Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C954 Yesterday Was an Accident

C954 Yesterday Was an Accident

But Guu Xirann was busy in the army the whole day. She had written all kinds of reports and trained. Even though Grandma Yung and Guu Xirann went into the army and walked around, they still did not see anyone. They could not help but feel a little disappointed.    


Fortunately, Muh Jingyan comforted Grandma Yung in the end. Only then did Grandma Yung give up the idea of not seeing Guu Xirann and not returning home. She obediently followed Muh Jingyan back to Scenic Garden.    


But regarding this small interlude, Guu Xirann naturally did not know about it the entire time.    


At this moment Guu Xirann was training with a large group of men in the mud pit. Every time she attacked, she was ruthless and decisive. Almost everyone in the Sharp Edge Battle Team was tortured once and there were waves of miserable wails.    


"Boss, boss, stop fighting. If you keep fighting, you will really be crippled. Boss, boss, stop fighting. If you keep fighting, you will really be crippled. My little arms and legs!"    


"Captain, can we take it easy? You've been beating us up for two hours. It's tiring!"    


901 and others kept screaming at Guu Xirann. Guu Xirann's training clothes were also covered with sand and sweat. Her face and clothes were all over. At this moment, her cold eyes carried a sharp fighting spirit as she looked at the group of people lying on the ground.    


"Get up and fight again!"    


As the captain, Guu Xirann's training method was meticulous and meticulous. Even though she was the only female captain in the Nine Great Special Forces. However, no one could compare to her fierceness. Even many male soldiers could not help but hesitate when they saw her.    


After another hour, Guu Xirann finally let go of everyone in Team Sharp Blade. She panted heavily and sat down to rest.    


After they sat down, the people from Team Sharp Blade looked at Guu Xirann in unison and started gossiping curiously.    


"Captain, captain, was the man who carried you out yesterday your boyfriend? Captain, you are really dishonest. You didn't even tell us that you have a boyfriend?" 902 said.    


"Yeah, boss, but your boyfriend is really handsome. If I were a woman, I would definitely like that type!"    


No. 903 added. Then, the others started laughing and joking around.    


"He's not my boyfriend, and I'm not very familiar with him either. It was an accident yesterday!" Guu Xirann thought of yesterday's Yung Lingtian and her cold eyes flashed. Then, she frowned and said to her comrades in a serious manner.    


"No way, boss. That man even hugged you. We all saw it!" 901 and the others obviously did not believe it.    


"That's right, that's right. Boss, you just want to fight an underground guerrilla war. We understand. You can't lie to us!" 902 said.    


"I'm not lying to you. I really just know you!" Guu Xirann's expression was still indifferent, but she didn't want to say too much about this man, Yung Lingtian. She stood up from the ground and sized up the few of them as she coldly said.    


"Seeing that you guys are still in such a good mood, then add another 20 km cross-country weight. If you don't finish running, you are not allowed to eat!"    


"F * ck, no way, Captain. Human nature, human nature. You will lose us if you do this!" When they heard Guu Xirann's command, everyone's face immediately fell.    


"One more word plus one kilometer, now the countdown begins!" Guu Xirann had already spoken again.    


With this order, everyone in Team Sharp Blade shut their mouths and climbed out of the quagmire. They immediately went to get their equipment and prepared to cross the field for twenty kilometers.    


Guu Xirann watched her comrades leave, but she could not help but think of Yung Lingtian's face and that pair of cold and clear eyes. The depths of her heart suddenly shook, but was quickly suppressed by Guu Xirann's shake of her head, not allowing her to think too much.    


. . .    


On the other side, Huo Corporation.    


Ever since Huo Yanyu returned to the company at the National Trade Center, he had been sitting in the same position for a few hours.    


His deep eyes were filled with complex emotions as he stared at a certain place. His mind was filled with thoughts of Guu Xirann's fierce and decisive skills when she fought with the two criminals on the third floor of the National Trade Center. There was also that valiant and cold military style.    


He had always heard people from Qih family say that Guu Xirann was just a small soldier of a civil engineering team when she joined the army. She would not be of any use. It was only at this moment that Huo Yanyu realized that perhaps all of them were wrong.    


Based on what he saw this morning, Guu Xirann's identity was definitely not simple. Furthermore, there were also a few soldiers wearing the same combat uniform and painted faces who called her captain.    


But why didn't the people of Qih family know about Guu Xirann's identity, and why the relationship between the Qih family and Guu Xirann had reached such a stage?    


Huo Yanyu didn't understand, but there were too many things that he didn't understand. It made him frown tiredly, and he didn't want to think about it anymore.    


Anyway, he was already engaged to Feimeng. The matter of other women had nothing to do with him anymore. Although he had a good relationship with Guu Xirann when he was young, it was all because of his childhood.    


Furthermore, Feimeng's feelings for him were so deep and he really could not bear to hurt her. Furthermore, she had once done such a dangerous thing for him. No matter what, he could not let Feimeng down.    


Thinking of this, the complicated expression on Huo Yanyu's face finally dissipated.    


At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office.    


"Come in!" Huo Yanyu frowned and sat up straight. He put all his thoughts on the documents on the desk.    


The door of the office was pushed open from the outside. A gentle and soft voice was heard. "Yanyu!"    


"Feimeng, you didn't even tell me you were coming. I can go down and pick you up!" Huo Yanyu had just thought of Qih Feimeng when he did not expect Qih Feimeng to come over. He could not help but get up and walk towards Qih Feimeng with a gentle smile on his face.    


"Didn't I want to give Yanyu a surprise? Could it be that Yanyu isn't happy?" Qih Feimeng gently looked at Huo Yanyu. She looked at Huo Yanyu's gentle and handsome face and could not describe the joy on her face, but there was a trace of grievance on her face.    


"Happy? How could I not be happy? What do you want to drink? I will get my secretary to send it to you!"    


"All right!"    


Huo Yanyu looked at Qih Feimeng's small face and gently rubbed her head. He then ordered his secretary to bring a glass of fruit juice to Qih Feimeng.    


Qih Feimeng enjoyed Huo Yanyu's gentle treatment and was very happy in her heart. She could not help but think of Guu Xirann and a sense of pride arose in her heart.    


"Oh right, Yanyu, are you alright? The news in the morning said that there were terrorists at the National Trade Center. If my mother hadn't told me, I wouldn't have seen the news. Are you alright? Are you hurt?"    


Qih Feimeng knew that because the Huo Corporation was not far from the National Trade Center, Huo Yanyu would go to the breakfast restaurant on the third floor of the National Trade Center every morning to have breakfast. So when he heard what his mother said, he hurried over.    


"I'm fine. I'm not hurt. Don't worry!"    


Speaking of the National Trade Center, Huo Yanyu could not help but think of Guu Xirann's cold face. She was tough and brave. His mind slightly shook and he did not even hear Qih Feimeng calling him.    


"Yanyu, you still say you are fine. Look at me talking about the business of the trading market. Your face has turned white!"    


Qih Feimeng looked at Huo Yanyu worriedly. Her gentle face was full of concern.    


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