Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1571 Mother Has Come to See You

C1571 Mother Has Come to See You

Xiaoyu heard the first half of Yung Mo's words and couldn't help but be shocked. When she heard what Yung Mo said, she immediately nodded and said: "I, I know. Mr. Yung, don't worry. I will be fine with being here!"    


Yung Mo nodded. He glanced at Xiaoyu and Yung Lingtian, who was in the hospital bed, and walked out of the ward. Before he left, he arranged for Thousand Shadow Guard's men to stay outside the ward, ready to deal with any accidents at any time.    


At the same time.    


Following the outbreak of Yung Lingtian's car accident, it was also reported by various major news media outlets at the first moment.    


"Friends and audiences in front of the television, let us now broadcast a piece of news. At the intersection of XX Road, there were two cars racing on the road. As a result, there was a traffic accident. Fortunately, other than one of the cars that collided with each other and some people being injured, The rest of the people were safe and sound. The injured man had been taken away from the scene of the accident. According to eyewitnesses, The injured man seemed to be eldest young master Yung, who was in the limelight recently. Please take a look at the details. . . "    


When Yung Lingmo heard the mention of eldest young master Yung on the television, he exclaimed," Brother, brother. . . Look! The eldest young master Yung on the television just now was not big brother, was it big brother? Could it be that big brother had a car accident?"    


When Yung Lingmo heard the report, his expression instantly darkened. He looked at the screen on the television and immediately picked up his phone to call Yung Lingtian's phone. However, his phone had been occupied and could not be accessed.    


"Big Brother's phone is not connected. Could it be that something really happened?" Yung Lingchen looked nervous when he could not get through to Yung Lingtian's phone.    


"Big brother, try calling Grandpa Zeng and Grandma Zeng from Scenic Garden. They must know about such a big matter!" Yung Lingmo looked at Yung Lingchen and said worriedly.    


Yung Lingmo frowned and immediately shook his head and refused. "No way. What if Grandpa Zeng and Grandma Zeng still don't know about this? They are already old. If they suddenly know about this, they will definitely be sad. I will call my father and try!"    


After Yung Lingmo said that, he called Yung Mo again. However, Yung Mo's phone kept telling him that it was turned off, which made Yung Lingmo and Yung Lingchen unable to do anything about it.    


"There's no need to ask, the one who got into the car accident was Ling Tian!" Just as she heard the news of Yung Lingtian getting into a car accident, Muh Jingyan came down from the upstairs with a cold breath. When she saw Yung Lingchen and Yung Lingmo in the living room, she couldn't help but coldly say.    


Hearing Muh Jingyan's words, the two brothers also jumped up from the sofa. They looked at Muh Jingyan, who had a cold face, and said with worry. "Mother, how is big brother now?"    


"The situation is still not clear yet, I just got someone to investigate the hospital where Ling Tian is at. I plan to go and take a look at your big brother's situation, the two of you stay here obediently. You're not allowed to go anywhere! "    


Muh Jingyan was afraid that Sato Tuo's men would attack Yung Lingchen and Yung Lingmo again, not to mention that the accident of her eldest son must have something to do with Sato Tuo. Therefore, her eldest son's condition was still unclear, and she wouldn't let the other two sons take the risk.    


When they heard Muh Jingyan's words, Yung Lingchen and Yung Lingmo's expressions immediately became somewhat ugly.    


"Mother, we also want to go and see Big Brother!" Yung Lingmo looked at Muh Jingyan and said.    


"Yes, mother. We are also worried about big brother's car accident. I will go with little brother!" Yung Lingchen also frowned and looked at Muh Jingyan seriously.    


Muh Jingyan frowned and looked at Yung Lingchen and Yung Lingmo. She said coldly, "Listen to me. Your big brother will be back soon. It's not safe for you to go out now. The people of Yamatake Group might attack you at any time!"    


Yung Lingchen and Yung Lingmo could only nod their heads when they heard the cold expression on their mother's face. "Alright then. We will wait here for mother to come back!"    


"En. If you have something to do, come and find your Uncle Bai. Be obedient!" Muh Jingyan glanced at her two youngest sons and then left the villa alone. She drove towards the hospital where Yung Lingtian was.    


The Yung family and Lih's Hospital had a falling out. After Lih's Hospital publicly announced that they would not welcome anyone from the Yung family in the future, Yung Lingtian was sent to another hospital as soon as he got into a car accident.    


Muh Jingyan drove the car to the underground parking lot. After making sure that the surroundings were safe, she got out of the car and took the elevator to the luxury ward on the top floor.    


There were bodyguards guarding the door of Yung Lingtian's ward. Muh Jingyan narrowed her eyes and looked at the nurse on duty counter at the side. After that, she lowered her head and walked towards that direction.    


Not long after, Muh Jingyan changed into a white gown and a face mask and walked out towards Yung Lingtian's ward.    


"What are you doing?" Muh Jingyan was about to enter the ward when she was stopped by Thousand Shadow Guard's men who were guarding the door.    


"Go in and measure the patient's body temperature to register. If you don't believe me, you can look at it yourself. This is the patient registration form!" Muh Jingyan said as she handed the duty registration form in her hand to the two Thousand Shadow Guard subordinates at the door to take a look.    


The two Thousand Shadow Guard's subordinates looked at Muh Jingyan, then looked at the registration form in Muh Jingyan's hand. They then used the sensors to scan Muh Jingyan's body. After making sure that they did not find any weapons, they moved aside and looked at Muh Jingyan. "You can go in!"    


Muh Jingyan nodded and then took the patient registration form to open the ward door and walked in.    


As soon as she walked into the ward, Muh Jingyan saw Xiaoyu sitting on the sofa beside the hospital bed and could not help but narrow her eyes.    


When Xiaoyu heard the sound behind her, she also turned her head around and saw the doctor who was wearing a face mask coming in from outside the door. She was slightly stunned and then looked at Muh Jingyan and said, "Hello doctor. Do you need to do an examination for Mr. Yung?"    


"No, just two body temperatures for the patient!" Muh Jingyan took a deep look at Xiaoyu and saw that there was nothing unusual on Xiaoyu's face. She then lowered her voice and said to Xiaoyu faintly.    


"Oh, okay. Do you need me to help you with anything?" Xiaoyu nodded and asked again.    


"No need!" Muh Jingyan frowned slightly and then looked outside the door and said lightly to Xiaoyu, "Go outside and wait for a while. I will do a check for him!"    


"Oh, oh, okay!" Xiaoyu looked at Muh Jingyan with some doubt on her face. She still had to go outside to do the check-up but she nodded and left the ward.    


Once Xiaoyu left, Muh Jingyan let out a sigh of relief and walked to the other side of the bed to sit down. She seriously looked at Yung Lingtian and saw that Yung Lingtian had no other problems other than the white gauze on his head. She let out a sigh of relief.    


"Xiaodai, mother has come to see you. You have to wake up quickly. Mother will definitely find the murderer who injured you. Don't worry!"    


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