Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1070 Be Gentle You Are a Girl

C1070 Be Gentle You Are a Girl

"Well, make it more obscure. Don't let them notice. Better let them go by themselves!" Yung Lingtian's eyes revealed a deep scheming look.    




"Inform the people from the Cloud Shadow Guard to follow secretly. Don't let them discover us!"    


"Alright, I'll do it right away!"    


Yung Lingtian hung up the phone. His dark and cold eyes looked deeply at the night sky outside the window.    


When Guu Xirann came out of the shower, she saw Yung Lingtian quietly looking at the moon outside the window. When he heard the sound behind him, Yung Lingtian turned around and waved at Guu Xirann.    


"Come here!"    


Guu Xirann walked to Yung Lingtian's side and looked at the tall and handsome man in front of her.    


Yung Lingtian reached out his hand to take off the towel wrapped around Guu Xirann's long hair and gently wiped it for her.    


Deep in his eyes, there was a deep affection that he had never felt before. "In the future, after you wash your hair, remember to blow it dry. Don't catch a cold!"    


"I'm not that weak. I'm a member of the special forces, the king of the female soldiers!" Guu Xirann's heart warmed, but she smiled indifferently.    


"You have to take care of yourself. Don't let yourself get sick!"    


"Got it. I will pay attention!"    


"Okay. I have to go on a long trip tomorrow. I might be back in a few days!" Yung Lingtian looked at Guu Xirann with a bit of reluctance in his eyes.    


But when he thought about how his two brothers still had no news, he could not help but feel worried.    


"When will you be back?"    


When Guu Xirann heard that Yung Lingtian was going to leave for a few days and had not left yet, she could not bear to part with him.    


"I am not sure yet, but I will come back after I am done with my work. Take good care of yourself. Eat three meals a day on time. If I find out that you have lost weight when I come back, I will teach you a lesson!"    


"If you dare to teach me a lesson, I'll let you sleep on the floor!"    


"Xi-er, be gentle. You're a girl!" Looking at the beautiful face of the woman in his arms, Yung Lingtian couldn't help but spoil her.    


He hadn't noticed it before, but now he realized that his little wife was very violent. But it was very to his liking!    


"I regret it. It's too late, Yung Lingtian. You chose this yourself!" Guu Xirann snorted coldly and stared at Yung Lingtian's smiling handsome face.    


"Yes, I chose it!" Yung Lingtian smiled dotingly and continued to wipe Guu Xirann's hair.    


"Yung Lingtian, you leave. What if I want to eat the dishes you made?" Guu Xirann felt wronged. She held Yung Lingtian's waist tightly and leaned her head against his chest as she muttered.    


Such a lovable and lovable appearance made Yung Lingtian's eyes light up. His clear and handsome eyes were full of smiles, full of love and indulgence.    


"I'll make food for you every day when I come back!"    


"You said it!"    


"Yes, I'll make food for you for the rest of your life. I'll make you into a pig! " Yung Lingtian reached out and pinched Guu Xirann's little face. He fondled it admiringly for a while.    


"Yung Lingtian, you are so confident. Unfortunately, I can't get fat no matter how I eat. You are going to be disappointed!"    


"Little thing!"    


Seeing Guu Xirann's cunning and confident look, Yung Lingtian's heart became softer and softer. He was actually more reluctant to leave Guu Xirann.    


Yung Lingtian felt endless grief when he thought about how he would not be able to see his little wife for a few days.    


When he caught those two brats, he would definitely teach them a good lesson. If it wasn't for them, how could he abandon his little wife?    


That night, after Yung Lingtian brought Guu Xirann out to have a good meal, they returned to Heavenly Fragrance Garden together.    


Yung Lingtian pestered Guu Xirann until the latter half of the night before he let her go with a face full of longing.    


When Guu Xirann woke up the next day, Yung Lingtian was no longer by her side. Only Qing Yu was waiting downstairs with Nangong Liuhsing. The two of them stared at each other, waiting to send Guu Xirann to the army.    


