Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1257 Xi-er Speak to Me

C1257 Xi-er Speak to Me

Not long after Guu Xirann saw Nangong Yue's figure, she saw Nangong Yue walking straight into the elevator.    


Guu Xirann waited until the elevator went down before walking out from the shadows. She then looked at the red number jumping above the elevator until it reached the bottom three floors before stopping for a long time.    


Guu Xirann also pressed the button for the elevator to go down and then walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the bottom three floors.    


When she walked out of the elevator, Guu Xirann looked around. Obviously, the third floor was an underground parking lot, but she did not see Nangong Yue.    


Fortunately, there was only one passage out of the elevator. Mu Yunxi directly walked along that passage and did not go far before she saw Nangong Yue's figure in the distance. Only then did she carefully follow.    


But Guu Xirann did not walk for long before the figure that was following closely behind suddenly disappeared. It made her frown slightly.    


"You are looking for me?"    


After a while, a cold female voice sounded from behind Guu Xirann.    


Guu Xirann suddenly turned around and saw the woman standing not far behind her. She had the same appearance and figure as Nangong Yue but at this moment Nangong Yue's face was cold as she looked into Guu Xirann's eyes. There was actually a thousand miles of coldness and unfamiliarity in her eyes.    


Guu Xirann slightly knitted her brows and took a deep look at the woman in front of her.    


She was able to tell that this woman in front of her was indeed Nangong Yue. But at this moment, the coldness in her eyes and the unfamiliarity on her face could not be faked.    


Suddenly, Guu Xirann discovered a shocking fact. Nangong Yue really did not recognize her. Could it be the aftermath of falling off the cliff last time?    


Guu Xirann knitted her brows and looked at Nangong Yue carefully to probe, "You do not know me?"    


"Should I know you?"    


Nangong Yue looked at Guu Xirann and her expression was still cold. After which, she looked at Guu Xirann with slight displeasure and asked back.    


"Then do you remember who you are?"    


When Guu Xirann heard Nangong Yue's words, her brows knitted even tighter as she asked.    


"Your words are really interesting. Of course I remember who I am!"    


Nangong Yue looked at Guu Xirann with a face full of displeasure.    


"Nangong Yue!" Guu Xirann called out in a muffled voice. On the other side, Nangong Yue looked at Guu Xirann in surprise and then frowned with a face full of doubt.    


"Who is Nangong Yue, me?"    


"You are not?" Guu Xirann originally looked at Nangong Yue probingly and asked. When she saw Nangong Yue asking back, she frowned and said.    


"Of course I am not Nangong Yue. My name is. . . " Nangong Yue was just about to say her name when she looked at the woman who was staring at her and could not help but coldly say, "What my name is has nothing to do with you!"    


From the comprehensive conversation, Guu Xirann already understood that Nangong Yue must have lost her memory. Since Nangong Yue had lost her memory, even if she had too many questions that she wanted to ask, looking at the woman in front of her, she was unable to ask.    


"Sorry, I got the wrong person!"    


Guu Xirann originally wanted to tell Nangong Yue about their relationship, but in the end, she gave up.    


Since Nangong Yue had lost her memory and did not have all her previous memories for so long, the first thing she needed to understand was what happened after Nangong Yue fell off the cliff.    


After that, Nangong Yue suspiciously looked at Guu Xirann who was frowning. Without saying anything, she turned around and left.    


The moment she turned around, Nangong Yue's originally suspicious and cold expression suddenly sank. Her cold eyes carried a sharp coldness and a dark heaviness.    


Guu Xirann naturally did not see the expression on Nangong Yue's face when she turned around and stood there for a long time without coming back to her senses. In her heart, she thought that she might need to find her cousin to talk about this matter. It would be best to let his people investigate what happened after Nangong Yue fell off the cliff.    


Just as she was thinking, a hand suddenly appeared on her shoulder. Guu Xirann's body stiffened instinctively and almost instinctively reacted. She grabbed the hand that was on her shoulder and wanted to flip it over.    


But Guu Xirann pulled twice but was unable to throw the person behind her onto the ground. Her eyes could not help but sink as she thought in her heart, Could it be that the person behind her who wanted to take advantage of her was also a powerful expert?    


Just as she was thinking of using another attack, she heard a faint laugh from behind.    


Almost at the moment when she heard that sound, Guu Xirann's entire body felt stiff and she could not come back to her senses for a long time. There was even a layer of strong ripples in her heart and there was even a slight tremble.    


"What? You can't fall so you want to use other attacks. Hmm? "    


A familiar voice sounded. It was clear and faint, but it carried the gentleness Guu Xirann was familiar with. The last word" En "was even more indescribably gentle and tactful. It instantly disturbed Guu Xirann's entire heart lake.    


Seemingly feeling that the woman in front of him tightly grabbed onto his finger and lightly trembled, only then did a faint sigh come from behind, and then said gently and affectionately.    


"Xi-er, I'm back!"    


The familiar voice, gentle indulgence, was still the same tune that lingered in Guu Xirann's mind countless of times, carrying her deep attachment.    


How many times did she dream back at midnight? Because of the intense longing, she was awakened by that voice. After waking up, Guu Xirann found that there was no one around her and no one was hugging her!    


Seeing Guu Xirann not turning back for a long time, and also not turning around to look at him, Yung Lingtian's body slightly stiffened, and his heart also felt somewhat flustered as he looked at Guu Xirann's back. After all, he could not resist the crazy longing in his heart and the excitement of wanting to hug her.    


With a big hand, he hugged Guu Xirann's entire body tightly into his embrace and let her back stick to his embrace. His gentle kiss landed on the back of Guu Xirann's neck and greedily breathed in the aura that belonged to her body.    


The warm breath sprayed on her neck and made Guu Xirann's already sensitive body lightly tremble. She was actually at a loss as to what to do. Her cold little face had already turned red and even the tip of her ears had a tinge of red.    


"Xi-er, you are shy!"    


Yung Lingtian was originally worried that Guu Xirann would get angry and didn't want to bother with him. But at this moment, when he saw that the woman in his arms was red even with her earlobes, he couldn't help but laugh lightly. His cold face carried a faint smile, and even his heart softened.    


It was as if as long as this woman was by his side, he would always be pulled away by her.    


Because Guu Xirann was shy and did not speak to him, Yung Lingtian was a little petty in his heart. He wanted to punish the woman in his arms well, so he simply kissed her in a sensitive place.    


There was even a soft whisper in his mouth as he gently coaxed, "Xi-er, talk to me!"    


"En, don't. . . "    


Guu Xirann was extremely shy because of Yung Lingtian's actions and her face became even redder. This was still the underground parking lot of the airport and there might be people appearing at any time. This man was really too bold!    


"Don't what? It's like this, still like this. Hmm? "    


Yung Lingtian did not seem to want to let go of the woman in his arms so easily. The kiss that was as light as a feather fell down again, making Guu Xirann involuntarily let out a soft moan.    


Because of Guu Xirann's cry, Yung Lingtian originally wanted to punish this woman, but she ignited a fire in his body instead.    


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