Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1552 She Suspected That She Was in Danger

C1552 She Suspected That She Was in Danger

Guu Xirann knew that at this moment, she had to calm down and think about how to resolve this matter.    


If something really happened to Nangong Yue, she alone would not be able to save her from the hands of the Yamatake Group.    


Moreover, even if she looked for Ling Tian or her godfather to help, even the Guu family would not be able to save her at this time.    


Guu Xirann could only place her hopes on Hei Shee, and also hope that nothing happened to Nangong Yue.    


. . .    


Hei Shee only came back from outside when it was close to dusk. He still had a bag in his hand and handed it over to his subordinates as soon as he came back.    


"Take it to the kitchen and wash it clean, then cut it!"    


When he heard Hei Shee's words, the subordinate who took the bag opened it and looked at the things inside. He could not help frowning and looked at Hei Shee awkwardly. "Sir, how do we cut this thing?"    


It was obvious that the subordinate looked at the newly bought chicken in the bag helplessly.    


Hei Shee frowned and glanced coldly at the subordinate. He said coldly, "Search online yourself!"    


"Oh!" The subordinate trembled when he received Hei Shee's cold gaze. He nodded and respectfully took the bag to the kitchen.    


"Sir, before this, the young lady came looking for you and said that she was looking for you!" Seeing Hei Shee return, the subordinate who had been guarding at Guu Xirann's door looked at Hei Shee and said.    


One look at their Sir's appearance and it was obvious that he treated the young lady very differently. Furthermore, that young lady was carrying a child in her womb. This might even be their little mistress. Otherwise, why would his teacher go out and specially buy a fresh chicken to come back? It must be to supplement the young lady's health upstairs.    


When Hei Shee heard Guu Xirann looking for him, he frowned slightly and looked at the subordinate and asked, "When did you find me?"    


"I looked for you not long after you left. I said you went out!" The subordinate looked at Hei Shee and said.    


Hei Shee nodded. He still looked cold as he took off his coat and walked upstairs.    


When Hei Shee came back, Guu Xirann was sleeping. When the door of the room opened, Guu Xirann suddenly woke up. Hei Shee saw Guu Xirann's frightened expression and frowned slightly. He looked at Guu Xirann and said softly.    


"Did I wake you?"    


"No, I didn't sleep well. You came back?" Guu Xirann looked at Hei Shee and shook her head. Her sleepy face was still a little hazy. The way she looked at Hei Shee also softened a little. Even the words she said carried a gentleness that Guu Xirann did not notice.    


Hearing that you came back, Hei Shee instinctively narrowed his eyes. A trace of light flashed in the depths of his eyes and was immediately concealed very well. He walked to Guu Xirann's bedside and looked at her.    


"Yes, there are some things that need to be dealt with in the afternoon, so I went out for a while. You can call me if you want to, why didn't you call me?"    


"It's okay. You must have something important to do outside, so I didn't want to disturb you!" Guu Xirann looked at Hei Shee and said politely.    


Seeing Guu Xirann being polite and deliberately pulling away from him, the light in Hei Shee's eyes dimmed a little. He then asked in a deep voice, "What do you want from me?"    


When it came to business, Guu Xirann's expression became serious. She was also a little hesitant. She did not know if she should tell Hei Shee about this matter. After all, they were on different sides and their identities were different. But in the current situation, she could only ask Hei Shee for help.    


After a long silence, Guu Xirann looked up at Hei Shee and said, "I want to ask you for a favor?"    


"I rarely hear you ask me for help so politely. Tell me, what is it?" Hearing Guu Xirann speak to him so politely and even using the word please, Hei Shee could not help but laugh. His cold face showed some coldness.    


Hei Shee never knew that this woman had such a deep position in his heart. As long as Guu Xirann could speak gently to him, Hei Shee would be happy for a long time in his heart.    


For example, even if Guu Xirann was so polite to him because she needed his help, Hei Shee still felt that Guu Xirann was much better than him.    


"You should know that I have a good sister, right?" Guu Xirann looked at Hei Shee tentatively and asked.    


Hei Shee nodded. Guu Xirann did not have many friends, let alone a female friend who hurt her good sister. Hei Shee had already known about Nangong Yue's existence when he investigated Guu Xirann's information, so it was not difficult for him to guess Nangong Yue's identity.    


"Yes, it's her!" Hearing Hei Shee's words, Guu Xirann nodded, then her face darkened. She said seriously, "I came to Country R. This time to meet her. I received a text message that she wanted to meet me, but after I arrived in Country R, I couldn't wait for her message. Even the messages I sent to her were like stones sinking into the ocean, without any news. I was worried that something had happened to her here, so I wanted to trouble you to help me find her! "    


Guu Xirann looked at Hei Shee and said.    


"She is in Yamatake Group?"    


Hei Shee was not stupid. After hearing what Guu Xirann said, he had already guessed what Guu Xirann meant. Furthermore, when he was investigating Guu Xirann's background, he also investigated her good sister Nangong Yue and found out that she had some relationship with Yamatake Group.    


At this moment, she had disappeared from Country R. Except for the Yamatake Group Hei Shee, he did not think about it.    


When he heard that Hei Shee understood what he meant, he also mentioned the Yamatake Group. That's right. It is indeed the Yamatake Group. I suspect that she has encountered danger in the Yamatake Group, so I want to ask for your help. Help me find her. At least help me find her whereabouts. I'm more worried about her. Plus, there are people from the Yamatake Group who are trying to assassinate me during this period of time. I suspect that she has fallen into the Yamatake Group's hands and encountered some accident! "    


Guu Xirann naturally wouldn't tell Hei Shee why Nangong Yue had appeared in Yamatake Group and why she had encountered danger in Yamatake Group. After all, there were some things that she didn't trust Hei Shee enough.    


When Hei Shee heard Guu Xirann's words, he naturally understood what she meant. He furrowed his brows and looked deeply at Guu Xirann.    


Seeing that Hei Shee did not speak and was still frowning, Guu Xirann thought that Hei Shee did not want to help, so she said, "If you feel that this matter is too troublesome and you don't want to help, it doesn't matter. You have no obligation to help me!"    


Hei Shee was originally thinking about how to deal with this matter, so he did not say anything. He did not expect Guu Xirann to understand another meaning and could not help frowning.    


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