Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1147 Congratulations My Lady Colonel

C1147 Congratulations My Lady Colonel

"Bang, bang, bang -"    


The moment Guu Xirann walked into the meeting room, the sound of countless ribbon flowers blooming at her could be heard.    


There were quite a number of people in the meeting room. Seeing Guu Xirann's smiling face, Guu Xirann walked past them one by one and finally laid her eyes on the man at the back of the group.    


Guu Xirann did not understand. Didn't this man say that he had something to deal with at home and did not have time to send her? Why did he suddenly appear in the army and in the meeting room?    


After Guu Xirann recovered from her shock, she frowned slightly and said with a light laugh.    


"Is he welcoming me?"    


"Haha, Little Gu, Captain Gu, congratulations!"    


"That's right, Captain Gu. Congratulations on your promotion. Remember to treat me to a meal!"    


"Come, let's discuss this later. Captain Gu, where should we treat everyone to a meal?"    


. . .    


"Uh, that, can I ask what exactly is going on?"    


Guu Xirann looked at the people happily discussing in the meeting room and asked.    


"Comrade Guu Xirann, due to your excellent performance in this task of finding the black box and helping our summit to complete the task successfully, as well as your outstanding performance in every task in the army, the superior has already issued a letter of appointment to congratulate you on successfully advancing to colonel!"    


Mu Zhishan looked at Guu Xirann with a smile on his face.    


"Black box?"    


When Guu Xirann heard this name, she looked at Yung Lingtian, who was standing behind everyone.    


She had some doubts in her heart. Yung Lingtian nodded slightly at her. His eyes were full of gentleness.    


Guu Xirann also only glanced at Yung Lingtian, then shifted her gaze to Mu Zhishan and the others.    


"En, congratulations, comrade Colonel Gu!"    


Lu Wenyu personally issued the appointment letter.    


"Thank you, Chief!"    


Guu Xirann gave a bow and took the letter of appointment from Lu Wenyu.    


After Lu Wenyu left, Yung Lingtian had already walked up and looked at Guu Xirann with a deep and profound gaze. The deep and persistent light in his eyes made Guu Xirann's heart palpitate, but she did not understand why this man was here at this time.    


"Congratulations, Comrade Colonel Gu!"    


Yung Lingtian walked in front of Guu Xirann and stood a step away. He stared at the woman in front of him and then raised his hand. He tore off the epaulet on Guu Xirann's shoulder and replaced it with a new epaulet.    


The epaulet that represented the rank of a colonel!    


He silently said in his heart, Congratulations, my wife of a colonel!    


Although many people in the meeting room knew that Yung Lingtian was Guu Xirann's husband, they did not know the true identity of Yung Lingtian.    


When they saw Yung Lingtian change Guu Xirann's epaulet, although they had doubts in their hearts, but when they saw that the few chiefs did not say anything, they naturally would not say anything.    


Mu Xiao took a deep look at Yung Lingtian and Guu Xirann, who were standing face to face. A dark light flashed in his eyes, but it only lasted for an instant.    


He was moved too late. By the time he understood his heart, this girl already had someone in her heart, and what he could do was to give her his blessing.    


Furthermore, to him, being able to fight side by side every single time was already enough.    


"Congratulations, Colonel Gu!"    


Mu Xiao stepped forward and stretched out his hand to look at Guu Xirann. The expression in his eyes completely disappeared.    


"Thank you, Major General Mu!"    


Guu Xirann stretched out her hand and shook Mu Xiao's hand. She smiled faintly.    


Yung Lingtian stood at the side and looked deeply at the hands in front of him that were tightly clenched. His eyes were slightly twisted, and there was a dark shadow in his eyes!    


"Using power for personal gain?"    


Mu Xiao let go of Guu Xirann's hand. When he passed by Yung Lingtian, he used a voice only Yung Lingtian could hear.    


"At least you can scheme for yourself, right? Besides, I don't think my wife doesn't have the ability!"    


Yung Lingtian looked coldly at Mu Xiao. Regardless of whether it was his expression or his words, they were filled with confidence and determination towards Guu Xirann.    


Yes, he believed in his woman!    


Knowing that his woman had this ability, it was only right for her to be promoted to colonel!    


Mu Xiao laughed lightly and left.    


At least there was something to scheme for, wasn't there?    


It had to be said that Yung Lingtian was very good to Guu Xirann, so good that he felt ashamed. With such a man by Guu Xirann's side, he would definitely not be able to compete with her!    


Even if he also understood that Guu Xirann could be a colonel, she also had the ability to be a colonel.    


Furthermore, with Guu Xirann's outstanding results for so many years, she could totally have a higher position. Guu Xirann only lacked the family's background.    


At this moment, with Yung Lingtian, Guu Xirann really had everything. And these were all things that he could not give!    


The men of the Yung family either did not love her, and once they fell in love with her, they were willing to give everything they had!    


Not to mention just promoting Guu Xirann to colonel, even if Guu Xirann wanted to be Yung Lingtian's position, Yung Lingtian would agree!    


After the simple ceremony, everyone pushed out of the meeting room, giving Guu Xirann and Yung Lingtian enough space and time.    


"Didn't you have something to do? Why are you here?"    


Guu Xirann was silent for a long time before she looked at Yung Lingtian and asked.    


"Yes, I have something to do. This is the most important thing in my heart. Are you happy, madam?"    


Yung Lingtian looked at Guu Xirann with a burning gaze.    


"Why did I suddenly advance? Is it related to you?"    


Guu Xirann was very sensitive. She knew very well what the army and the government were like. It was already a very high position to be promoted to major with the military merits she had made over and over again, but at this moment, she had been promoted two levels in a row.    


And Yung Lingtian's appearance made Guu Xirann doubt him.    


"If I say yes, are you not going to accept it?"    


Yung Lingtian knew what Guu Xirann was thinking, but he did not deny it. He looked at her seriously.    


Guu Xirann pursed her lips and looked up at Yung Lingtian. She did not say anything.    


"Xi-er, you have to understand that even if your promotion has nothing to do with me, your ability can shoulder this identity. Or do you not even have this bit of confidence! "    


Yung Lingtian admitted that Guu Xirann's promotion had something to do with him, but he wanted to tell his woman that she had the ability to obtain this position.    


"Who said I don't have it?"    


Guu Xirann looked up and waited for Yung Lingtian. Her cold face was full of courage, and her eyes were full of determination.    


"Yes, I know. My wife has always been very capable!"    


Hearing Guu Xirann's words, Yung Lingtian smiled. His smile was gentle and pious. He stared deeply at the woman in front of him as if he wanted to see the end of the world.    


"I will come and pick you up early tonight. Wait for me in the army obediently!"    


"What? You have something else to do?" Guu Xirann frowned in confusion.    


"Madam has been promoted. Shouldn't we celebrate? Don't worry, we are all on the same side!" Yung Lingtian knew that Guu Xirann did not like to be with people she did not know, so he added.    




Guu Xirann nodded and agreed after hearing Yung Lingtian's words.    


After Yung Lingtian left the army, Guu Xirann remembered that she had not asked what happened when Luo Sujuan framed her last time.    


With this thought, Guu Xirann walked towards Mu Zhishan's office.    


"Colonel Gu, are you looking for General Mu?"    


Guu Xirann had just walked to the door of General Mu's office when she saw Mu Zhishan's messenger walk out. She nodded and said, "Yes, is General Mu inside?"    


"Yes, you can go in!"    




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