Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1517 He Was Going to be Promoted

C1517 He Was Going to be Promoted

"Hello, Miss Xiaoyu. Are you looking for the CEO? They are in the CEO's office on the top floor. I will send you to the CEO's office directly to the elevator! "    


The receptionist looked at Xiaoyu and said. From the looks of it, this Xiaoyu was deeply liked by the people of Yung family. Since they asked him to personally deliver lunch to the CEO, they even sent two bodyguards to follow. It was obvious that they were going to be promoted.    


Thinking about how AM International was about to change their mistress, the receptionist felt even more uneasy.    


Xiaoyu, on the other hand, did not seem to notice the attentive look on the receptionist's face. She only smiled politely at the receptionist and said with a smile, "Thank you!"    


"You are welcome, you are welcome. This is what I should do!" The receptionist smiled and led Xiaoyu towards the elevator.    


"You guys wait for me downstairs. I will bring these up myself!" Xiaoyu looked at the two bodyguards behind her and said.    


"Okay, Miss Xiaoyu, then we will wait for you here!" The two bodyguards nodded and respectfully retreated to the side.    


The receptionist only exhaled when Xiaoyu was sent to the CEO's office directly into the elevator. She ran towards the other sisters at the front desk and said with a face full of gossip.    


"Did you see that? Did you see that? It's this woman. But she looks really young. Even her looks are ordinary. She can only be considered delicate and pretty. It turns out that the CEO and the others like this type of pure girl. She looks like she just left university!"    


Hearing this, Another receptionist could not help but laugh and discuss in a low voice.    


"You guys don't know, the rich nowadays like this kind of seemingly innocent and pure little demoness, but once she's in bed, she's a bewitching little demoness!"    


"Is that so? I didn't think that our CEO would also like this kind of taste. Then wouldn't that Young Madam and her wife from the Yung family be crying to death?! Oh, is that so? I didn't expect that our CEO would also like this kind of taste. Wouldn't that mean that Young Madam and her wife from the Yung family are going to cry to death?!"    


"Tsk, what can I do if I cry to death? Who asked me to lose my charm? Look at that little demoness just now. That soft and gentle voice really gave me goosebumps all over my body!"    


"Enough, enough. Stop talking about it. What does the CEO like have to do with you guys? You guys don't look pure enough. Hurry up and get busy!"    


. . .    


Xiaoyu walked out of the elevator and looked around. Qing Yu had seen Xiaoyu before. When he saw Xiaoyu come out of the elevator, he was slightly stunned and hurriedly ran over.    


"Miss Xiaoyu, why did you come over here!"    


"Hello, I came to deliver lunch to Mr. Yung and Brother Rong. I thought that they were too busy recently, so I asked the kitchen to prepare more dishes and nourishing soup for Brother Rong and the others!"    


Xiaoyu looked at Qing Yu and pointed at the few boxes in her hand and said to Qing Yu.    


"So that's how it is. Miss Xiaoyu is thoughtful. Coincidentally, the CEO and the old master have not had lunch yet. I will bring you in now!"    


When Qing Yu heard Xiaoyu's words, he laughed lightly and nodded to Xiaoyu.    


"Grandma was afraid that they would not take care of their own bodies when they are so busy, so she specially asked me to send it over!" Xiaoyu looked at Qing Yu and said softly.    


"I am so thoughtful. " Qing Yu took Xiaoyu to the door of the CEO's office and knocked on the door. Yung Lingtian's cold voice came from inside, "Come in!"    


Qing Yu opened the door and looked. He looked at Yung Lingtian and Yung Mo who were inside and said respectfully, "Master, young master, I asked Miss Xiaoyu to bring you lunch and some soup!"    


"What time is it?" Yung Lingtian was a little surprised when he heard Qing Yu's words and asked.    


"It's 12: 30!" Qing Yu replied.    


"It's already so late. Let her bring it in first. You should also go out and eat first!" Yung Lingtian nodded at Qing Yu and said coldly.    


"Okay, young master!" Qing Yu responded, then turned to look at Xiaoyu who was behind him and said, "Young master asked you to bring the food in!"    


"Alright, thank you, Big Brother Qing Yu!" Xiaoyu smiled at Qing Yu, then took a few thermos into the CEO's office.    


Qing Yu looked at Xiaoyu's back and laughed. He muttered, "Big brother, interesting!"    


Xiaoyu entered the CEO's office and looked at Yung Lingtian and Yung Mo cautiously. "Mr. Yung, Big Brother Rong, this is lunch made in the kitchen. Grandma was worried about your health, so she specially asked me to deliver it to you!"    


"Yes, thank you. Put it on the table over there!" Yung Lingtian looked up from the pile of documents and looked at Xiaoyu. He pointed at the table in the distance and said.    


"Oh, okay!" Xiaoyu nodded and walked to the table with a few insulation boxes. She took out all the food and soup from the insulation boxes. "Brother Rong, the food won't taste good when it's cold. Why don't you eat first? If you don't eat, you'll be busy with work. It's not good for your health either! "    


"Let's eat!" Yung Mo got up from the stool when he heard Xiaoyu's words. He looked at his son and said softly.    


"Yes!" Yung Lingtian closed the document in his hand and stood up. He looked at Xiaoyu, who had been standing at the side, and asked, "Have you eaten?"    


"Not yet!" Xiaoyu shook her head and lowered her head.    


"Then let's go together!" Yung Mo walked to the side of the stool and sat down. He said lightly, but his eyes did not look in Xiaoyu's direction.    


"No need. You guys eat. I'm not hungry yet. Just eat when we go back later!" Xiaoyu was slightly stunned when she heard Yung Mo's words. She looked up at Yung Mo and saw that Yung Mo did not look at her. She could not help but slightly lower her head and say in disappointment.    


"Father is right. Let's eat together. When you go back, you will probably be starving. Anyway, there is quite a lot of food. Father and I will not be able to finish it!" Yung Lingtian looked at Xiaoyu and said.    


"Oh, then, okay!" Xiaoyu nodded and looked at Yung Lingtian and Yung Mo. She then walked to an empty seat and sat down.    


The three of them had a very quiet meal. Yung Mo and Yung Lingtian, father and son, had the same temperament. They rarely talked, and Xiaoyu just ate with her head down. During the lunch, none of them said a word.    


"Thank you for the lunch you brought today!" After lunch, Yung Lingtian looked at Xiaoyu and thanked her.    


Xiaoyu hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No need, no need. This was ordered by grandma to make it in the kitchen. I just had nothing to do and wanted to help you guys, so I just sent it over!"    


Xiaoyu said to Yung Lingtian.    


"Ok, pack up. I will let Qing Yu send you back. "    


A girl sent them lunch. Plus, the situation outside was not good. If something happened in Lih's Hospital the last time, it would not be good. Yung Lingtian looked at Xiaoyu and said.    


"No need. When I came out, Grandma asked the housekeeper to prepare a driver and two bodyguards for me. They were all waiting downstairs. I'll go down myself! "    


"Alright then!" Yung Lingtian nodded when he heard what Xiaoyu said.    


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