Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1429 Good News from the Dark Night

C1429 Good News from the Dark Night

After Guu Lin and Yung Lingtian left, they immediately boarded the Death Airplanes that they had prepared in advance and left.    


By the time Muh Chenxi and Muh Chenyao received the news that Guu Lin and Yung Lingtian had left, it was already the morning of the next day. However, they didn't have the spare time to care about Guu Lin and Yung Lingtian.    


After all, once Muh Xiongtian died, it would take some time for Muh Chenyao and the others to fully control all the properties of Muh family. Furthermore, although Muh Chenyao and the others kept the news of Muh Xiongtian's death confidential, it was hard to guarantee that the other Mu Family members wouldn't receive the news.    


In just two days, the news of Muh Xiongtian's death had already been reported by the media.    


As the head of the Muh family, one of the four largest financial families in the world, the news of Muh Xiongtian's death naturally caused an uproar in the world. It also made the rest of the people from the Muh family who were outside rush back.    


The battle for the power of the Muh family had just begun.    


At this moment, Yung Lingtian and Guu Lin had already returned to the Guu's Castle of G City.    


"During this period of time, there will be no peace in the Muh family!" Guu Lin looked at the newspaper in his hand and said in a deep voice.    


The newspaper was about the fight for the Muh family, and then some reporters attached some secrets and secrets about the Muh family.    


Even the news about Muh Xiongtian's illegitimate son would be reported on a large scale. However, the photos of the illegitimate son were not posted on the page. Even so, it attracted a lot of attention.    


Not to mention how many secrets there were behind the family of a super wealthy family like the Muh family. Naturally, it was discussed enthusiastically by everyone.    


"Wouldn't that be even better? Even if the people of the Muh family want to seek revenge from the Guu family, I don't think they have much time left. This will give us enough time to deal with the Ross family!"    


Yung Lingtian looked at Guu Lin and spoke in a deep voice.    


Although he still trusted Muh Chenxi, it was hard to guarantee that the rest of the people from the Muh family wouldn't seek revenge from the Guu family.    


"This mess of the Muh family is enough for them to clean up for a long period of time. Plus, the Muh family has suffered a huge financial loss during this period of time. I don't think they will have the time to deal with the outside world even if they want to!"    


Everyone was well aware of this.    


"Liner, let's go to your parents' tomb tomorrow and tell them so that they can feel at ease!" old master Guu looked at Guu Lin and said in a deep voice.    


"Yes, grandfather. I know. I will go to the grave tomorrow morning!"    


Guu Lin nodded. He had already avenged his parents. He should tell his parents and let them rest in peace.    


At the same time, after a month of rushing and winning, a piece of good news finally came from the Dark Night Empire. It was good news for Yung Mo and Yung Lingtian.    


"Mo, Yunxing and mother have hope now. Finally, there is hope!" Muh Jingyan, who was alone in the cold, was also filled with excitement when she faced Yung Mo.    


"Did Robert find a way?" Yung Mo heard Muh Jingyan's rarely excited voice on the phone and guessed a few points.    


"Yes. Robert has studied Muh Jingyu's condition through Meteor in the past two days. Now with Robert's treatment, mother and Yunxing's condition is showing signs of improvement!"    


Muh Jingyan said excitedly.    


"That's good. I have already settled most of the matters here. Ling Tian and I will return tomorrow!" After being separated from his wife for so many days, Yung Mo really missed her. In addition, ever since they had a few children, Muh Jingyan and Yung Mo rarely separated.    


Apart from the last time when they had been separated from each other in the Muh family, Yung Mo couldn't help but miss this time.    


"I also saw the situation in Muh family!"    


Muh Jingyan heard Yung Mo mention the situation there and also mentioned the Muh family. The news about the Muh family had been overwhelming for the past two days. Naturally, she had also received it. The news of Muh Xiongtian's death didn't surprise her at all. After all, all of this was already within her expectations.    


Furthermore, seeing what Muh Xiongtian had done to her mother and Yunxing, even if the Guu family didn't do anything to them, Muh Jingyan couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't kill Muh Xiongtian one day.    


If it wasn't for the Muh family and Muh Xiongtian, her daughter and mother wouldn't have suffered so much pain. His father wouldn't have fully recovered by now.    


"En, don't think too much about it. We'll be there tomorrow. You should rest early today!"    


Yung Mo heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Muh Jingyan's calm expression when she mentioned the Muh family.    


No matter what, Muh Jingyan's surname was Mu. No matter what, Muh Xiongtian was Muh Jingyan's grandfather. Yung Mo was a little worried that Muh Jingyan would think too much. But at this moment, he felt that he had thought too much.    


After hanging up the phone, Yung Mo looked at Yung Lingtian and said: "Go and prepare. We will leave tomorrow and return to Anye. Your grandmother and sister have made new progress!"    


"Really? Alright, I'll make the arrangements now!"    


Yung Lingtian's face lit up when he heard that his grandmother and Yunxing had made new progress. He nodded in agreement.    


Apart from that, Yung Lingtian naturally couldn't wait to return to the Anye. After all, Guu Xirann was there and had been separated for so many days. Yung Lingtian missed Guu Xirann very much. Adding the incident with Guu Yiluo, he missed her even more.    


He wished he could hug Guu Xirann in his arms right now and have a good time with her. But obviously, it wasn't possible at this moment.    


However, before Yung Mo and Yung Lingtian left G City, news of Muh Yeh came from the Dark Night Empire.    


A month's time had passed, and the weapons in Anye had all been produced. They could trade with the Ross family on time.    


Since they were going to trade with the Ross family, Yung Mo and Yung Lingtian naturally couldn't leave. Furthermore, Muh Yeh wasn't here. It was Yung Mo and Yung Lingtian's business to negotiate with the Ross family.    


On the other side, with the severe injuries of the Muh family, the Ross family had become exceptionally peaceful during this month.    


Perhaps this could be called the calm before the storm!    


"Father, do you think the Guu family was the one who caused the Muh family to suffer such severe injuries?"    


Caine Ross looked at his father and asked with an uneasy expression.    


"I think the matter of Muh family has something to do with the Guu family. It's just that I didn't think that the Guu family would have such capability. They actually caused the Muh family to suffer such a huge loss, and even killed Muh Xiongtian. I have really underestimated that bastard Guu Lin!"    


As soon as the news of the Muh family was released, the head of the Ross Family immediately sent his men to investigate. Although they didn't find much useful information, it was enough to make the head of the Ross Family fearful of the Guu family.    


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