Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1264 Yun Xing Is Gone

C1264 Yun Xing Is Gone

As soon as Guu Xirann got into the car, she couldn't wait to ask Yung Lingtian.    


"Did you find out anything about Nangong Yue?"    


"Yes, I did," Guu Xirann said. Yung Lingtian patted Guu Xirann's back and drove away.    


Half an hour later, Yung Lingtian's car stopped at the entrance of a small shop. Guu Xirann did not understand why Yung Lingtian parked his car there.    


A figure had already walked out of a small shop.    


Seeing Nangong Yue, Guu Xirann's eyes were shocked as if she did not expect Nangong Yue to appear in this small shop.    


"What is her relationship with this small shop?"    


Guu Xirann looked at Yung Lingtian and then looked at Nangong Yue and asked.    


"According to Poison Fang's investigation, it was said that a couple in the shop accidentally saved Nangong Yue. Coincidentally, both husband and wife did not have children, so Nangong Yue recognized them as parents!"    


Yung Lingtian looked in the direction Nangong Yue left and narrowed his eyes. He then looked at the woman beside him who also had a frown and asked.    


"Do you want to go in and have a seat? We can also get to know each other!"    


"No, for the time being, we can't be sure whether she really lost her memory or something else. If we go in now, I'm afraid we will alert the enemy!"    


Guu Xirann shook her head and looked at Yung Lingtian and said in a deep voice.    


"I thought you would want to go in and find out!"    


"I am indeed worried about Nangong Yue, but I am more worried about her safety. Before I can confirm it, I do not want to take the risk!"    


After all, Nangong Yue was a member of the underground organization in Country R. If her current appearance was a bigger conspiracy, Guu Xirann could not help but worry.    


"There is one more thing that I have yet to investigate!"    


Yung Lingtian suddenly said.    




Guu Xirann asked in confusion.    


"Nangong Yue fell off the cliff with Yuu Tengfei, but they did not find their bodies. If Nangong Yue is still alive, do you think Yuu Tengfei might be alive as well?"    


"Yuu Tengfei is the foster son of the leader of the Qing Gang, Master Qing. After Master Qing's death, the Qing Gang will be his. But if he is really alive, he must have found out that you killed the Qing Gang. If he is still alive, he must be hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack you!"    


Guu Xirann's thoughts were clear, and the more she thought about it, the more shocked she became.    


If Yuu Tengfei was still alive, it would be more dangerous.    


After all, the enemy was in the dark, and they were in the open. They could be attacked at any time.    


"Let's go first!"    


Yung Lingtian did not respond to Guu Xirann's words. He just narrowed his eyes. A faint dark color flashed in his deep and cold black eyes. Then, he drove away from the store.    


Not far from the store, there was also a car parked quietly.    


"Young Master Guu, that car just now seems to be Mr. Yung and Miss Four!" The subordinate sitting in the driver's seat in the front looked at the car in front of him and said to Guu Lin, who was frowning behind him.    


"En!" Guu Lin only responded faintly. He then looked at Nangong Yue's back, which was already so small that he could not see clearly. He ordered the driver, "Let's go!"    


"Young Master Guu doesn't plan to go in?"    


The driver was puzzled. Young Master Guu had stayed here for an hour!    


"I'm not going in. Let's go back to the company!"    


Guu Lin's cold and gloomy peach blossom eyes had some dark light in them. He took a deep look at the small shop across the street and ordered the driver to drive away.    


The two cars left one after the other. This scene naturally did not escape the eyes of a certain person hiding behind the window. He looked at the place where the two cars had long disappeared and coldly curled his lips.    


Whether it was Yung Lingtian or Guu Lin, he would take care of them one by one.    


He took out his phone and pressed a number. After the other person picked up the phone, he coldly ordered.    


"Now you can proceed to the next step!"    


. . .    


Not long after Guu Lin drove out, he ran into Yung Lingtian and Guu Xirann's car parked at the side. The window was half open, as if it was waiting for Guu Lin.    


"Young Master Guu, it's Mr. Yung and the fourth lady's car!"    


"Stop by the road. I'll go to their car. Follow behind you!"    




Guu Lin waited until the car was parked before he got into Yung Lingtian's car and walked to the back seat.    


"Is there something you need from me?"    


"I saw you outside the store just now, but what did you see?" Yung Lingtian asked straightforwardly.    


"Not yet!" Guu Lin said in a low voice.    


Yung Lingtian saw Guu Lin's expression was not good and could not help but look at Guu Lin behind him through the rearview mirror. He raised his eyebrows and said coldly.    


"What, hurt your mind for a woman?"    


"You can say that. Last night, I had an argument with you for a whole night. You want your mother dead!" Guu Lin sighed. He looked a little tired. He had been coaxing Nangong Liuhsing the whole night.    


Yung Lingtian pursed his lips and became silent. After a while, he suddenly said.    


"What do you think about the Muh family? It's best to attack them as soon as possible!"    


"What? Are you serious? They are you. . . " Guu Lin was slightly surprised. His hatred for the Muh family was too deep. Even if it was because of Guu Xirann and Yung Lingtian, he would not be soft-hearted towards the Muh family.    


However, he did not expect Yung Lingtian to take the initiative to help him deal with the Muh family. He raised his eyebrows in confusion.    


"The Muh family has seriously injured my grandparents and my sister. I have to settle this score with them, but it's not realistic for the Yung family and Dongfang Family to make a move against the Muh family. What do you think? Let's work together!"    


When he thought of the injuries on Dongfang Zhan, Muh Qingwan and Dongfang Yunxing, the coldness and killing intent in Yung Lingtian's eyes spread out layer by layer.    


"Sure. We have already secretly deployed the troops and are just waiting for the trap to be closed. I am naturally very happy that you have joined us!" Guu Lin nodded his head.    


"What do you need me to do? It just so happens that I have nothing to do!"    


Guu Xirann sat in the front passenger seat and listened to the conversation between the two men. She frowned and suddenly said.    


"There is indeed one thing that I need you to do!" Yung Lingtian said.    




"Be a good wife and serve me well!" Yung Lingtian chuckled.    


"Boring, I'm serious!" Guu Xirann looked at Yung Lingtian and said with a serious face. She wanted to take some responsibility for him. She knew how dangerous it was to deal with the Muh family.    


"Follow me, don't go anywhere!"    


Yung Lingtian said seriously this time. If the war with the Muh family started, Muh Xiongtian and the others would try their best to hold Guu Xirann back.    


Guu Xirann was not only the weakness of the Guu family, she was also Yung Lingtian's weakness. At least, letting her stay by his side would make him feel more at ease than staying in the Guu family.    


"Alright!" Guu Xirann nodded her head and agreed.    


Just as the two of them finished talking, the phone in Yung Lingtian's pocket rang. He did not even look at it and directly threw it to Guu Xirann. "It is not convenient for me to drive, you answer!"    


"Oh!" Guu Xirann took the phone and looked at it. There was no name, so she swiped the screen. An anxious voice immediately came from inside.    


"Ling Tian, Yunxing is missing!"    


Guu Xirann's eyes were shocked when she heard the voice and her face turned pale. She hurriedly said, "Mom, it's me, Xirann. Don't worry, I will give the phone to Ling Tian now!"    


Guu Xirann did not say anything and directly passed the phone to Yung Lingtian. With an ugly expression, she said, "Mom said Yunxing disappeared!"    


Sure enough, Yung Lingtian's face tightened and he immediately turned the steering wheel. He parked the car by the side and picked up the phone. After that, he did not know what the other side of the phone said. Yung Lingtian frowned more and more and answered with an unfriendly expression.    


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