Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C773 Desire to be Happy Forever

C773 Desire to be Happy Forever

Since Yung Mo was injured, Muh Jingyan naturally would not let him prepare breakfast. After the two of them tidied up, they got up and went downstairs. There were already servants preparing breakfast downstairs.    


When old master Yung saw that Yung Mo had returned, he was also relieved.    


Although his eldest grandson was very capable, the old man still hoped that the family would be safe. Seeing that Yung Mo was safe and sound, he also felt at ease.    


After breakfast, Yung Mo pulled Muh Jingyan upstairs and went to the baby room to see the two little fellows. Yung Mo then pulled Muh Jingyan to bed with him.    


Muh Jingyan had just woken up and was originally not sleepy, but after being carried by Yung Mo, she actually fell asleep not long after. When the two of them woke up again, it was already past lunch time.    


Fortunately, Grandma Yung had left lunch for the two of them.    


"Where do you want to go in the afternoon?"    


After lunch, Yung Mo recovered his energy and looked at Muh Jingyan gently.    


"Hmm?" Muh Jingyan raised her eyebrows.    


"Let's go. I'll take you to a place!" Yung Mo said and pulled Muh Jingyan upstairs. The two of them changed their clothes before going out.    


The weather at the end of May was getting hot. Muh Jingyan was wearing a light blue long-sleeved dress. Her originally refined and exquisite face was becoming more and more charming. She had a cool and arrogant air about her, giving off a unique feeling.    


Yung Mo looked at the woman beside him with a gentle gaze and sent her to the front passenger seat. Just as he was about to close the car door, Muh Jingyan pulled his hand.    


"You want to drive?"    


Muh Jingyan pinched her beautiful hair and looked at Yung Mo. Her eyes were full of refusal.    


Yung Mo was stunned and remembered that there was a gunshot wound on his left shoulder. He smiled gently. "You drive!"    


Muh Jingyan only nodded when she heard Yung Mo's words. She got up and gave the passenger seat to Yung Mo.    


Yung Mo reached out his hand to smooth Muh Jingyan's wrinkled brow and said softly in a low voice. "Do not frown in the future!"    




Muh Jingyan responded coldly and then walked to the driver's seat.    


Muh Jingyan slept a lot today and was in good spirits. She drove along the road where Yung Mo pointed.    


When the car stopped and the two of them got out of the car, Muh Jingyan realized that it was actually a beautiful farm. It had a little bit of a southern atmosphere. It was a small bridge with flowing water and lush greenery. It was very beautiful!    


"It's beautiful!"    


Muh Jingyan could not help but relax after coming here. She liked the scenery in front of her very much.    




Yung Mo reached out his uninjured hand, held Muh Jingyan's hand, and walked inside.    


The limestone road was quiet and peaceful. The air was filled with the fragrance of grass and the sound of flowing water could be heard. It was like a paradise.    


"How did you know about this place?"    


Yung Mo had never brought her here to play before.    


"I knew about it a long time ago. But we rarely come here. We'll have dinner here tonight! "    




They walked deeper into the lake. It was different from the serene scene in front of them. There was a different world behind them. There was a fake mountain and a lake. It was clear and bright. A gentle breeze passed by and brought the willow tree along. Yung Mo took Muh Jingyan through the long corridor and sat down at the pavilion in the middle of the lake. Fruit and snacks had already been prepared there. There was also a small swing.    


Muh Jingyan walked to the swing and sat down. Behind her, Yung Mo pushed her every time. Muh Jingyan felt that it had been a long time since she felt so relaxed and comfortable. She only felt that time was good.    


The two of them did not do anything. They just quietly enjoyed the rare scene.    


To them at this moment, it was a rare happiness to be able to peacefully and happily snuggle with each other. They did not need to think about when the blood curse on Muh Jingyan would relapse, nor did they need to think about anything else. They just needed to quietly hold hands and sit down to feel the peace of time.    


The sun set in the west and dyed the entire lake red. The surrounding scenery became even more beautiful. Muh Jingyan looked at it gently. She really wanted to be happy for the rest of her life.    


Dinner was eaten in the farm. It was made of fresh vegetables and fruits, but it was extraordinarily delicious.    


After dinner, Yung Mo took Muh Jingyan to another place. Seeing the slowly turning Ferris wheel, Muh Jingyan found it hard to imagine that a cold young master like Yung Mo would bring her to sit on this.    


That kind of feeling made her feel a little sad, as if Yung Mo wanted to bring her to experience all the beautiful things in the world.    


"Do you want to go up and have a seat?"    


Under the night sky, Yung Mo looked at Muh Jingyan. His affectionate gaze was like a warm light that invaded Muh Jingyan's heart. He was extremely attached to her.    


Muh Jingyan lightly nodded her head.    


Yung Mo smiled and brought Muh Jingyan onto the Ferris wheel.    


Both of them were brave, but they had never sat on something that only young couples would sit on. They felt a little awkward.    


As the Ferris wheel slowly rose, Yung Mo held Muh Jingyan in front of him. His cold lips were already attached to Muh Jingyan's lips. His gentle actions made him seem like the most devout believer. Muh Jingyan could not help but be at a loss.    


"Be good, no one saw it!" Feeling the worry of the little girl in his arms, Yung Mo gently coaxed her.    


When the Ferris wheel turned to the highest point, everything was released in an instant. Under the night sky outside the Ferris wheel, dazzling and beautiful fireworks bloomed.    


The flickering light of the fireworks illuminated their faces. It made the night sky even more dazzling and dazzling.    


At this moment, it was as if the only thing left between the heavens and the earth was their bodies that were embracing each other, sinking bit by bit into the darkness of the night.    


Only when it was over did the Ferris wheel slowly descend. Yung Mo tightly hugged Muh Jingyan, and the fireworks outside the Ferris wheel continued to bloom.    


"Is it beautiful?" Yung Mo's voice was a bit hoarse and magnetic, but it was very gentle.    


"Beautiful!" Muh Jingyan leaned weakly into Yung Mo's arms and looked at the blooming fireworks. She nodded.    


"We will come to see it every month from now on!" Yung Mo kissed Muh Jingyan's forehead.    


"Okay!" Muh Jingyan answered, but there was a bitter smile in her eyes.    


Every month? She did not know if there would be such a chance. She really wanted to see him every month in the future.    


When the two of them returned to the ground, it was already very late. Yung Mo held Muh Jingyan tightly in his arms and walked towards the parking lot.    


The young couples on both sides looked at the two of them from time to time. Muh Jingyan looked at them and felt a little embarrassed. She struggled. "Put me down. You are still injured!"    


"Do you think you still have the strength to walk now?" Yung Mo teased the little girl in his arms. He never paid attention to the gazes of the people on both sides.    


"Who is to blame?" Speaking of this, Muh Jingyan could not help but glare at Yung Mo. Her delicate little face was covered with a faint blush.    


Yung Mo laughed happily. "Blame me me!"    


Young master, who had always been high and mighty and cold in front of everyone, only showed such a gentle and affectionate side in front of Muh Jingyan.    


It was only when Yung Mo carried Muh Jingyan far away that soft discussions could be heard from behind them.    


"Do you all feel that the man just now looked familiar?"    


"He looks like the number one young master!"    


"D * mn, it can't be. I'm so happy. I'm jealous of the woman the number one young master is holding!"    


The young women had peach blossoms in their eyes!    


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