Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1268 Don't Scare Her

C1268 Don't Scare Her

The old mansion of the Bai Family.    


The subordinate followed Bai Mohan and searched for a long time, but he still couldn't find Dongfang Yunxing. He couldn't help but look at the man in front of him, who had a frown on his face and a worried look.    


"Young Master, could it be that Miss Dongfang is not here at all?"    


"No, she must be here. You guys go first. Don't follow me to avoid scaring her!"    


Bai Mohan did not even turn his head and said with certainty. He was deeply afraid that the people following behind him would scare that little girl and had a face full of reluctance.    


"But the Bai Family is so big, I'm afraid you won't be able to find it by yourself!" The subordinate looked at Bai Mohan worriedly.    


"No need. I know where she will be. All of you, retreat. Also, tell everyone to stay away from here and leave!"    


Bai Mohan spoke coldly. His voice was cold, but it carried a domineering tone that did not allow anyone to reject him.    


"Yes, young master!"    


When they heard their young master say this, the people under them naturally didn't want to follow him anymore.    


They all ordered the servants of the Bai Family to retreat to the front yard to guard it.    


After Bai Mohan withdrew his servants, he directly walked towards a large heating room behind the garden. His footsteps were a little hurried, but they were also extremely light. He was deeply afraid that if his voice was a little louder, it would disturb the people in the distant heating room.    


Even if he was now far away from the heating room. There was still a long way to go. The sound of footsteps could not be heard from the heating room at all.    


Even Bai Mohan himself did not know why he was so sure that the little girl would secretly run into the warming room.    


He still remembered that the warm room was designed by Bai Mohan himself on Dongfang Yunxing's 18th birthday and he gave her an adult gift. He transplanted a lot of different kinds of flowers into the warm room. They were all very nice to look at.    


If that little thing was really in the heating room. . . Did that mean that Dongfang Yunxing had recovered and woken up?    


Thinking of that little girl who had finally regained consciousness, Bai Mohan's pace quickened even more, as if he could not wait any longer. He could not wait to see that little thing that made him worried and anxious, but also pained him to death.    


The heating room was made entirely of transparent double-sided glass. One couldn't see what was inside from the outside, but one could clearly see what was happening outside from inside the heating room.    


Bai Mohan had just walked to the door of the heating room when he saw that the locked door of the heating room had once again been loosened. He was delighted and immediately went to pull the door of the heating room.    


As if the people inside had heard the sound of the door opening, there was a sound that was neither light nor heavy, as if something had been knocked down on the ground.    


Bai Mohan was deeply afraid that Dongfang Yunxing would fall and knock on it. He quickened his pace and walked in. As soon as he entered, he saw a white flower rack that had been knocked down on the ground.    


The few pots of orchids that were originally placed on the flower rack fell to the ground. The white porcelain pots were also smashed into pieces, and the soil inside was quietly lying on the ground.    


It was obvious that the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was the sound of the flower rack falling to the ground.    


It should be the sound of him opening the door that alarmed the person inside, so the person wanted to hide urgently and accidentally knocked down the flower rack.    


Bai Mohan was even more certain that Dongfang Yunxing was definitely in the warming room.    


"Xiaomeng, Big Brother Han is here. Don't you want to see Big Brother Han?"    


Bai Mohan's gentle gaze swept across the entire room and his soft voice slowly sounded.    


"Xiaomeng, come out quickly. If you don't come out soon, Big Brother Han will be angry and leave. I don't want you anymore!" Bai Mohan paused for a moment and did not notice Xiaomeng. He also did not hear any response. He could not help but frown and speak gently again.    


"Xiaomeng. . . "    


Bai Mohan called out quietly twice. His voice was softer and softer each time.    


Bai Mohan slowly walked in one direction and took two steps forward. He heard a very light sound of breathing.    


Although it wasn't big, if one looked carefully, they could still hear it clearly in the quiet warm room.    


Hearing the sound of breathing, Bai Mohan took two more steps towards the place where the breath was coming from. The expression on his face also became gentle, with a light of love that he had never felt before.    


"Yunxing, come out quickly. Big Brother Han will make delicious food for you. Make your favorite food!"    


Bai Mohan spoke again. This time, he took another two steps and could already see a black shadow hidden in the darkness. He immediately let out a sigh of relief.    


It was indeed that girl who was hiding here.    


Bai Mohan immediately walked towards the black shadow gently. His footsteps were light and gentle. He was afraid that Dongfang Yunxing, who was hiding in the darkness, would be scared away. But even so, after Bai Mohan took two steps, the black shadow immediately ran out and wanted to escape.    


When he saw the familiar figure trying to escape, Bai Mohan was shocked. His heart almost jumped out of his chest. He pulled her into his arms, afraid that she would run too fast and bump into the flower racks and vases around her.    


"Be careful, run slowly. Sss, hmm. . . "    


As soon as Bai Mohan finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder.    


Dongfang Yunxing could not break free from Bai Mohan's grip and bit down desperately.    


"Yunxing, be good. I am Brother Han. Don't you recognize me, Yunxing!"    


Even though Bai Mohan's entire shoulder was bitten by Dongfang Yunxing fiercely, he did not want to knock her out. The hand that was bitten by her tightly hugged her waist and the other hand pressed on the back of her head, pampering and rubbing it.    


He gently coaxed the little girl in his arms. Even if the little girl was doing something to hurt him at the moment, he was not willing to hurt her at all.    


"Yunxing, Yunxing, get better quickly!"    


Dongfang Yunxing did not intend to let go of him, so Bai Mohan kept coaxing her in a low voice. As he spoke, the pain on his shoulder made his entire body cramp, but he was still tense.    


One minute, two minutes.    


Ten minutes later, Bai Mohan felt Dongfang Yunxing, who was fiercely biting him, suddenly let go, and he could not help but look happy.    


"Yunxing, Yunxing, did you hear Brother Han? Yunxing?"    


Hearing the happy and excited expression of the man who was hugging her tightly, Dongfang Yunxing looked up with a puzzled face. Her originally crazed face was pale but the corner of her mouth was scarlet like a ghost who had sucked blood in the television. Even her eyes were scarlet red.    


After a long time, three words slowly popped out.    


"Big Brother Han. . . "    


"I'm here, I'm here, Yunxing, I'm here!"    


When he heard the soft and faint words, Bai Mohan almost fainted out of excitement. He hugged Dongfang Yunxing even tighter and wished he could hug her like this so that she could never be separated from him again.    


His Yunxing recognized him and would call him.    


Bai Mohan lowered his head gently and kissed Dongfang Yunxing's forehead lovingly. It was full of pity.    


"Brother Han!"    


Dongfang Yunxing seemed to be able to feel the joy of this man in front of her and called him softly again.    


"I am here, my little princess, my Yunxing!"    


Bai Mohan gently kissed her again and gently kissed the corner of her blood-stained lips. He licked the blood from the corner of her lips and gently hugged her in his arms, unwilling to let go of her at all.    


He knew that since she was here, she must have a memory of this place in her mind. That was why she came here by herself.    


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