Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C902 Little Sister Doesn't Have a Mommy

C902 Little Sister Doesn't Have a Mommy

In Yung Xiaodai's bedroom on the second floor, Muh Jingyan walked in and saw Yung Xiaodai quietly lying on the windowsill. His young and tender face was tightly knitted. He looked out the window and did not know what this little person's mind was troubled about.    


Muh Jingyan walked to Yung Xiaodai's side and only then did Yung Xiaodai seem to have reacted. He turned his head to look at Muh Jingyan who was standing beside him and softly called out. His voice was downcast.    




"What's wrong? Tell Mommy why she's in a bad mood?"    


"Mommy, I caused a little sister to have no mommy!"    


Yung Xiaodai's voice was a little dull, and he was also a little depressed. Muh Jingyan, as a mother, quickly noticed all of this.    


Muh Jingyan carried Yung Xiaodai into her arms and gently comforted him.    


"Did something happen at the airport yesterday?"    


When they came back last night, Yung Mo and the two little fellows did not say much. Muh Jingyan felt that the two children had come back, so she did not ask too much. At this moment, when she saw Yung Xiaodai's appearance, she suddenly felt that something was wrong yesterday. Something must have happened that made Xiaodai distressed. Otherwise, this kid would not be in such a bad mood at this moment.    


"En!" Yung Xiaodai nodded obediently. He did not push Muh Jingyan away as usual. He just quietly snuggled in his mother's warm embrace.    


However, his heart felt even more uncomfortable.    


He still had his mommy to hug, and a mommy's fragrant embrace. But that little girl had nothing left. No mommy, no more fragrant embrace.    


Thinking of this, Yung Xiaodai's mood became even worse.    


"Can you tell mommy?" Muh Jingyan wanted to drive her son away, but the prerequisite was that she still had to know what happened at the airport yesterday.    


"Daddy said he won't let Mommy know. He can't let Mommy worry!"    


Yung Xiaodai wanted to say it, but when he thought of what his daddy said, he hesitated.    


"It's okay. Mommy won't let Daddy know. Only you and I know about this. Daddy doesn't know. Okay, then tell Mommy what happened yesterday! "    


Muh Jingyan knew in her heart that Yung Mo must have said something to these two children. Otherwise, he wouldn't have told her nothing.    


Yung Xiaodai frowned. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Muh Jingyan and said, "Then Mommy, pull the hook. Don't let Daddy know!"    


"Yes, you can't let Daddy know!" Muh Jingyan stretched out her little finger and hooked Yung Xiaodai's little finger.    


"Come on, tell me, what exactly happened?"    


Yung Xiaodai was silent for a moment, as if he was preparing to say what he should say. He then raised his head and looked at Muh Jingyan. Then, he told her everything that happened at the airport yesterday.    


After hearing Yung Xiaodai's words, Muh Jingyan also frowned and looked at Yung Xiaodai. "So you want to go and see that little sister, right?"    


"Yes!" This time, Yung Xiaodai quickly nodded his head.    


"The little sister and her mommy were sent to the hospital, but I heard on the phone with Uncle Li this morning that the little sister's mommy couldn't be saved. That little sister doesn't have a mommy. Mommy, it's all because of me that she doesn't have a mommy! "    


Yung Xiaodai blamed himself. It was the first time a living person had died in front of him, but it was the first time that Yung Xiaodai was scared. Now, he was more upset that the little girl didn't have a mommy.    


"It's not your fault. It's the fault of those bad people. Let's go. Mommy will take you to see that little girl, okay?"    


Muh Jingyan looked at Yung Xiaodai's worried and sad look and thought about the little girl who had lost her mommy. She also felt a little upset in her heart.    


"But Daddy doesn't let me go out. What if Mommy takes me to the hospital to see that little sister daddy and finds out?" Yung Xiaodai was still a little worried that this matter would be known by Daddy.    


"It's okay. Mommy is here. Let's go!"    


Muh Jingyan rubbed Yung Xiaodai's head and held him in her arms.    


"Mommy, I will go by myself. I still need to take things!"    


Muh Jingyan put Yung Xiaodai on the ground, then Yung Xiaodai ran to the side, opened the cabinet, and took out a Barbie doll that was hidden secretly.    


Muh Jingyan looked at the Barbie doll in Yung Xiaodai's hand. She had never seen this doll in Scenic Garden, and Xiaodai and Xiaomeng had never played with these dolls, so it definitely wouldn't belong to Xiaodai and Xiaomeng.    


Seeing that there were some blood stains on the Barbie doll's body, Muh Jingyan already guessed in her heart. Looks like this Barbie doll should be the little girl's.    


Muh Jingyan naturally held Yung Xiaodai's hand, then left Scenic Garden and went to Lih's Hospital.    


However, what Muh Jingyan and Yung Xiaodai did not expect was that by the time they arrived at Lih's Hospital, the little girl in the hospital had already been discharged. Even her little girl's corpse had been taken away.    


"Mommy, what should we do? The little sister is gone?" Yung Xiaodai was worried. He didn't know how the little sister was without her mommy. Was she very sad?    


"You sit here for a while. I will go and ask your Uncle Li!" Muh Jingyan knew Yung Xiaodai was worried, so she patted his shoulder to comfort him and let him sit properly.    


"I'll go too!"    


Yung Xiaodai looked at Muh Jingyan firmly. There was a bit of urgency on his usually cold and cool face.    




Fortunately, when Muh Jingyan brought Yung Xiaodai over, Lih Yuncheng was in the office. When he saw Muh Jingyan bringing Yung Xiaodai over, he immediately greeted her.    


"Sister-in-law, why are you guys here?" He didn't receive any notice from his boss, saying that his sister-in-law was bringing Xiaodai over.    


"En, I'm here to ask you something!"    


"What is it, tell me!" Lih Yuncheng really could not think of what his sister-in-law brought Yung Xiaodai here to ask.    


"Who took the little girl that was sent over last night?" Muh Jingyan didn't beat around the bush and directly looked at Lih Yuncheng and asked.    


Little girl? When Lih Yuncheng heard this name, his heart immediately became clear, "Sister-in-law is talking about the little girl who was sent over with blood all over her body, as if she was scared silly, and a woman who was shot several times?"    


"Yes, it's them. I want to know who took them away!"    


Muh Jingyan nodded.    


"I don't know the exact identity, but I heard that it was the father of that little girl, the husband of that dead woman. He took them away this afternoon!"    


Lih Yuncheng knew a little about the mother and daughter. After all, it was something Boss Rong had personally instructed him to do, so he had carefully inspected the little girl.    


"Uncle Li, do you have their address?"    


The one who asked this question was Yung Xiaodai. When he heard that it was the father of the other party who had taken the little sister away, Yung Xiaodai heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, he couldn't help but worry about whether the little sister was living a good life or not.    


"I'll give it to you!"    


Lih Yuncheng quickly found the mother and daughter's registered address from a pile of medical records. He gave it to Muh Jingyan and Yung Xiaodai. The mother and son took the address and left the hospital.    


However, as soon as Muh Jingyan and Yung Xiaodai left Lih's Hospital, Lih Yuncheng immediately called Yung Mo's phone. When Yung Mo heard Lih Yuncheng's words, he only responded faintly and hung up without saying anything.    


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