Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1501 Did You Really Secretly Eat Outside

C1501 Did You Really Secretly Eat Outside

"What's going on?"    


Yung Mo looked at Yung Lingtian and Xiaoyu, who were standing at the door. He glanced at the tea tray in Xiaoyu's hand and asked coldly.    


"Father!" Yung Lingtian called out when he saw Yung Mo come out.    


"Mr. Yung, it's my fault. I was going to give you and a few guests some tea, but I didn't expect it to be hot. I'm really sorry!" Xiaoyu lowered her head and apologized to Yung Mo.    


Yung Mo looked down at Xiaoyu's hand, which was holding the tea tray, and the back of her hand was red from the heat. He looked at Yung Lingtian and said.    


"It's alright, Ling Tian. Bring the tea in and let Xiaoyu go down to treat the burns!"    


"Yes, father!" Yung Lingtian nodded and took the tea from Little Yu's hand. He said to Xiaoyu, "Go down and treat it!"    


"Okay!" Xiaoyu nodded and ran downstairs with her head down.    


Lu Wenye saw Xiaoyu rushing downstairs. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Yung Mo and Yung Lingtian, who were standing at the door, and smiled. "Look at how you two bullied a little girl. How wronged!"    


"What's the matter with you? Go in!" Yung Mo coldly glanced at Lu Wenye who was standing at the side and speaking coldly.    


After that, the few of them entered the study and closed the door of the study once again.    


"Ling Tian, what happened outside just now?" Leng Yundi looked at Yung Lingtian and asked. Lu Wenye and Lih Yuncheng also looked at Ling Tian at the same time.    


"When I went upstairs, I saw Xiaoyu standing at the door. I thought she wanted to do something, so I shouted. I didn't expect that girl to be so shocked that she burned herself with tea!" Yung Lingtian looked at them and said.    


"That's good. Fortunately, we didn't say anything earlier. Otherwise, regardless of whether Xiaoyu is good or bad, she is not one of us. It is better to be careful!" Lu Wenye lowered his voice and looked at them.    


"I don't think she heard anything. When I went upstairs, she looked like she was about to knock on the door, but Second Uncle Lu is right. We should be careful!" Yung Lingtian nodded.    


"But to be honest, have you ever doubted the possibility of Xiaoyu? Didn't you think that someone has been watching everything in Yung family behind the scenes? If they know about your movements so clearly, could it be that this person is Xiaoyu?"    


Leng Yundi suddenly narrowed his eyes and thought of this possibility. He looked at Yung Mo and Yung Lingtian and said.    


"This possibility shouldn't be big. Xiaoyu fell off the cliff after being chased by Muh Jingyu in America. Luckily, it was a fishing village down there. Xiaoyu and her father saved me. Later, it was her father who personally handed her over to Xi-er and me. Furthermore, this Xiaoyu had always lived in the fishing village. After I took her away, the Guu family investigated her information. No problem, not to mention that she has always been in America. It's impossible for her to have any grudges with the Yung family, and it's not worth it either! "    


Yung Lingtian looked at Leng Yundi and rejected this idea. He had read through Xiaoyu's information thoroughly. Otherwise, his father and he wouldn't have brought Xiaoyu to Z Country to let Uncle Yuncheng treat her.    


"It's good that there are no problems. I suddenly thought of something and asked. After all, apart from the few of us, everyone else should be careful. It might be someone beside us who has problems!" Leng Yundi nodded when he heard what Yung Lingtian said.    


"En, this Ling Tian understands!" Yung Lingtian nodded his head and looked at Leng Yundi.    


. . .    


In the evening, Lu Wenye and Leng Yundi left when they knew Yung Mo had something to do.    


After that, Yung Mo drove Xiaoyu all the way to the entrance of Dynasty Hotel. Xiaoyu looked at the hotel in front of her. She opened her mouth wide in disbelief and looked at Yung Mo in a daze. "Rong. . . Mr. Yung. Are we really eating here today? Isn't it a bit too wasteful? Actually, if it's an act, it doesn't matter if we find a cheaper place! "    


Xiaoyu looked at Yung Mo with a pained expression and said.    


"It doesn't matter. If it's a cheaper place that doesn't show its value, let's go. You don't need to say anything tonight. You just need to do it with me!" Yung Mo looked at Xiaoyu and said coldly.    


"Yes, Mr. Yung. I will remember it. Don't worry!" Xiaoyu nodded and looked at Yung Mo with a smile.    


"Take my hand!" After Yung Mo brought Xiaoyu out of the car, he whispered to Xiaoyu.    


Xiaoyu immediately grabbed Yung Mo's hand and followed him into the hotel. There was a bit of tenderness and fear on her shy face, but because Yung Mo was by her side, she felt much better.    


However, Yung Mo was a famous person after all, and he had recently become famous. Many people naturally knew Yung Mo's appearance. When they saw Yung Mo at the entrance of Dynasty Hotel, they also looked over.    


"Eh? That man isn't that Yung Mo from Yung family, is he?"    


"Don't tell me, it really is that Yung Mo. No way. He seems to have brought a young and beautiful girl with him!"    


" Yeah, could this girl be the girl that the Yung family father and son fought over in the newspaper? She looks quite pretty. It was obvious that she was a young chick. The Rong family's head must have gotten sick of Miss Dongfang and decided to openly eat wild food outside! "    


" Heh, who can say for sure? Thinking back to that time, Yung Mo's heart was in great pain for Miss Dongfang. In the entire Di City, if anyone said that he favoured his wife the most, it would definitely be this Yung Mo. I never thought that no matter how good the relationship is, it would only be like this. I really feel sorry for that Miss Dongfang!"    


. . .    


Along the way, although there were not many people at the entrance of Dynasty Hotel, there were always some scattered people. Some even saw Yung Mo openly bringing his young and beautiful female companion out of Dynasty Hotel. He even secretly took photos and videos and posted them on the internet.    


In just a quarter of an hour, the Internet was filled with pictures of Yung Mo and the young woman's secret meeting. There were even some people who took pictures of Yung Mo bringing the young woman into the private room.    


In just half an hour, there were countless videos and comments under the posts. Some were scolding Yung Mo for being a scumbag man, and some were scolding the young woman for being a shameless Mo. There were also those who felt sorry for Dongfang Jingyan. There were also some who were just there to watch the fun.    


When Leng Qianqian and Ye Chuxia saw the videos and photos on the internet, it was already after dinner. When she saw the young women who were intimately holding hands with Yung Mo in the photos, Ye Chuxia was so angry that she vomited blood. She threw her phone away and ran into Lu Wenye's study room, asking angrily.    


"Lu Wenye, tell you honestly, did the man surnamed Rong really secretly eat outside and did something that let Jingyan down? Are you going to tell me now? "    


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