Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C1059 Meet a Girl Who's like a Flower

C1059 Meet a Girl Who's like a Flower

"That's right, that's right. Now a lot of them are blackmailing people. Little girl, you better be careful! "    


"I think this taxi driver is going to be in trouble. This old lady is definitely going to extort him!"    


. . .    


The passers-by surrounding them started to discuss among themselves. The taxi driver was obviously quite frightened. Looking at the old lady who fell to the ground, he did not even dare to help her up.    


One of his faces turned pale!    


Guu Xirann's face darkened slightly. She looked at the noisy crowd around her and then looked at the taxi driver who was standing at the side with a pale face. She walked towards the old lady with a cold face.    


Seeing Guu Xirann actually walk over, the crowd around her became even louder.    


"Look, look, this little girl is really bold. She actually dares to go up there. She is not afraid that others will extort her!"    


"Didn't you see the way this little girl is dressed? That gown is probably not cheap. She is probably rich and isn't afraid of extortion!"    


. . .    


An unpleasant voice was heard but Guu Xirann did not have the time to pay attention to it. Her cold eyes landed on the old lady. She squatted down and said with a frown, "Grandma, are you alright?"    


"Little girl, medicine, medicine!"    


The old granny's face looked particularly ugly. It was probably because of the pain that her face did not have much blood. When she heard Guu Xirann's words, she said intermittently.    


"Medicine? Tell me where it is?"    


"Bao, Bao!"    


The granny raised her powerless hand and pointed at the bag that fell to the side.    


Guu Xirann did not say anything and hurriedly took the old granny's bag. After looking around the bag, she found a white medicine bottle.    


"Is it this?"    


Guu Xirann held the white medicine bottle and looked at the old granny and asked. When she saw the old granny nod her head, she quickly glanced at the instructions on the medicine bottle and poured out two pills for the old granny to consume.    


"Water, who has water?"    


Guu Xirann's cold eyes coldly swept across the surrounding crowd and coldly questioned. Her body emitted a sharp and cold aura.    


A young man at the side hurriedly handed over a bottle of mineral water that he had not opened yet.    


"Water, I have it here, it hasn't been touched!"    


"Thank you!"    


Guu Xirann thanked her and quickly took it over. She unscrewed the lid and fed it to the granny's mouth.    


The surrounding people who saw Guu Xirann saving the old lady couldn't help but stop themselves. When the women who had been gossiping with Guu Xirann saw that the old lady was really uncomfortable and didn't seem like they were blackmailing her, their faces turned red.    


The old granny took the medicine and drank another two mouthfuls of water before the expression on her face slowly became better. It was no longer as pale and painful as before.    


"Grandma, are you alright?"    


Guu Xirann looked at the old granny and asked.    


Only then did the granny turn her head to look at Guu Xirann in front of her. When she saw Guu Xirann's beautiful little face filled with worry, she could not help but reveal a kind smile.    


"Much better. I really have to thank you just now. If not for you, this old granny would really be in trouble!"    


Although the granny was old, she was still young. There were so many onlookers around, but none of them caught up. They were afraid that she was blackmailing them. However, this little girl was good looking and her heart was good too.    


"You're welcome. I can see that your face is still a bit ugly. Why don't I send you to the hospital to take a look?"    


Guu Xirann looked at the old granny worriedly.    


"No need. It's an old illness. It's nothing!" The old granny smiled kindly.    


"Where are you going? I'll send you there!"    


Guu Xirann didn't know why, but when she saw the old granny's kind and amiable smile, she always felt somewhat close.    


"Then I will have to trouble you to send me to the hotel in front!"    


This time, the granny didn't refuse. Seeing Guu Xirann's beautiful and beautiful face, she felt exceptionally close and nodded with a smile.    


"It's not troublesome. Be careful. I'll help you up!"    


Guu Xirann said and carefully helped me up. Then, she helped me into the taxi.    


Seeing that the taxi driver was still in a daze, Guu Xirann could not help but remind him in a cold voice.    


"Master, please hurry up!"    


"Hey hey, okay, okay, I'll be right there!"    


Seeing that the granny who got in the car did not intend to blackmail him, the taxi driver was greatly relieved. If he really encountered a matter of blackmail, it would be really difficult for him to deal with it.    


After saying that, he quickly ran over and got into the taxi. Then, he drove towards the hotel in front of him.    


Once the taxi left, the surrounding passers-by also dispersed. In a corner not far away, a completely black bridge car was parked quietly.    


The back window of the car was half open, revealing a handsome face. Looking into the distance, his lips curled into a cold smile.    


"Young Master, I was carried away!" The young man driving in front said coldly.    


"En, let's go back to the hotel!" The man put down the window and ordered.    




. . .    


After Guu Xirann sent me to the hotel entrance, she sent me off the car.    


"Little girl, thank you so much. Why don't you go up and have a seat? My wife is accompanying me on a vacation. Let him thank you properly!"    


I looked at Guu Xirann's kind face and tried to persuade her to stay.    


"No need, grandma. I still have things to do. If there is a chance another day, I will ask him to stay. I will come and see you again!"    


"Alright then. I'll be staying here for a period of time. You can come and find me!" I smiled.    


"Okay, then I'll be leaving first. Grandma, goodbye!"    


Guu Xirann said and got into the car.    


I watched Guu Xirann's taxi leave and had a very good impression of Guu Xirann. Furthermore, this little girl is also very beautiful. It would be great if she could be together with my grandson.    


I thought happily in my heart. When I thought about it, I suddenly remembered that she didn't even know the name of this little girl and forgot to ask. I couldn't help but feel somewhat vexed.    


"Young master, it's me!" The black car drove over from afar. When he saw me standing by the side of the road and still feeling vexed, the young man in charge of driving in the front row said coldly.    


"Drive over and stop by the side of the road!"    




After the black car slowly stopped by the side of the road, the handsome man sitting in the back seat walked down and walked towards the people by the side of the road.    


"Grandma, what are you thinking? You're so focused that you didn't even see your favorite grandson!"    


"Liner, you came at the right time. Grandma is thinking about your marriage!" When I saw the young and handsome man, I smiled kindly.    


"My marriage. Grandma has taken a fancy to another family's young lady and is preparing to go on a blind date for me!"    


The man raised his eyebrows and looked at me with a smile as he asked.    


"You must like this girl. She's good looking, but it's just that Grandma forgot to ask her name. When you go back later, do a good check for me, do you know? "    


"Okay, okay. I'll check on her later. At the same time, I'll meet the girl that Grandma praised like a flower!"    


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