Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C893 Dead

C893 Dead

Knowing that not only did the man lose the little girl, even the little boy didn't notice, the woman couldn't help but curse.    


"Damn those two brats, they are so hard to deal with!" The woman with two guns looked at the group of security guards who were hiding in a corner waiting for her to die. "Try to be quick. I've already seen the SWAT team coming. When the time comes, it will be even more troublesome to find those two brats!"    


"I know. You go and catch that little girl. Leave this boy to me!" On the phone, after the man finished speaking, he fiercely hung up the phone.    


As soon as he hung up the phone, a group of armed special police wearing black bulletproof vests rushed over from afar. They were extremely fast and rushed towards this side. The woman's face instantly turned cold. She knew that this group of people had fierce firepower. If they really went all out, she was afraid that she would really die.    


She immediately seized the opportunity and did not look at the security guards in the dark. Her entire body rolled on the ground and hid in another corner. Then, she quickly ran into the distance.    


"Bang, bang, bang!" An intense gunshot was heard.    


"She's over there. Hurry up and shoot!"    


When they saw the woman appear, be it the airport's security personnel or the armed SWAT officers, they all raised their guns and started designing the woman who was holding the gun with both hands.    


"Damn it!"    


The woman cursed in a low voice. A bullet flew past the woman's cheek and made her quickly chase after the tunnel that the man had told her about. She found the little girl.    


Behind her was the SWAT officer with the gun in hot pursuit.    


With the addition of the special police, the security guards who did not dare to act recklessly immediately relaxed a little. After all, the strength of the special police was far above theirs.    


The flow of people outside the airport hall had already been evacuated. Such a major shooting incident within the airport immediately attracted the attention of the higher-ups. In an instant, this news was sent to Yung Mo's hands.    


At this moment, Yung Mo was leading Guying and Thousand Shadow Guard out of the underground parking lot under the square.    


They found the clothes and shoes that belonged to Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng there, as well as the watches with tracking chips.    


The location that Yung Mo had found earlier had also completely integrated with this place. However, the two watches had already fallen off. It seemed that the other party was also deeply afraid that these two children had some sort of tracking device on them, just in case.    


Just as Yung Mo was at a loss for what to do, the news of a major gunplane incident at the airport had already come out, and there was even a special police force dispatched.    


In just an instant, Yung Mo's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his deep and dark black eyes flashed with a biting cold light. He looked at Guying who was behind him and said in a cold voice.    


"Investigate the situation at the airport clearly!"    


Guying also understood young lord's meaning in his heart. He nodded solemnly and immediately left.    


In just a quarter of an hour, Guying rushed over.    


"young lord, we have found little young lord and little miss. What happened at the airport is related to them!"    


"Let's go to the airport!"    


When Yung Mo heard that the airport had something to do with Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng, his face darkened. He got into the car and ordered everyone to hurry to the airport.    


While they were in the car, Yung Mo had already told Yung Mo everything that he had found about what had happened at the airport. Yung Mo nodded, and the worry in his heart was slightly better.    


Since such a big thing had happened at the airport, and they had already discovered the target of the man and woman, it meant that Xiaodai and Xiaomeng had escaped from the two dangerous people. As long as they escaped, he believed that his son and daughter had the ability to protect his life before he went there.    


The phone in his pocket rang. When he picked up the phone, Muh Jingyan could not wait to speak.    


"Mo, the airport. Xiaodai and Xiaomeng are at the airport!" Muh Jingyan's anxious voice was heard. She was afraid that Yung Mo would not know at this moment.    


"Yes, I know. Don't worry. I will bring their child back safely. Be good!"    


Yung Mo knew that his wife was worried and scared, and he was the same. However, he was a man, and he needed to make his woman feel at ease.    


"Give me the computer!" Yung Mo hung up the phone and immediately reached out his hand to get Guying to bring the computer over. Then, he quickly typed on the keyboard with his fingers. The monitor of the entire airport immediately appeared on the computer screen.    


It turned out that Yung Mo had hacked into the monitoring system of the airport. It was enough for him. He could clearly see every surveillance video.    


Yung Mo was not in a hurry. He knew that even if he was worried, he had to remain calm. Since the two little ghosts had escaped from the hands of the man and woman, it was very likely that they would hide somewhere.    


His deep and cold black eyes swept across every surveillance screen bit by bit. There were so many surveillance cameras in the entire Di City airport, and there were also enough images that needed to be filtered.    


Yung Mo shrunk all the screens in an instant and then arranged them all. He opened his eyes wide and took in all the surveillance cameras as if he was reading through a thousand lines. Very quickly, Yung Mo saw the figure of a man in one of the surveillance images. He was surrounded by crouching travelers.    


Subconsciously, Yung Mo's cold dark eyes revealed a dangerous cold light.    


"Xiaodai is here. Inform people to go down and make some noise!"    


Looking at the monitor, Yung Mo already knew what this man was looking at. He looked for his son again, and he had found his son in the whole screen. In a few minutes, Xiaodai would be exposed to this man.    


"Okay, I will inform the airport immediately!"    


Guying did not doubt Yung Mo's order at all. He immediately called the person in charge of the attack on the human traffickers at the airport.    


When the airport received the order from their superiors, they immediately split up a group of special police and rushed to the departure hall on the first floor.    


Almost at the moment when the man's gaze reached the door of the glass door and was about to discover Yung Xiaodai, a group of special police officers rushed into the terminal on the first floor. They pointed their guns at the man standing in the distance and ordered coldly.    


"You are surrounded by the criminals on the other side. Put down the weapons in your hands!"    


The man did not expect a group of special policemen to come in at this time. His face darkened and he subconsciously grabbed a little girl under his feet. He held the gun in his hand and aimed it at the little girl's head. He threatened the group of special policemen in the distance.    


"Don't move. If you move again, I will shoot this little girl first!"    


"Daughter, my daughter, let go of my daughter, let go of her, let go of my daughter. . . "    


The little girl was fiercely held in the hands of the criminal. Even the Barbie doll in her hands had fallen down. The mother of the little girl at the side immediately cried out in fear. She even extended her hand and pounced towards the criminal.    


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