Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1409 Fight with a Child for Something

C1409 Fight with a Child for Something

On the side of the Guu family in G City, Yung Lingtian, Guu Lin and the others were busy taking down the Muh family in one fell swoop.    


On the other side, Guu Xirann, Muh Yeh and the others, who had flown for an entire night, were still eating breakfast on their private jet.    


The air currents were not stable. A few slight bumps made Guu Xirann feel slightly uncomfortable. Not only was her chest a little stuffy, even her stomach was a little twisted and uncomfortable.    


Fortunately, Guu Xirann had been through training all year round. This little bit of discomfort could be endured.    


"What's wrong? This bump is a little strong. Where do you feel uncomfortable? Let Robert take a look at it for you. "    


Muh Yeh was quite interested in this goddaughter of his.    


Perhaps it was because he loved the house and the crow's nest and knew that Zuo Yu liked Guu Xirann, so he also had some concern for Guu Xirann. He looked at Guu Xirann's strange expression and asked.    


Guu Xirann shook her head, "It's nothing. It's just that the bumps are a little uncomfortable. It's not a big problem!"    


"En, take care of your own body. Right now Ling Tian's side is definitely very busy and does not have much time to care about you. At this important time, you have to take good care of yourself. However, once we reach the base, everything will be fine. Your godmother should be thinking about you!"    


Muh Yeh nodded. At this moment, that child's face was not as evil and arrogant as when he was in front of old master Guu and the others. In front of Guu Xirann, he was at least an elder with a bit of airs.    


"Gan Ma, where are we going? We have been flying for a long time. I am tired!"    


Nangong Liuhsing ate a piece of bacon on the plate and could not help looking at Guu Xirann and muttering.    


"We are almost there. Wait a little longer!"    


Guu Xirann looked at Nangong Liuhsing and comforted him. In fact, she had never been to the training base of Dark Night Empire. If it were not for Muh Jingyu's special circumstances, she would not have gone to the training base of Dark Night Empire.    


"Kid, don't run around when you get there. Did you hear that? If you accidentally lose your life, don't blame grandpa for not informing you in advance!" Muh Yeh looked at the little fellow opposite him and said with an evil smile.    


Nangong Liuhsing unhappily snorted and wrinkled his nose as he looked at Muh Yeh and said in a tender voice: "What grandpa? Don't randomly acknowledge relatives. Hmph! "    


Nangong Liuhsing's eyes, which were as bright as black grapes, rolled around as he glared at Muh Yeh.    


"Kid, your godmother is my goddaughter, and you are my godgrandson. If you don't call me godfather, do you still want to rebel?" Muh Yeh also looked at Nangong Liuhsing, raised his wicked eyebrows, and said with a smile.    


Robert, who was standing by the side, looked at Muh Yeh's childish appearance and couldn't help but make fun of him. "I say, Muh Yeh, you are really going back to your life. You actually dare to argue with a little fart child. You are really something!"    


When Muh Yeh heard Robert's sarcastic words, he could not help but twitch his mouth. He looked at Robert and snorted. "I would be happy to. This brat's physique is not bad. He can be brought to the base to be properly nurtured. He might be a good seedling in the future!"    


After Muh Yeh said that, he took out a small pocket-sized pistol from his pocket. He looked at Nangong Liuhsing, whose nose was wrinkled, and said, "Call me gan-grandpa. This guy is yours!"    


Nangong Liuhsing looked at the pistol that Muh Yeh took out. At first glance, it looked exquisite and ridiculously beautiful. A pair of large eyes that looked like black grapes flashed. He wanted to reach out to grab it, but he looked at Muh Yeh vigilantly and asked in a tender and cold voice, "You won't bully me because I'm a child. It's mine, right?"    


Facing Nangong Liuhsing's question, Muh Yeh laughed out happily. "You brat! What are you doing, Kuang? Do you want it? If you don't want it, there won't be a next time!"    


"Yes, yes, gan-grandpa!"    


When Nangong Liuhsing heard Muh Yeh's words, he thought in his heart. Anyway, this indecent old thing was gan-mother's godfather and did not look like a bad person. There shouldn't be any problem. Besides, this pocket-sized gun looked like a good thing, but it was much better than the one he had on him.    


"You are a little clever. Muttering, take it. When we reach the base, your gan-grandfather will personally find a master for you to broaden your horizons!"    


Muh Yeh gave the small pistol in his hand to Nangong Liuhsing and smiled happily.    


"Thank you, Grandpa Gan!" Nangong Liuhsing was a smart person. When he saw Muh Yeh say this, he jumped down from his seat and ran to Muh Yeh's side. That caring look of his made Muh Yeh laugh out loud.    


Robert, who was standing aside, couldn't help but twitch his mouth. "You are really generous. You really gave this thing to this kid. I'm afraid that your Zuo Yu will make you kneel on the washboard later!"    


"What is there to be happy about? I brought my family's Zuo Yu a dry grandson. She is happy that I brought her back. It was too late. Furthermore, this thing was designed by her. If she gave it to this kid, Zuo Yu would not blame him!"    


Muh Yeh really saw that Nangong Liuhsing had some good aptitude and was also very quick-witted. If he brought it to the base and accompanied Zuo Yu along with Xirann, it might even make her mood a little better.    


"Wow, godmother, so beautiful, so beautiful here!"    


As the plane slowly landed, a large area of sea appeared outside the window. Looking at the sea from afar, the sea in the early morning was really beautiful. Under the blue sea and blue sky, even sitting in the plane, Guu Xirann could feel the breath of a cool breeze and her heart could not help but feel much better.    


She had always known that the headquarters of Dark Night Empire was extremely secretive, but she did not expect that it was actually located on this mysterious island. Moreover, the island was surrounded by blue sea and blue sky. It was simply a paradise, the most suitable place for vacation and recuperation.    


Guu Xirann liked it very much just by looking at it. In her heart, she never thought that the Dark Night Empire would actually choose such a place as their headquarters base.    


"Actually, this place was chosen by the beautiful sister. Everyone thought it was not bad, so they settled down here. After so many years, they have been living here. Everyone is used to it. It is a little cold in the morning. You two should wear more clothes!"    


Muh Yeh looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window and then told Guu Xirann and Nangong Liuhsing.    


"Got it, Godfather!"    


"Got it, Godfather!"    


Guu Xirann and Nangong Liuhsing nodded in agreement.    


The plane landed steadily on the beach in no time. In the distance, there were a few figures walking towards the place where the plane landed. Guu Xirann's vision was better and she could see a few familiar figures in the distance.    


"Is mom and godmother on the island too?" Guu Xirann saw Muh Jingyan and Zuo Yu's figures and could not help but be slightly stunned as she asked in surprise.    


"En. They rushed over overnight last night and knew that you guys were coming over, so they came early to wait. Let's go. They should be anxious to wait. Let's go down first!"    


Muh Yeh nodded. Seeing his beloved wife walking over, a rare tenderness appeared on the face of the old baby.    


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