"Mommy, what happened to your neck?"    


Nangong Liuhsing looked at the few red beads on Guu Xirann's neck and asked curiously. Because Qing Yu was there, Nangong Liuhsing directly called Guu Xirann mommy.    


Being asked by the little guy, Guu Xirann immediately remembered Yung Lingtian's enthusiasm last night. She could not help but blush and said with a sparkle in her eyes, "I was bitten by a dead mosquito!"    


Wei Qingyu, who was driving in front, couldn't help but laugh when he heard Guu Xirann's words.    


When did her young master become a mosquito?!    


Guu Xirann blushed even more when she heard Wei Qingyu's laughter.    


When they reached the army, Guu Xirann pulled Nangong Liuhsing out of the car.    


As soon as they returned to the army, the messenger rushed over and asked her to make a trip to the conference room.    


After Guu Xirann gave Nangong Liuhsing some instructions, she passed it to the messenger and walked towards the meeting room.    


In the meeting room, the leaders of the nine teams had all arrived. After Guu Xirann sat down, Mu Zhishan, who was in the lead, spoke to everyone.    


"Everyone's table has the information we just received today. It is the information regarding the competition between the various forces in various countries. Everyone can take a look at it first!"    


When Guu Xirann heard the words black box, she could not help but frown slightly. She opened the information in her hands and roughly read through it.    


"Chief, could it be that the higher-ups want our Special Forces to take back this black box?" After looking at the information in her hands, Guu Xirann looked at Mu Zhishan and asked.    


The other eight captains also raised their heads to look at Mu Zhishan.    


"That's right. The black box is very important to our Z Country. So this time, the higher-ups have given us an important task!" Mu Zhishan nodded.    


"When are we leaving?"    


Mu Xiao asked.    


"The higher-ups are still confirming the final news. If there are no mistakes, it should be in the next two days. So you need to prepare in advance and arrange everything so that you can be ready to leave at any time. "    


"Alright, we understand!"    


. . .    


At the same time, Nangong Yue also received the same phone call order.    


"Yue Meizi, this is your last chance. No matter what method you use, you must help the organization get the black box!"    


"Yes, this subordinate knows!" Hearing the slightly heavy voice on the other end of the phone, Nangong Yue's eyes darkened and she said in a deep voice.    


"Very good. I hope you will not disappoint the organization. Otherwise, the poison in your son's body. . . "    


"Please rest assured. This subordinate will definitely complete the mission and bring the black box back!" Upon hearing the other party use Nangong Liuhsing as a threat, Nangong Yue's expression immediately turned cold.    


"Very good!"    


After Guu Xirann received the order, she could only call Nangong Yue and pass Nangong Liuhsing to Nangong Yue. But at this moment, Nangong Yue had already left Z Country and could not be contacted at all. When the call was not connected, Guu Xirann frowned slightly.    


"Liu Xing, why didn't your mommy answer the phone?"    


"I don't know. Maybe she didn't hear it!" Nangong Liuhsing said as he played the game. In any case, he was powerless against his mother, the thief.    


"Let's go. I'll send you back first. Your godmother might have a mission tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. She can't take care of you anymore!"    


"Okay, okay!" Nangong Liuhsing nodded obediently. Then, he packed his little schoolbag and left the army with Guu Xirann.    


But when they arrived at Yibao District, they realized that there was no Nangong Yue at home. Even Nangong Yue's phone was directly turned off. This made Guu Xirann very anxious.    


Nangong Yue was not around and her phone was turned off. She was going out to carry out a mission. Nangong Liuhsing was alone at home, so she was naturally worried.    


Just as Guu Xirann was thinking about where to place Nangong Liuhsing temporarily, the doorbell rang.    


When she opened the door and saw the two people standing outside, Guu Xirann frowned slightly and stared vigilantly at the young and handsome evil man outside the door.    


"You are?"    


"Hello, I am Nangong Liuhsing's father, Guu Lin!"    


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