Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1148 Your Sister-in-law Is Thin-skinned

C1148 Your Sister-in-law Is Thin-skinned

"General Mu!"    


"Little Gu, you have something to talk to me about. Come, have a cup of tea first. It's a new tea that just came down this year!"    


Mu Zhishan saw Guu Xirann smiling as she got up. He walked to the side and poured a cup of tea for Guu Xirann.    


"Thank you, General Mu. I came over to ask what the Discipline Inspection Committee thought about my previous matter. "    


Guu Xirann took the cup and drank a mouthful. She looked at Mu Zhishan and asked.    


"The Discipline Inspection Committee has already investigated this matter. They have also repeatedly confirmed the content of the surveillance video. They have confirmed that you are not responsible. You have worked hard for the past two days. "    


"Mm, I understand now. Thank you!"    


Guu Xirann thanked him and then walked out of the office.    


. . .    


In the evening, it was time to get off work. There was still half an hour before Guu Xirann's phone rang.    


"I'm at the entrance of the army. When you get off work, you can directly come out and see my car!"    


Guu Xirann picked up the phone, and Yung Lingtian's deep, magnetic voice came from inside.    


"Okay, I got it!"    


Guu Xirann nodded. She liked this kind of faint happiness.    


After dealing with the things in her hands, Guu Xirann had just walked out of the office with her hat in hand when she ran into Lu Qingtian.    


"Sister-in-law, congratulations!"    


"Thank you!"    


Guu Xirann nodded and looked at Lu Qingtian.    


The two of them walked out of the army gate one after the other. Yung Lingtian walked down from the back seat and walked towards Guu Xirann. He naturally wrapped his arms around Guu Xirann's waist and opened the door to let Guu Xirann sit in the car before getting into the car.    


Seeing the usually cold and cold-hearted man suddenly make such a gentle move, Lu Qingtian felt goosebumps all over his body as he watched from behind. He quickly ran to the front passenger seat and was about to get into the car when he heard Yung Lingtian's cold voice.    


"You sit in the car at the back!"    


As soon as Yung Lingtian finished speaking, he had already ordered Qing Yu to drive the car, which made Lu Qingtian feel aggrieved.    


He was indeed a guy with the opposite sex and no humanity. Once he had a wife, he would forget about his brothers!    


Guu Xirann turned her head and looked through the glass at the aggrieved Lu Qingtian behind her. She could not help but chuckle.    


"Is this okay? Qingtian won't be angry, right?"    


"Qingtian? Since when did Madam call another man so intimate?"    


Yung Lingtian looked at the woman beside him and hugged her as he asked.    


"It can't be. Yung Lingtian, you even eat this kind of jealousy!" Guu Xirann looked at the man beside her and exclaimed.    


"Yung Lingtian, you think I should not be jealous!"    


Yung Lingtian raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman in his arms and said meaningfully.    


"Alright, it's Lu Qingtian!"    


Guu Xirann immediately changed her words when she saw Yung Lingtian's expression as if he wanted to swallow her whole. She had been bullied quite badly these few days. She did not want to accept the anger and jealousy of this man when he went back at night!    


"Xi-er, do you think that you can receive less punishment after changing your words at night? Hmm?"    


Yung Lingtian looked at the woman in his arms and couldn't help but chuckle.    


Guu Xirann nodded her head vigorously!    


"Then why don't I ask for some interest first!"    


After Yung Lingtian finished speaking, he lowered his head to Guu Xirann's lips at night.    


Qing Yu, who was driving in front, saw the scene behind and immediately pressed the button in the middle sensibly.    


After the kiss, Guu Xirann's face became extremely red. Even after getting out of the car, her small face was still flushed red and looked like she had been ravaged.    


On the contrary, the man standing beside her had a face full of energy. His words and actions were indescribably elegant and noble. He was like a black-bellied wolf in sheep's clothing.    


Guu Xirann thought hatefully in her heart.    


How did she fall into this man's trap back then and admit this "ill-fated relationship"!    


Fortunately, the people she celebrated at night were all her family and friends that she was familiar with, Yung Lingmo, Yung Lingchen, and the others.    


Guu Xirann did not feel too anxious when she saw these familiar faces. After a meal, she became more familiar with Lu Qingtian and the others.    


After the meal, everyone suggested to find a place to drink and chat. Guu Xirann and Lu Qingtian went to change into ordinary casual clothes and went to Eight Heavens with a large group of people.    


Everyone was familiar with Eight Heavens. They went straight to the luxury room on the top floor. Guu Xirann frowned when she saw Yung Lingtian and the others familiar faces.    


"You guys come here often?"    


"Yes, yes, often. Sister-in-law, you have to take good care of my brother. Don't you know that? He used to. . . Cough cough, I didn't say anything. Ah, today's weather is really good!"    


Yung Lingmo was just happy to say it to Guu Xirann when he suddenly felt his big brother's cold gaze on him. He immediately shivered and looked up at the ceiling above his head.    


When everyone heard Yung Lingmo's words, they all fell silent.    


The weather was really good. It was so late at night that they could see a ghost of weather in the bar!    


Guu Xirann laughed lightly. When she saw Yung Lingmo's cute appearance, she could not help but curl her lips. Then, she turned to Yung Lingtian and asked with a smile.    


"Yung Lingtian, weren't you very dishonest in the past? You come to this kind of place every day?"    


"That guy wants to snatch his goddess away from me every day. You also believe this kind of nonsense!"    


Yung Lingtian's indifferent eyes looked at his younger brother. Then, he stretched out his hand and pulled Guu Xirann into his embrace. He said with a smile.    


"That's hard to say. For a wolf like you who is wearing sheepskin, who knows if you have done something bad to hide from me!"    


Guu Xirann raised her eyebrows. Her usually cold eyebrows were now charming. She looked at Yung Lingtian with a deep gaze and leaned closer to Guu Xirann's ear.    


"Even if it is a wolf, it only transforms into a wolf in front of you. Isn't Madam the clearest?"    


"Hey, hey, hey. That's enough for the two of you. Don't torture the dog. We're still single!"    


Seeing Yung Lingtian and Guu Xirann's loving look, Lu Qingtian and the others hurriedly shouted.    


Guu Xirann pushed Yung Lingtian away when she was yelled at by Lu Qingtian. Fortunately, the light in the room was dim, so it was not obvious that she was blushing.    


"You guys play, I'm going to the bathroom!"    


Guu Xirann quickened her pace and walked to the door of the room. When the door was closed, she heard a sound coming from the room. She almost fell down awkwardly.    


"Eh, sister-in-law, why are you going to the bathroom outside? Isn't there a separate bathroom in the private room?"    


Yung Lingchen asked in puzzlement.    


After that, Yung Lingtian said with a smile on his face: "Your sister-in-law is thin-skinned and shy!"    


Guu Xirann only felt a burning sensation on her face when she heard Yung Lingtian's words. She ran towards the bathroom!    


Guu Xirann stayed in the washroom for a while. She washed her face and patted it hard. She only came out after the burning sensation on her face had subsided a little.    


When she just came out of the washroom, she inadvertently looked down and saw a familiar figure flash across the dance floor below. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared again.    


Guu Xirann narrowed her eyes and thought about the face she saw on the dance floor. It was definitely not her imagination. Her eyes turned cold and she quickly ran downstairs.    


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