Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2190 Successor Chapter 1 Don't Talk to Me

C2190 Successor Chapter 1 Don't Talk to Me

After Wai Ziwen left, the gentle smile on Ye Chuxia's face disappeared. She looked at Lu Beier, who was lying on the bed, coldly.    


That indifferent gaze made Lu Beier panic in her heart. She could not help but raise her head to look at her own mommy and felt a little uneasy in her heart.    


Mommy knew that she was in school and that was why she came to school today. Then whether it was the matter between her and Mr. Jinchen, Mommy also knew.    


Thinking of this, Lu Beier's heart became even more anxious and uneasy. She was deeply afraid that Mommy would not be happy to be with Mr. Jinchen.    


"What? Lu Beier, is this all you have? Your mother and I are standing here. You don't have any plans to tell me?" Ye Chuxia usually had a good temper and would usually be pleasant to the ear, but once it made her unhappy, That hot temper of hers was something that even her daddy could not handle.    


At this moment, looking at the cold smile on her mommy's face, Lu Beier felt sad no matter how she looked at it.    




Lu Beier softly called out, her expression was rather aggrieved.    


"It's useless to call me daddy. From today onwards, you have to teach properly in school. Without my call, you can't leave the school. You can't even go to the school gate. Do you hear me?"    


Ye Chuxia said in a domineering manner. Her expression was slightly cold.    


"Mommy, I don't want to!" Lu Beier was instantly unwilling.    


To not take a step out of the school gates. Then she wouldn't be able to see Mr. Jinchen. She wouldn't be able to eat the delicious food Mr. Jinchen made.    


"If you can't, you can do whatever you want. If you don't want it, you can do whatever you want. It's not up to you to say this. If you don't obediently take it with you in school, believe it or not, your mommy will send you on a plane tomorrow morning and let you go abroad to fend for yourself! "    


Ye Chuxia looked at Lu Beier and threatened coldly. Her expression was slightly angry and had a dignified expression.    


Seeing Ye Chuxia like this, Lu Beier could not help but tremble the corner of her mouth and lightly replied.    


Compared to going overseas immediately, she should temporarily feel wronged and stay in school.    


Anyway, she could not go out, but Mr. Jinchen could come and see her after work.    


With this thought, Lu Beier obediently agreed.    


"Later, I will ask the servants at home to bring you some sugar water and prepare a warm baby. You should pay more attention to yourself in school. Girls, you must pay extra attention to this!"    


"Oh, I got it, Mommy!"    


Lu Beier replied obediently.    


"Then you can stay here. I'll be leaving first!" Ye Chuxia said a few words to Lu Beier before leaving the infirmary.    


Looking at the back of her mother leaving, Lu Beier felt wronged in her heart. She was really just charging a phone bill to send her home. They had agreed to bring her home to rest and now she had directly left her in the school infirmary.    


What was even more abominable was that Ye Chuxia was about to leave, but she actually took Lu Beier's phone away.    


It really hurt my heart, Old Tie!    


This way, even if she wanted to contact Mr. Jinchen, she basically would not be able to contact him.    


. . .    


Lih Jinchen got off work early today. After changing his clothes, he called Lu Beier directly to ask what Lu Beier wanted to eat at night.    


He made a few phone calls, but no one answered. He could not help but frown. There was a worried look on his face.    


The little girl didn't have any classes at this time of the day, so she had already finished school. Furthermore, he understood the little girl's habits. Her phone was almost always with her. She had called so many times but still did not pick up. This inevitably made Lih Jinchen worried.    


He was really afraid that Lu Beier would be in danger, so he directly left the hospital and drove to Lu Beier's school.    


Ye Chuxia looked at the familiar three words on the phone screen in her hand and it lit up for a while before it dimmed again. In a few seconds, it lit up again and again but it did not change at all. She just let the phone in her hand ring.    


Even the driver sitting in the front passenger seat could not help but take a few more glances at Ye Chuxia through the rearview mirror.    


Did Madam vent her anger on Young Master Li now?    


Although it was wrong for Young Master Li to hide the fact that the Lu family was with the Young Miss, Madam had watched Young Master Li grow up. Madam had always felt sorry for him.    


At this moment, her expression was a little strange.    


After a while, Ye Chuxia's phone rang.    


After looking at it, she picked up the call.    


"I heard you went to Capital City High School today?"    


Lu Wenye's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Yes, I went!" Ye Chuxia said in a muffled voice.    


"What's wrong? I heard that the voice wasn't very happy. Who made you angry? It can't be our Baby Girl, right?" Lu Wenye heard the unhappy voice on the other end of the phone. He couldn't help but laugh and ask gently.    


"Lu Wenye, your daughter was nudged by a pig. Are you happy?"    


"That pig has such good eyesight and has taken a fancy to our cabbage seedling!" Lu Wenye laughed lightly when he heard Ye Chuxia's words. There was not much shock on his face.    


"Lu Wenye, your family's cabbage seedlings have been taken away. Aren't you worried?"    


"What is there to worry about? This little girl is not a child anymore. She is in charge of the choices she makes!"    


"Do you know something?" Ye Chuxia instinctively frowned when she heard Lu Wenye's words. She asked vigilantly.    


"Some things are obvious. Only you can't see it!" Lu Wenye laughed lightly.    


"What do you mean?"    




"When did you know about Jinchen and our little Bei'er?"    


"I just felt that Jinchen's frequent visit to my house a while ago was a little strange. Also, our little girl was not easy to deal with. How can the two of them deceive me with that bit of cultivation experience? It's just that you said it just now, that's why I'm so sure! "    


It had to be said that Lu Second Master's Fiery Eyes of Truth had already seen through the trick.    


" If you knew, why didn't you tell me earlier? My little heart can't take it anymore today! "    


"When the child grows up, he has his own thoughts. We watched Jinchen grow up. Although he's a little older than Little Belle, he knows everything. You and I can rest assured!"    


"Lu Wenye, I need to think about this matter carefully. Don't talk to me first!" Ye Chuxia listened to Lu Wenye's words and her expression darkened. After saying that, she hung up the phone.    


. . .    


On the other side of the school, when Lih Jinchen arrived at the school gate, he would call Lu Beier. He was still in a state of not answering. Just as he was anxious, he suddenly remembered what Lu Qingbai had said to him previously. His expression suddenly changed.    


Then, the entire car turned in a direction and drove straight towards Lu Residence.    


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