for you."    




"How long are you and brother going to travel for?"    


"Brother said he'll be back when school starts."    


"Dad knows, he'll book a flight ticket for you in advance."    


"Thank you, dad." He Weiyu smacked He Qiaoyan on the face and slid off the sofa.    


Li Qingai was stunned by what she saw. "Mr. He asked such a young child to go with him?"    


"Only if he can take good care of him, I'm not worried. Mr. Li, this is a good opportunity to train the child. Wei Fei and Li Yuan's character and behavior are trustworthy. Qing Ai will be more at ease when she travels with them than when she travels with anyone else in the future. You and your wife will not be able to spend so much time with her during the middle school examination vacation. It would be better to let her travel with her trusted friends. "    


Li Qingai had her own concerns. His daughter.    


If something happened during the journey, it would be his daughter who would suffer.    


"I still need to discuss this matter with my lover. It doesn't count even if I say it by myself."    


"Okay If the two of you agree, don't worry about the fees. Only Idealism will be in charge of the fees. He gave me a travel income proposal, and the four of them will be able to earn money from it. They can go to the best hotels in every city."    


Li Qingai was even more surprised. She wanted to open her mouth and agree, but in the end, she endured it.    


This matter still needed to be discussed with the child's mother before they could make a decision.    


He Qiaoyan did not say anything else and sent Mr. Li out.    


Li Qingai, He Weifei, and Li Yuan looked at the sky under the grape rack.    


Li Qingai said, "He Weifei, Li Yuan, you are too biased. You actually did not tell me that you can watch the stars at night here. If I had known earlier, I would have moved over to revise together with you. If I didn't get first place in the city, I could at least get into the top 30 in the city. "    


Li Yuan said," You'd better not come. You don't even know how painful these two months have been for me. I've been forced to wake up at five in the morning to run, study at six thirty in the morning, and learn until ten in the evening. I almost turned my brother into a dog."    


"If you don't get into my and Wei Fei's high school this time, you're dead meat! Wei Fei and I don't even have that much pressure from the exam. Look, your exam is even more tiring than your own."    


He Weifei said, "That's right."    


Li Yuan said," Hey, we agreed to encourage you. It's already a critical moment, yet you guys still want to provoke me."    


Li Qingai said, "If you make us unable to go on a graduation trip, you will be our sinner!"    


Li Yuan said, "Fine, fine, fine. I was wrong. I dragged you guys down. I will go and read some more books."    


After saying that, Li Yuan excitedly ran back to his room and continued to fight to the death with those books. Otherwise, he would be killed by those two people in the future.    


When he thought of that kind of life, he felt his scalp go numb.    


Li Qingai's father saw that his daughter, He Weifei, and Li Yuan did not have the slightest bit of thoughts or expression on her face when she was with a girl. She was almost like a boy, and his heart was also half at ease.    


He was really afraid that his daughter would take a liking to He Weifei. His first love was already so cool, so how would he find a partner in the future?    


There were only a few people like He Weifei in the world and his family background.    


He Weifei saw his father and Li Qingai's father come out. "Uncle Li, are you leaving?"    


"It's late. Uncle is going back. Qing Ai has disturbed you these two days. "    


"You're welcome. Qing Ai was much easier to deal with than Li Yuan. It wouldn't matter even if Li Yuan stayed for two months."    


Li Yuan said, "Who did I offend? Why do I always get hit? "    


Li Qingai said, "That's right. Dad, don't be polite with He Weifei. He Weifei and Li Yuan are brothers. It's normal to occasionally borrow it. Uncle He, am I right?"    


He Qiaoyan said, "You can stay as long as you want. Uncle and Auntie can support you for eight or ten years."    


"Hehe, we officially came online after the middle school exams. We can support ourselves. He Weifei said that our travel expenses are all from there. That is all the money we earn. When we go on a trip, we just need to bring our laptops and phones with us. We can make money every day."    


Li Qingai's father was speechless."    


This silly daughter of his, why was she so good at disabling him?    


Li Qingai's father left with a melancholic look on his face.    


Two days of high school exams passed very quickly. After the exam, the three examinees excitedly sat in He Qiaoyan's car and discussed the answers.    


Li Qingai said, "Wei Fei, did you finish the last question in Mathematics?"    


He Weifei said, "I did it. It's quite simple."    


Li Yuan said, "F * ck, I only wrote half of the last question."    


Li Qingai said, "You don't have to answer the last question. Can you make sure there are no problems in the first half?"    


Li Yuan,... ""    


He Weifei said, "Forget it after the exam. Go home tonight and pack your things. Go on a trip tomorrow morning."    


Li Qingai and Li Yuan said, "Okay."    


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