Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1825 He Had to Vent His Anger on His Mommy

C1825 He Had to Vent His Anger on His Mommy

After Yung Lingtian and Guu Lin finished talking, he went straight to the room to see Guu Xirann. After waking her up, he left the apartment with Guu Xirann.    


The private plane to Anye took off from the Guu family's private airport, so Yung Lingtian and Guu Xirann were not in a hurry. After they left the apartment, they returned to Guu's Castle.    


After packing up a simple luggage, they bid farewell to old master Guu and old madame Guu, who had been discharged from the hospital. Then, they took off from the private airport behind the Guu's Castle and headed to the Dark Night Empire.    


When Nangong Yue woke up, it was already dark outside the window.    


When Nangong Yue walked out of the room, Nangong Liuhsing was still playing games, but Guu Lin was no longer in the living room. Nangong Yue felt a sense of loss when she did not see Guu Lin's figure.    


"Mommy, you are awake!"    


When he saw the door behind him open, Nangong Liuhsing immediately turned around and saw Nangong Yue standing at the door.    


"Yes, I have played games for the whole afternoon. Do you want my eyes? Hurry up and turn off the computer to rest!" Nangong Yue frowned and walked to Nangong Liuhsing's side. She looked at him and said in a low voice.    


Didn't Guu Lin say that he would play games with Meteor in the afternoon? She did not even know that he had played games for the whole afternoon.    


"Oh, I know!"    


Once he heard his mommy speak, Nangong Liuhsing could only obediently turn off the computer.    


Because he instinctively smelled the strong smell of his mommy's menophrenia prematurely. When he came together, he roared at her. It seemed that he was in a bad mood, or perhaps he was unsatisfied with her request?    


However, he was helpless when menopausal was brought forward. If it was the latter, Nangong Liuhsing could not help but roll his large eyes. Then he jumped off the sofa and ran towards the kitchen. As he ran, he could not help but shout.    


"Daddy, Mommy is not satisfied with what she wants. Quickly come and help her vent her anger!"    




Nangong Yue's face instantly turned red when she heard Nangong Liuhsing's words. She was also stunned by Nangong Liuhsing's words.    


Didn't Guu Lin leave? Could it be that he didn't leave?    


Nangong Yue had just woken up. She felt a little awkward and unhappy when she did not see Guu Lin when she came out earlier. Now that she was called by Nangong Liuhsing, she was stunned. She only heard a familiar deep voice behind her.    


"Your mommy is thinking about your eyes. She has been playing for so long. It's time to rest!"    


Guu Lin walked to the kitchen door and rubbed Nangong Liuhsing's head. His long and narrow peach blossom eyes were filled with deep affection. He looked at the woman who stood motionless in the living room.    


"If you are hungry, I will wash the fruits over there. You can eat some to fill your stomach. There are two more dishes that need to be cooked. They will be ready soon. Wait!" After Guu Lin said this to Nangong Yue, he did not ask this woman to give him any response. He patted Nangong Liuhsing, who was hugging his legs, and said gently.    


"Go, accompany Mommy to eat fruit. Daddy will be able to eat after cooking!"    


"Alright then. Daddy, go quickly. Otherwise, Mommy will eat you when she's hungry!" Nangong Liuhsing let go of Guu Lin's hands that were hugging his legs. He chuckled and ran towards the dining table at the side.    


"Heh, where did this little thing learn these things that are not good!" Listening to his son's ambiguous words, Guu Lin could not help but laugh.    


Even Nangong Yue heard Nangong Liuhsing's words and could not help but look in the direction of Guu Lin. Her face was slightly unnatural.    


"That's what they say on TV!" Nangong Liuhsing picked up a strawberry and stuffed it into his mouth. The sour and sweet taste made him feel very comfortable. He couldn't help but grab a big strawberry and put it into his mouth. The light red strawberry juice flowed down the corner of Nangong Liuhsing's mouth.    


"In the future, don't look at things that are messy!"    


Hearing Nangong Liuhsing's words, Guu Lin and Nangong Yue said at the same time. When they finished speaking, they were stunned and turned around to look at each other.    


"Wow, daddy, mommy, you two really have a mutual understanding!" Looking at his daddy and mommy, Nangong Liuhsing narrowed his eyes and did not forget to tease them.    


Hearing Nangong Liuhsing's words, the expression on Nangong Yue's face became even more unnatural. She quickly looked away and walked to Nangong Liuhsing's side. She took out a tissue and wiped the corner of Nangong Liuhsing's mouth that was covered with blueberry juice.    


"Eat well. Don't talk too much when eating!" Nangong Yue finished wiping Nangong Liuhsing's mouth and wiped his hands for him. She scolded him with a slightly displeased expression, "Next time before you eat, wash your hands clean. If you find anything, make 50 push-ups for me!"    


"Oh, Mommy, I was wrong!" Nangong Liuhsing was too complacent for a moment and forgot that he had just finished playing the game and came over to eat fruit. He did not wash his hands and could not help but pout and say with an extremely good attitude of admitting his mistake.    


Looking at the mother and son in the living room, Guu Lin chuckled, then turned around and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.    


After Guu Lin finished cooking and the three of them finished eating, Nangong Yue looked up at Guu Lin and said, "The phone in your pocket has been thinking. If you have something to do, go ahead and do it. I will clean up here! "    


Guu Lin looked at Nangong Yue and saw her. He took out his phone from his pocket and looked at it. He frowned. "Okay, then I'll have to trouble you!"    


Guu Lin forced himself to spend an afternoon with the mother and son, but there were indeed a lot of things that happened during this period of time. When he heard Nangong Yue say this, he didn't decline. He nodded and stood up from the dining chair.    


"It's my duty!" Nangong Yue said politely.    


Nangong Yue could imagine how busy Guu Lin was. To Nangong Yue, he could waste an entire afternoon to accompany the shooting star. Guu Lin was indeed a qualified good father.    


Hearing Nangong Yue's words, Guu Lin's body paused and frowned. He then picked up the jacket that was placed at the side and put it on and looked at Nangong Liuhsing.    


"Daddy, go busy yourself first. You'll definitely be busier today, so you won't be coming over. You and Mommy should sleep early. Daddy will come back to see you tomorrow!"    


"Got it, Daddy. You can go back!" Nangong Liuhsing nodded obediently. Although he was a little reluctant to leave, his daddy had important things to do, so he could not cause trouble for no reason.    


"You're so good, take care of Mommy for me!" Guu Lin lowered his head and kissed Nangong Liuhsing on the forehead, then whispered into Meteor's ear.    


"I will, don't worry, daddy!" Nangong Liuhsing nodded and looked at Guu Lin seriously.    


Guu Lin's voice was soft, but Nangong Yue could still hear him clearly. Her earlobes were slightly pink. Today, this man would occasionally say something. One sentence would always cause Nangong Yue's heart to be a little chaotic.    


"I will be leaving first!" Guu Lin looked at Nangong Yue and said gently. Then, he walked to the entrance to change his shoes and went out.    


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