Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1256 I Can't Wait Any Longer

C1256 I Can't Wait Any Longer

"Not bad. You have a good relationship with the old man!"    


Seeing Yung Lingtian and old master Guu walking over, Guu Lin looked at Yung Lingtian, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile.    


"Are you going out later?"    


Yung Lingtian looked at Guu Lin and asked.    


"Yes, I have something to do. Shall we go out together?"    


"Sure. Wait for me to take a shower and change my clothes!"    


"I'll wait for you in the car!"    




Yung Lingtian nodded and walked upstairs. He happened to bump into Guu Yiluo coming down from the corner. He was also slightly stunned when he saw Yung Lingtian.    


Yung Lingtian acted as if he did not see Guu Yiluo standing there. He walked past her without looking and walked past her. Guu Yiluo was stunned and called out anxiously.    


"Sis. . . Brother-in-law, wait a minute!"    


"Miss Guu is looking for me for something?"    


Yung Lingtian turned around and looked at Guu Yiluo, who was standing at the corner, and asked coldly.    


"I, I am fine. Oh, yes, I'm fine. Brother-in-law, I'm sorry. It was my fault last night. Please don't misunderstand. I-I don't mean anything. I just have something I want to say to you! "    


Guu Yiluo glanced at Yung Lingtian and carefully probed him.    


"Miss Guu, if you have something to say, say it here. I am in a hurry!" Yung Lingtian looked at Guu Yiluo, his expression was still cold.    


"I know brother-in-law has misunderstood me. It was my fault after dinner last night. I am young and insensible, so I deliberately said that. I hope brother-in-law does not take it to heart!"    


Guu Yiluo looked at Yung Lingtian and bit her lips, as if she really repented and admitted her mistake.    


"If it is this matter, Miss Guu can rest assured. I didn't think too much about it. If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"    


Yung Lingtian looked at Guu Yiluo and said. His expression was still indifferent and distant.    


Whether this woman knew her mistake or not had nothing to do with him. After all, she was Guu Xirann's cousin. No matter how he did not give face to Guu family, he had to give face to his wife in order to avoid arousing the tongues of others.    




Guu Yiluo still wanted to stop Yung Lingtian, but when she saw Yung Lingtian's cold expression, she could not help biting her lips and nodded.    


After Yung Lingtian took a shower and changed his clothes, he went out and said, "My Sister Luo is pestering you again?"    


"I'm fine!" Yung Lingtian faintly spat out two words, but his expression remained unchanged. After that, he looked at Guu Lin, who was looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, and asked, "When will Xi-er arrive?"    


"If the flight isn't delayed, it should be at night!"    


"It will take that long!" Yung Lingtian was a little disappointed. In fact, he wished he could see that woman as soon as he opened his eyes this morning. Thinking about how he still had to wait until night, he could not help but feel a little disappointed.    


"I can't wait for even a little bit of time!"    


Looking at Yung Lingtian's expression, Guu Lin could not help but laugh.    


"You are a loner who has never loved before. You definitely do not understand this kind of feeling!"    


Yung Lingtian laughed mockingly.    


"So what? At least my son is older than you!"    


Guu Lin smiled proudly, unmoved by Yung Lingtian's mockery and provocation.    


When mentioning the matter of his son, Yung Lingtian's expression turned slightly dark. He thought of the lost child. If that child was still in Xier's womb. . . Was it going to give birth soon?    


"What's wrong?" Seeing Yung Lingtian suddenly become silent, Guu Lin frowned and asked.    




. . .    


At eight o'clock in the evening, Guu Xirann brought Nangong Liuhsing out of the plane. Just as she walked out of the airport, she saw a figure walking towards her and was stunned.    


Even if it was that woman with wide black sunglasses on her face, Guu Xirann was able to recognize that woman with a single glance that it was definitely Nangong Yue.    


