Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1370 It Would be Best If Mu Jingyu Died

C1370 It Would be Best If Mu Jingyu Died

Almost the next morning, Guu Xirann personally went to the Guu family's army and led a small group of people away.    


One of them, the Guu family, was searching for Yung Lingtian. They had been searching for him for three whole days, but they still couldn't find any clues. On the other side, as Muh Jingyu disappeared, the Ross family and Muh family had also sent out a large amount of manpower and resources to search the entire city for Muh Jingyu's whereabouts.    


Along with the disappearance of Muh Jingyu and the scandal of the young lady of Ross family, the atmosphere in the Ross family had become especially gloomy and heavy.    


There were several arrests in the Ross family, and the target of the denouncement was naturally the young lady of Ross family.    


After the matter of Luo Si keeping a mistress in the entertainment industry was exposed, more and more private photos and new articles about Luo Si were exposed. This Noble Miss, who used to be in the upper class of G City, the number one socialite that all men dreamt of, almost lost her reputation overnight.    


At the same time that this young lady from Ross family lost her reputation, more and more people who knew about it were exposed. Luo Si's reputation was completely ruined in G City.    


Even if the Ross family sent out a large amount of manpower and resources to suppress him, Such a scandal was like a smelly ditch that flowed further and further away, causing the entire Ross family to be covered in dust.    


Even old master Muh, the person in charge of the Muh family, who was thousands of miles away, received the news almost immediately. He personally made a call to the Ross family.    


"Master of the Muh family, yes, yes. This matter is indeed not handled properly by the Ross family. But don't worry. Those reports are definitely not true. Don't worry, They are framing us. They don't want us, the Ross family, to have a marriage alliance with the Muh family! "    


The Ross family heard Muh Xiongtian's voice coming from the other end of the phone. Their facial expression was ferocious, but they could only respond to Muh Xiongtian's question and anger.    


"I don't care if what happened to your daughter is true or not, but the fact that my son went missing during the engagement banquet is true. You, the Ross family, must bear all the responsibility. If you can't find my son as soon as possible, the entire Ross family will be waiting for the Muh family's revenge!"    


Everyone knew how much Muh Xiongtian cared about Muh Jingyu. Although Muh Jingyu was the illegitimate son of Muh Xiongtian, he loved him as much as his own life.    


In the past, he had grown up under the protection of his pet and never showed his face in front of everyone. Now, such a thing had happened not long after he showed his face. The fury in Muh Xiongtian's heart was naturally not ordinary.    


Chief Ross was feeling extremely frustrated and resentful in his heart. Although Muh Jingyu's disappearance was part of the responsibility of Ross family, if it wasn't for the fact that Muh Jingyu wanted to deal with Yung Lingtian and the people of Guu family, how could such a thing have happened?    


Now, Muh Xiongtian wanted the Ross family to take full responsibility for his disappearance. This was truly infuriating.    


However, in the face of the fury of the Muh family, Chief Ross could only reluctantly accept it.    


"Don't worry, Master of the Muh family. Although the engagement banquet was ruined in the end, Jingyu is also the son-in-law of the Ross family. I will definitely settle the matter of his disappearance as soon as possible, and I guarantee that I will find him!"    


After he finally finished the phone call with Muh Xiongtian, the expression on Benm Rose's face became even more ferocious and frightening. Mrs. Ross walked up to him and saw the dark purple anger on Benm's face. She could not help but ask anxiously.    


"How is it, how is it? What is the Muh family saying now?"    


"Humph, what else can I say? Once Muh Jingyu disappeared, can Muh Xiongtian give me a good look? That was the son that Muh Xiongtian was most proud of. If something bad happened to Muh Jingyu, this Muh Xiongtian will surely bury the entire Ross family with him! "    


As the head of the Ross family, Benm Rose's expression and responsibility were not ordinary. When he thought of Muh Xiongtian's expression on the phone, he became even angrier.    


"This Muh Xiongtian is really too much. His own son ruined the engagement banquet and wanted to kill Yung Lingtian. Now that he has gone missing, he is the one who came to our Ross family instead. He really thinks that this is infuriating!" Mrs. Ross's expression didn't look good either. After thinking for a while, she looked at the head of the Ross Family and frowned.    


"I'm telling you, I heard that Yung Lingtian has gone missing as well. Now, the entire Guu family is searching for that son-in-law of the Guu family. This morning, Yung Lingtian's wife, stinky girl, who just returned to the Guu family, also went out to look for him!"    


Hearing his wife's words, the expression on the face of the family head of Ross changed slightly. He narrowed his eyes and said in a dangerous and ruthless manner. "Looks like Muh Jingyu and Yung Lingtian have disappeared at the same time. I'm glad that Muh Jingyu won't be able to return after he dies!"    


The expression on the face of the head of the Rose Family turned fierce, and he said with a strange smile.    


"How can you say that at this time? If Muh Jingyu really died outside, how could you say that? Can this Muh Xiongtian still go around our Ross family? " Mrs. Ross said worriedly with a frown on her face.    


"Hmph, what do you know? At this time, the Guu family was also looking for someone, and the one who went missing was the son-in-law of the Guu family. He went missing with Muh Jingyu. If Muh Jingyu dies outside. . . If this debt was pushed to the Guu family, then at most, our Ross family would be blamed by that old bastard, Muh Xiongtian. At that time, as long as we push all the problems to the Guu family, Muh Xiongtian naturally won't let the Guu family get away with it. At that time, both the Guu family and the Muh family will suffer heavy losses, and the Ross family will have the upper hand! "    


Benm Ross narrowed his eyes as he thought of this, and the expression on his face instantly became better.    


As long as Muh Jingyu died, as long as he pushed all the blame onto the Gu family, the result would be the same for the Ross family.    


Furthermore, the reputation of the young lady of the Ross family was so bad. Even if Muh Jingyu came back alive, it was still unknown whether he would be willing to reunite with the Ross family through marriage. Perhaps, if Muh Jingyu refused to marry the young lady, the Ross family would be happy for nothing.    


Naturally, they couldn't do such an unknown thing.    


Benm Ross thought about it and immediately looked at Mrs. Ross and said coldly, "Go and call Caine over. I have something to tell him to do!"    


"Okay, I will call my son over right now!" Mrs. Ross nodded.    


"Wait, what is that shameful stinky girl doing now?" When he thought of Luo Si, Luo Si's face was filled with anger and gloominess as he coldly asked.    


Mrs. Ross sighed and said somewhat helplessly, "What else can we do? For the past two or three days, she had been stuck in her room and did not come out. For such a thing to happen, Ann Ni's reputation outside was completely tarnished. Even if she goes out now, those good sisters in the past would probably not be willing to pour it out with her!"    


After all, she was her only daughter. Mrs. Ross was not happy that such a thing happened, but it had already happened. If this daughter had no other use, she could only become an abandoned child of the family.    


"Hmph, let her shut her door and reflect on her mistakes. Don't give her food to eat, and don't take a step out of the room. Otherwise, she will be in trouble!" The Head of the Ross Family shouted angrily.    


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