Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C656 Why Not Just Castrate Him

C656 Why Not Just Castrate Him

By the time Yung Mo brought Muh Jingyan back to Scenic Garden, it was already time for dinner. When Grandma Yung saw the two of them, she immediately asked the servants to heat up the food for them.    


Seeing the ambiguous gaze that Grandma Yung shot over, Muh Jingyan's cold little face could not help but reveal a few shades of red, looking like a delicate wife.    


On the other hand, there was not much trace on Yung Mo's ten thousand year high and noble face, as if the beast man who was pestering Muh Jingyan to act fierce in the car was not himself.    


When a man took off his clothes, he would indeed turn into a beast or tiger at any moment. It was like a completely different person when he put on clothes.    


Even Yung Mo, who was dressed in such a noble and cold manner, was no exception.    


After eating, the two of them went upstairs to the nursery to take a look at the two little buns. The two little buns were sleeping soundly. After covering them with blankets, Muh Jingyan was pulled by Yung Mo back to the room in pain.    


Maybe it was because he was too fierce in the afternoon, and coupled with the madness last night, Yung Mo did not touch Muh Jingyan this night. He only hugged Muh Jingyan and kissed her fiercely before hugging her and sleeping.    


In January, the weather in the Imperial Capital was already very cold. Coupled with the fact that the weather in the Imperial Capital was a little dry, one could feel the bone-piercing cold wind blowing on one's face the moment one went out. It was painful and painful.    


February was the New Year. It was only about two weeks before the New Year. Yung Mo also became busier. He went straight to Thousand Shadow Guard's base after waking up early in the morning. Coupled with the matter of AM International, he was so busy that he could not stop.    


Dongfang Zhan and Muh Qingwan called at noon, saying that they would come to Z Country for the New Year from Eastern Europe International this year, and most importantly, they wanted to accompany the two little buns.    


The second month after the New Year was Muh Jingyan and Yung Mo's wedding. They also came to discuss the details of the wedding.    


The weather was too cold and Muh Jingyan could not help but lean on the bed. She directly slept until around ten o'clock before getting up from the bed. Fortunately, old master Yung and Grandma Yung were also very open-minded people and the tutoring at home was not that strict.    


After lunch, Ye Chuxia and Leng Qianqian arranged to come over together. Once they entered the Scenic Garden, the two of them walked towards the nursery on the second floor.    


"I say Ye lass, Leng lass, let me tell you guys. This girl must have a child earlier so that she can recover well. This man said that he didn't care how ugly and fat a woman's body was, but in his heart, he definitely cared. That man doesn't like beautiful figures, so hurry up and give birth! "    


Grandma Yung looked at Ye Chuxia and Leng Qianqian and earnestly lectured.    


"Grandma, how can you give birth to a child just like that? Besides, Qianqian and I are not married yet!"    


Although Ye Chuxia liked children, she still had some concerns about the matter with Lu Wenye. After all, she knew that old master Lu was quite satisfied with Jiang Haiyan, that woman.    


Although Lu Wenye had promised her that this matter would be resolved properly and let her rest assured, as a woman, even if Ye Chuxia was usually carefree, she still had some concerns in her heart.    


But at this time, in front of Grandma Yung, Ye Chuxia did not say anything.    


"What are you afraid of if you are not married? You are a good man and you need to hurry up and catch him. There are too many temptations in this world. If you are not careful, you will be lured away by the vixens outside!"    


Grandma Yung said seriously.    


"He dares. If he really dares, see if I don't beat him until he can't even get out of bed, hmph!"    


Ye Chuxia heard Grandma Yung's words and immediately shouted.    


"Silly girl, what's the use of beating him up? Once this man's thoughts are no longer with you, no matter how you torment him, he will not be with you. Let me tell you. Why don't we castrate him and see if he still dares to go out and harm other women! "    


Grandma Yung snorted with her nose. She had the demeanor of a heroine in the martial arts world as she said to Ye Chuxia.    


"Yes, castrate him so that he can no longer do evil deeds for the tiger!" Ye Chuxia quickly nodded her head, indicating that she completely agreed with this point of view.    


"Oh right, Qianqian, do you have a kid you like? What do you think of my second grandson? If you are about the same age as Yuxuan, why don't you get along with him?"    


Grandma Yung really liked Leng Qianqian. She had watched this little girl grow up since she was young. Although her second grandson had also committed some crimes, he could still be considered a handsome, golden-haired little handsome man.    


At this moment, Grandma Yung was still not very clear that a large part of the reason Muh Jingyan was kidnapped and had an abortion was because of Yung Yuxuan.    


But when Ye Chuxia heard Grandma Yung's words, Leng Qianqian and Muh Jingyan were all stunned.    


After which Ye Chuxia almost spat out a mouthful of tea and Leng Qianqian's face also twitched. When Muh Jingyan heard Yung Yuxuan's name, her cold and indifferent eyes flashed with a gloomy light.    


"Grandma Yung, I am still early. I do not wish to talk about feelings now. Furthermore, Yuxuan and I have known each other since we were young. We do not have that kind of relationship at all!"    


Leng Qianqian said.    


"What are you afraid of if you don't have that kind of relationship? Let me tell you. This relationship can be slowly nurtured. I've seen it before. Even biological siblings can fall in love. All of you are childhood sweethearts, how compatible! "    


Grandma Yung said happily.    


However, the speaker was not intentional but it sounded thoughtful. When Leng Qianqian heard the second half of Grandma Yung's words, a complicated dark light flashed across her eyes.    


Muh Jingyan took a deep look at Leng Qianqian and in her heart, she had a rough understanding of the matters between Leng Yundi and Leng Qianqian, although she did not know much about it. She did not really like Leng Yundi and did not like him. Furthermore, that man had too many women by his side.    


That way, countless men naturally wouldn't be good enough for Qianqian. However, she knew very well that Qianqian really loved that man in her heart.    


Although she did not know how the two of them had progressed, Muh Jingyan did not ask openly. It was just that they were friends in the past. Even if she was worried that Qianqian would be hurt, she could let Leng Qianqian choose by herself. Because as a friend, she could not interfere too much with the other party's private matters.    


But now she was her cousins. As a family member and family member, Muh Jingyan naturally would not let Leng Qianqian be hurt a little. She had the right to make her family and family happy.    


"Okay grandma, you don't have to worry about these things!" Muh Jingyan coincidentally opened her mouth and gently spoke to Grandma Yung.    


Leng Qianqian also appropriately let out a sigh of relief. If she continued to ask like this, she really did not know how to reject Grandma Yung like this.    


Grandma Yung was also tactful. Seeing Leng Qianqian's grateful gaze when looking at Muh Jingyan, she immediately understood in her heart and did not continue to interrogate.    


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