Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1335 I'll Take Care of This

C1335 I'll Take Care of This

After hanging up the phone, Nangong Yue returned to the living room, but it was hard for her heart to calm down again.    


Thinking of what Sato had said on the phone, Nangong Yue could not help but feel worried.    


Nangong Liuhsing pulled Guu Xirann downstairs and saw Nangong Yue's absent-minded look. He slightly frowned.    


"Eh? Mommy, what's wrong? She was fine just now. Why did the phone call become so ugly?" Nangong Liuhsing muttered.    


"You said your mommy just answered the phone?" Guu Xirann looked at Nangong Liuhsing and asked doubtfully.    


To be able to show such an expression after answering the phone, it must be the person who called the Yamatake Group's Sato. Could it be that he said something to Nangong Yue on the phone again?    


"Yes, that phone rang for a long time, but Mommy told me to go upstairs and call you. So I don't know if Mommy answered it or not!" Nangong Liuhsing nodded.    


"Okay, go back to your room and play for a while. I have something to say to your Mommy!" Guu Xirann knew that Nangong Yue must have answered the call. She walked to Nangong Yue's side and said to her.    


"Let's go out for a walk. I have something to talk to you about!"    


"En, just nice. I have something to do too!" Nangong Yue nodded. She looked at Nangong Liuhsing, who had returned to her room, and then followed Guu Xirann out of the room.    


The moment they walked out of the room, Guu Xirann's expression immediately changed as she looked at Nangong Yue and asked.    


"The people from the Yamatake Group called you!"    


Guu Xirann's words were spoken with certainty. The main reason was that the expression on Nangong Yue's face was too obvious and Guu Xirann did not need to think much to understand it.    


"En, with a new instruction, it should be that you do not believe me, so you directly gave the order. The day after tomorrow night, let me lead Yung Lingtian to the rooftop. There will be snipers lying in ambush around to take care of Yung Lingtian!"    


After Nangong Yue finished speaking, Guu Xirann's face immediately darkened. Clearly, this was indeed a troublesome matter. Almost instantly, Guu Xirann rejected it.    


"No, he cannot go to the rooftop!"    


"I know, but Sato also threatened me with a meteor. Xirann, what do you think we should do now? It would be best if we can think of a way!"    


This was the thing that Nangong Yue was worried about. She was determined to lure Yung Lingtian to the rooftop. If it wasn't for this, it was very likely that she would be suspected by Sato Tuo and the Yamatake Group. What she was going to do next wouldn't be easy to carry out, and she probably wouldn't be able to return to the Yamatake Group.    


However, if she really brought Yung Lingtian to the rooftop, then if there were enough snipers lying in ambush, and all of them were first-class snipers, there could only be one outcome, and that was Yung Lingtian's death.    


Regardless of whether it was these two outcomes, they were clearly not what Nangong Yue and Guu Xirann wanted. But now, there were only two days until the engagement banquet the day after tomorrow night. It was not easy to come up with a perfect plan in two days.    


"Why don't you think of a way to make Yung Lingtian suffer some injuries or give birth to an illness. This way, he will not attend the engagement banquet the day after tomorrow!" Nangong Yue raised her head and looked at Guu Xirann.    


"No, if that is the case, we will not be able to lure out these big snakes behind us. Furthermore, ordinary injuries or sickness cannot stop Yung Lingtian from participating. That person is very capable!"    


Guu Xirann immediately shook her head. If Yung Lingtian really did not participate because of some minor injuries and minor illnesses, then it would be strange.    


"Moreover, cousin will also go that night. Ling Tian will definitely be worried that cousin will not be safe if he goes alone, so he will definitely go. Don't forget that the main character of that night was Muh Jingyu. Ling Tian has wanted to get rid of Muh Jingyu for a long time, so he will definitely not let go of this opportunity!"    


Although Guu Xirann didn't know the exact plan of Yung Lingtian and Guu Lin, she obviously knew a little about it.    


Therefore, she knew that Yung Lingtian would definitely participate in any ordinary problem.    


It was because she understood it in her heart that Guu Xirann felt that it was even more difficult to solve the problem.    


"If I really want to go, then this is the only way!" Both of them felt that this matter was somewhat difficult to handle. After a long while, Guu Xirann suddenly lowered her voice and looked at Nangong Yue very seriously.    


"What do you mean by this? What do you plan to do?"    


Nangong Yue suddenly had a bad premonition and looked at Guu Xirann's serious and cold expression.    


"That day when you want to lure Ling Tian to the rooftop, I will follow you!" Guu Xirann looked at Nangong Yue and did not want to joke but Nangong Yue immediately frowned.    


"Absolutely not. You follow. The height and appearance are too different from Yung Lingtian. Do you think that Sato Tuo's men will obediently let me bring you up there? There will definitely be people watching from the dark, and even if you go up there with me. . . What about the real Yung Lingtian? The most important thing was. . . The difference in height between you and Yung Lingtian isn't short. Who would believe that? "    


Nangong Yue looked at Guu Xirann's height. Although Guu Xirann was considered very tall among the girls, Yung Lingtian was indeed 1. 8 meters tall and 1. 9 meters tall. No matter how she calculated, the gap between the two of them was more than 10 centimeters.    


"It doesn't matter. This matter is decided. When the time comes, I can disguise myself. Besides height, I am also the one who can imitate Yung Lingtian's appearance the most!" Guu Xirann immediately slapped the board, "No matter what, I will not let him go to the rooftop!"    


"That won't do. Forget it. If it really doesn't work out, it will cause chaos below. The engagement banquet will cause chaos and something will happen. Even if I want to bring Yung Lingtian up there, it will be more difficult. I think it will be safer this way! " Nangong Yue frowned and said.    


"Sure, but in order to not let the people of Yamatake Group know that we deliberately caused chaos, it would be best to make this chaos bigger and bigger!" Guu Xirann felt that this idea was feasible.    


"Since it is the engagement banquet between Miss Ross and the young master of the Muh family, do you think that many people from the upper class will come back that day? Do you think it will be more effective for Miss Ross to be a little ugly at the engagement banquet that day?" Nangong Yue suddenly laughed coldly and looked at Guu Xirann with a playful expression.    


"For example, find someone to put on an act and accidentally let everyone know that the young miss of Ross family is actually not that beautiful!" Guu Xirann did not really like Ann Ni.    


"Then it's decided!" Nangong Yue nodded.    


"Hey, Xiao Yue, are you jealous that the young mistress of Ross family likes my cousin? I know you like my cousin! " Guu Xirann joked after she finished talking business.    


"Don't talk nonsense. There is no future between Guu Lin and me. You will understand!" Nangong Yue's face turned cold and a gloomy look flashed in her cold eyes. Then she said, "Tomorrow you will secretly investigate the situation behind Ann Ni. It is not easy for me to make a move. There are too many people staring at me!"    


Currently, not only were there people from the Yamatake Group secretly watching her, there were also people watching her as soon as she left the Guu's Castle. Even Guu Lin had secretly sent people to keep an eye on her.    


"No problem, I will solve it!" Guu Xirann nodded her head. She knew Nangong Yue's current situation and did not say anything.    


But it seemed that she needed to find someone to investigate this matter.    


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