Nangong Liuhsing, who was held by Guu Xirann, also saw Nangong Yue. The spiritual connection between mother and son was the strongest. Almost at the moment they saw Nangong Yue's figure, they immediately flew towards Nangong Yue excitedly.    


"Mommy, mommy. . . "    


"Meteor, run slower!" Guu Xirann saw that Nangong Yue did not have any intention of stopping and could not help but frown as she shouted at Nangong Liuhsing.    


"Godmother, that's Mommy right? No, but I called her, why didn't she turn around!"    


Nangong Liuhsing looked at Guu Xirann with a wronged expression.    


"Mommy definitely didn't hear me clearly. Go out the door first. Your daddy sent someone to guard there. I'll go and find your mommy. I'll definitely help you find her!"    


Guu Xirann glanced at Nangong Liuhsing. If she pulled him along to chase after her, she definitely wouldn't be able to catch up. She could only let Nangong Liuhsing go out first.    


"Alright, then I will wait for you, godmother!"    


Nangong Liuhsing nodded obediently and looked at Guu Xirann.    


"Be good. Go. Take your phone with you. Don't run around. Your dad's people are here when you go out the door. "    


Guu Xirann reminded Nangong Liuhsing, but she was worried. She hurriedly said a few words to an airport staff member and then rushed to Nangong Yue's figure, which was almost drowned in the crowd.    


Outside the airport, Guu Lin and Yung Lingtian got out of the car when they saw Nangong Liuhsing come out. Yung Lingtian stared at Nangong Liuhsing's back, but he did not see the figure he wanted to see for a long time. He slightly frowned.    


"Daddy, godfather, why are you here?" Nangong Liuhsing ran over happily when he saw Guu Lin. He then threw himself into Yung Lingtian's arms and said excitedly.    


"Where's your godmother?"    


Yung Lingtian bent over and picked up Nangong Liuhsing's little body. He asked with a frown.    


"Godmother saw Mommy and went to chase after Mommy. It was inconvenient to bring me along, so she asked this auntie to send me out first. "    


Nangong Liuhsing said as he put his arm around Yung Lingtian's neck.    


When Guu Lin and Yung Lingtian heard Nangong Liuhsing's words, they looked at each other. Guu Lin frowned and asked, "Your mommy?"    


"Yes, yes, she came out with us at the airport just now!" Nangong Liuhsing thought that he would be able to see his mommy in a while and said happily.    


Yung Lingtian frowned slightly. His thoughts were almost the same as Guu Lin's. He suddenly saw Nangong Yue at this place. Was it a coincidence or was it intentional?    


"You guys get in the car first. I will go and find her!" Yung Lingtian was still worried about Guu Xirann alone, so he said to Guu Lin.    


"Be careful. Call me if anything happens!" Guu Lin nodded.    




Yung Lingtian responded and quickly ran into the airport lobby.    


"Sir, if you have any trouble, you can ask our airport staff to help you!" The beautiful young lady who sent Nangong Liuhsing out earlier looked at Guu Lin and said.    


"Thank you!" Guu Lin nodded politely. He looked at Nangong Liuhsing and said.    


"Liu Xing, thank Auntie!"    


"Thank you, Auntie!" Nangong Liuhsing obediently looked at the beautiful serving lady.    


"You're welcome!" The woman showed a standard smile, patted Nangong Liuhsing's head, and then smiled at Guu Lin. She turned around and left.    


"Daddy, that auntie just electrocuted you!"    


"No, you're wrong. Let's go. I'll take you to the car first!" Guu Lin looked at Nangong Liuhsing and smiled. His hand that was holding Nangong Liuhsing tightened slightly. He thought that he might see Nangong Yue later and was actually a little nervous.    


"Daddy, you're hurting me!"    


"Oh, then let me relax!" When Nangong Liuhsing cried out in pain, Guu Lin suddenly realized his actions and let go of Nangong Liuhsing.    


He could not help but despise himself in his heart. Damn it, why was he so nervous?    


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