Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C890 I Carry You

C890 I Carry You

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots rang out in the airport lobby. As the security guards fell to the ground, the atmosphere in the airport instantly became more and more frightened. Even the security guards and staff at the airport did not think that this vicious gun trafficker would actually dare to shoot.    


Subconsciously, the previously chaotic and frightened crowd immediately rushed out of the airport lobby in a frenzy.    


For a moment, the atmosphere in the entire airport hall fell into unprecedented chaos.    


"Everyone, be careful. The gun in this woman's hand is real. Don't touch it!"    


One of the security guards immediately shouted in fear. Looking at the terrified crowd and staff around, he felt even more uncertain.    


The woman in front of him, who was holding a double gun, looked at the chaotic crowd and the security guards who were confronting her. She sneered and ran to the side.    


"Not good, that human trafficker is escaping!"    


The other security guards chased after that woman.    


However, the firepower on that woman was too fierce. Even those security guards did not dare to randomly attack her. They were deeply afraid of hurting the surrounding crowd. For a moment, both sides were in a stalemate.    


On the other side, Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng, who were still frantically fleeing, kept running forward. Seeing the tall man chasing behind them getting closer and closer, the two little fellows could not help but look anxious.    


"With a bang, Yung Xiaomeng was pulled by Yung Xiaodai and ran. She didn't pay attention and fell to the ground.    


Yung Xiaomeng fell to the ground. Yung Xiaodai used too much strength to pull her. Yung Xiaodai also fell to the ground. However, Yung Xiaodai was a little man. He got up the second after he fell to the ground. He quickly ran in front of Yung Xiaomeng and asked with a worried look on his face.    


"Xiaomeng, how are you? Did you hurt yourself?"    


"Big brother, Xiaomeng can't run anymore. Okay, my knee hurts!"    


Although Yung Xiaomeng was usually weird, she was after all only a five or six year old little girl. After running for such a long time, she basically did not have much strength left. This fall even directly injured her knee.    


"Big brother will let you take a look. Don't move around!"    


Yung Xiaodai heard that his sister's knee had been injured. He immediately lifted some of Yung Xiaomeng's princess dress and looked at her knee. Indeed, he saw a large piece of blood on Yung Xiaomeng's white knee. The skin had been torn and there was blood coming out. The fall made Yung Xiaodai's heart ache when he saw it with extraordinary eyes.    


"Big brother is in pain!" Yung Xiaomeng twisted her face and looked at the wound on her knee. Her big bright eyes were filled with grievance.    


"Little sister, be good. Big brother will not hurt anymore!" Yung Xiaodai said as he lowered his head and leaned closer to the wound and blew on Yung Xiaomeng's injured knee.    


"Big brother, run! That bad guy caught up. Xiaomeng is fine! "    


Seeing the man chasing behind her, Yung Xiaomeng's face changed. Her pale face, which was twisted due to the pain, revealed a faint sense of strength. She struggled to get up from the ground.    


"I'm not afraid. Come, brother will carry you and climb up!"    


At this time, Yung Xiaodai naturally saw the bad guys chasing after him. His cold and bright eyes were filled with coldness. He then lowered his head and looked at Yung Xiaomeng who was struggling to get up.    


"No, Xiaomeng can walk by herself. Big brother, quick!"    


Yung Xiaomeng had already gritted her teeth and endured the pain on her knee as she got up. Seeing the man getting closer and closer, she pulled Yung Xiaodai and ran forward.    


"You two stinky brats, you have quite the guts. I didn't think that the drug I put on your bodies would lose effect so quickly. You actually want to run away? You are courting death, aren't you?!" The man who chased after them threatened Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng fiercely with a fierce look on his face.    


"Bad guy, you big bad guy kidnapped us and wanted to take us away. Let's run. Come and catch us if you dare!"    


Yung Xiaomeng fiercely made a face at the bad guy who was chasing after them. Then, she pulled Yung Xiaodai and quickly ran away.    


"With a bang, the man who was chasing her suddenly shot towards the sky. He wanted to use the sound of the gun to scare the two kids who dared to run away. It would be best if they were afraid of him.    


Furthermore, if it wasn't for the orders from the higher-ups that prevented them from hurting the two kids, he would have already shot them. To him, as long as he kept these two little ghosts alive, he didn't care if they were hurt or not.    


Originally, the man thought that the gunshots and bullets could shock Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng in an instant, but he didn't expect that these two little ghosts didn't even tremble. Instead, they ran even faster.    


"Brother, that bad guy has a gun. What should we do?"    


Yung Xiaomeng and Yung Xiaodai did not seem to be afraid of the gunshots behind them, but at this moment, the expressions on their faces were not right. Their pale faces were tense, and they were extremely nervous and terrified.    


"I'm not afraid. He only used the gunshots to scare us. He did not dare to really shoot!" Sweat kept dripping down Yung Xiaodai's tensed little face. His thin lips, like Yung Mo's, were also tightly pursed. His tender voice was filled with an unconcealable coldness.    




Although Yung Xiaomeng often bickered with her brother, at such a critical moment, she still trusted him very much. Once Yung Xiaodai said it, Yung Xiaomeng obediently nodded her head and the two of them quickly ran inside.    


"There are two forks in the road ahead. Let's split up and run. Xiaomeng, your knee is injured. Run towards the tunnel on the right. Remember to find a safe place to hide!"    


After running for a while, the two of them saw the end of the road in front of them. There were two tunnels in front of them. Di City was the capital of Z Country. The airport in the capital was naturally very big. Just by running, Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng had been running for a long time. At this moment, they really did not have much strength left.    


In addition, they were both children. The man behind them was running faster and faster. Yung Xiaodai knew that not only could he not protect his sister, but he would also fall into the hands of this bad guy together with his sister.    


Rather than that, he might as well lure this bad guy away and think of a way to deal with him.    


Yung Xiaodai thought in his heart.    


"No, Xiaomeng is worried about big brother. Big brother cannot leave Xiaomeng alone!"    


When Yung Xiaomeng heard Yung Xiaodai's words, she immediately became worried and stubbornly shook her head.    


"Listen to me. Big Brother will be fine. If you get hurt and come with me, we will all be taken away by that bad guy. When that time comes, daddy and mommy will be even more worried. When Big Brother finds a way to deal with that bad guy, I will come and find you. You better hide obediently!"    


Yung Xiaodai comforted Yung Xiaomeng who was beside him. Although he was young, his mind was more mature than his peers, and his IQ was not low at such a young age.    


Yung Xiaomeng also knew that what her brother said was right. Although she was worried, she still frowned and nodded with a serious face, "Xiaomeng knows. Xiaomeng will listen to me and wait for big brother to come and find Xiaomeng!"    


"En, then you better be careful!" Yung Xiaodai's tense little face was incomparably serious and then let go of Yung Xiaomeng's hand.    


They had reached the fork in the road in front of them. Yung Xiaodai looked to the left and right, and quickly told Yung Xiaomeng to run. Yung Xiaomeng was worried about her brother, but she did not dare to drag her brother back. She ran forward with all her strength, and did not even dare to look back.    


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