CEO's Sudden Proposal

C444 Gay Love Is Radiant

C444 Gay Love Is Radiant

Five minutes later.    


Ji Xuege lay flat on the ground. She didn't even need to wail.    


He looked at He Weifei who was not affected at all. "He Weifei, how did you grow up? Is there anything you do not know?"    


"Yes." He Weifei replied.    


"What is it?"    


"I don't know how to give birth."    


"F * ck, shut up and get you. Who did you learn to be so sarcastic? Young man, let me tell you, it's very easy to get beaten up when you talk like this."    


He Weifei nodded and stretched out his hand towards Ji Xuege, wanting to pull him up.    


Ji Xuege held his hand. Suddenly, a crafty light flashed in her eyes and she pulled hard.    


He Weifei saw the light in his eyes and pulled hard in the opposite direction.    


Ji Xuege's legs were not idle either. She swept her legs over.    


He Weifei could not avoid it. He simply followed Ji Xuege's strength and fell down.    






Ji Xuege rolled her eyes speechlessly. She did not want to say anything anymore. He only felt tired in his heart.    


Not only was she a cushion for He Weifei, she was also seen by a group of noisy girls. They shouted even louder than his voice.    


What was all this about?    


Did he not want face?!    


"What a strong passion. He actually threw himself on the ground in front of everyone. How embarrassing."    


Ji Xuege pinched He Weifei's arm. "Get up quickly. I'm about to be crushed to death by you."    


He Weifei replied softly, "I sprained my ankle."    


"He! Only! No!"    


Ji Xuege was sweating profusely as she carried He Weifei on the street," Where do you live? "    


"You want to carry me home?"    


"What else?"    


"Can't you just take a taxi?" asked Wang Yao.    


Ji Xuege said, "He Weifei, do you believe that I won't just leave you on the street? Damn you, I carried you for five streets before you said you wanted to take a taxi. Why don't you wait for me to carry you home first?"    


" If you didn't tell me, how would I know you were carrying me home instead of going to the hospital? "    


Ji Xuege,... ""    


Why did he know someone like He Weifei?!    


He Weifei said, "There's a clinic on the left in front of us. It should be fine if we go and buy some medicine."    


"How do you know there's a clinic in front?"    


"We passed by it before."    


Ji Xuege was panting so hard that she only had two breaths left before she finally entered the clinic.    


He Weifei's ankle was indeed red and swollen. Ji Xuege felt guilty in her heart.    


On second thought, he carried He Weifei on his back for such a long distance, and that little bit of guilt was instantly crushed into pieces.    


He Weifei tilted his head and looked at Ji Xuege. "I'm fine. Don't worry."    


"Who's worried about you? Don't think too highly of yourself."    


"You're not worried about me. You ran five streets behind your back?"    


"He Weifei, do you know what it means to see through and not say it?"    


"I know, I know. It's better to tell the truth to friends so that you don't spend time trying to guess what I'm thinking."    


Ji Xuege's expression was somewhat awkward. "Friend?"    


"If we are not friends, what are we? Classmate? Are there any classmates who have not attended the same school and have not studied together for a day? "    


Ji Xuege said," Since you want to be friends with me so much, I have nothing to say to say. Friends can be friends. "    


The doctor sprayed a spray of pain on He Weifei. He Weifei moved his ankle and found that it did not hurt as much as before. "I'm fine. Let's go back."    


"You'd better not jump around like this. Go to my house first. You can go home at night."    




Ji Xuege glanced at him. "Aren't you afraid that I will cover you with a gunny sack and beat you up on the way?"    


"You can't bear to beat me up. Young man, don't open your teeth and claws anymore."    


Ji Xuege curled her lips. "You wait inside. I'll call a taxi. I'll call you when I get there."    


"Don't you have a taxi app? Can't you just sit here and wait for the car to arrive?"    


Ji Xuege was too lazy to even roll her eyes. "Do you know that I don't have something like a phone?"    


"I don't know."    


Ji Xuege,... ""    


Ji Xuege pushed open the old courtyard door, "Come in."    


He Weifei walked past the door and found that it was not as messy as he thought. There was a lot of space and there were many flowers and plants planted inside.    


Ji Xuege led He Weifei into the house and said, "There is no one at home now. What do you want to eat? I will ask the shop next door to send it over."    


"I am not picky about food, but I am not good at spicy and sweet dishes."    


"Okay, I'll go out and buy it for you." After saying that, he went out directly.    


He Weifei looked at the furnishings in the house and confirmed that Ji Xuege's family background was very ordinary.    


He remembered that Ji Xuege studied photography. Photography was very expensive and also very costly.    


Compared to professional equipment, he would need to spend ten to twenty thousand. In addition to tuition and living expenses, he would need to spend at least fifty thousand a year.    


This money was spent among the teenage students, but it was also invested less in art students.    


He Weifei did not think that he would be able to learn it like this, especially for a student like Ji Xuege who often did not go to school. The possibility of learning it was almost zero.    


Those people with extraordinary talent, who could produce world-shaking, soul-stirring, and popular photography works without studying, only existed in novels and movies. Those who were able to create and amaze the world with a single feat all relied on large amounts of practice and hard work.    


Talent was very important, but large amounts of practice and improvement were more important.    


Ji Xuege quickly returned with two plastic lunchboxes. He Weifei still maintained his sitting posture.    


Ji Xuege asked, "You have no interest in my family at all?"    


"It is not impossible to look at it when you come back."    


Ji Xuege shrugged her shoulders and placed the lunchbox on the table. "Eat, eat. I will give you a good supplement. You can come home alive and kicking at night."    


"How much is it?" He Weifei took the lunchbox from the top and opened it. He found that there was no chili or sweet pork ribs.    


"Why are you asking for money? You have to be my treat if you come to my house. If you give me money, I will cut you off."    


"You can't bear to cut me off either. Stop yelling."    




He Weifei waved the dishes on his chopsticks. "Thanks."    


"You're welcome. The food here is especially delicious. I often eat there."    


"Aren't you going to cook for yourself?"    




"Do you not know how to do it or do you not want to learn it?"    


"So you're saying you don't want to learn it?"    


"It's quite interesting to cook. You'll know once you cook it."    


Ji Xuege glanced at He Weifei. "You make it sound like you know how to cook."    


"I do. After Yu Yu turned two and a half years old, it was basically me who brought him. If it was not a professional dish, I would know it. "    


The corner of Ji Xuege's mouth trembled for a while but she still could not hold back the scolding from Ju Guo, "Can you give others a way out? Why are you doing it so perfectly?"    


"That was my previous life's attitude. It was the same as your previous life's attitude."    


"Hey, were you tired of living like that in the past?"    


"Do you think your lifestyle was tiring?" Wang Yao asked. He Weifei asked.    


"I thought it was quite exciting when I just started living. After a long time, that's all."    


"Me too, I feel the same. Right now, I feel that my current lifestyle is quite good, and I have a lot of time every day to think about what will happen in the future. But if I don't think of it after three months, I will fall into a state of anxiety. Increase the burden on my mind, causing another personality in my body to appear at a faster rate."    


"Then don't think about it anymore. It's useless even if you think about it. I heard from Li Yuan that your family background is not bad. Why are you fighting so hard? It's not like we don't need your food at home. "    


" You're right, "___ said.    


Ji Xuege said proudly, "Learn from me more, so as to avoid making yourself crazy."    


"Yes. I have been following you all this time. "    


"Are you kidding me?"    


"Really?" asked Wang Yao. He Weifei said with certainty.    


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