Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C839 Make Some Moves

C839 Make Some Moves

A moment later, Leng Yundi raised his hand.    


The subordinate beside him immediately went up and used the remote control to turn off the music in the private room. The deafening sound stopped, and it immediately quieted down.    


The sound in the private room was very good. It could barely be heard from the outside world.    


When the music stopped, the four people kneeling on the ground trembled. They were even more afraid and begged Leng Yundi for mercy.    


"Boss, please spare us. We really don't know where we offended you. There are old and young men and women among us. Please let us go, boss! "    


When Leng Yundi heard the four of them begging for mercy, his ruthless and malicious face was filled with a cold smile.    


"Don't you know how you offended me? It's not impossible for me to let you go, but you have to tell me what bad things the four of you did last night. I will think about whether I should let you go or not!"    


As soon as Leng Yundi's gloomy and ruthless voice faded, the four men kneeling on the ground tensed up and revealed frightened expressions.    


Last night, when they thought about what they had done last night, the backs of the four people instantly turned cold. Looking at the group of fierce bodyguards in the private room and the terrifying and ruthless man sitting on the sofa, their hearts trembled.    


Could it be that the woman they kidnapped last night had a great background? If that was really the case, they would really be finished.    


When the four of them thought of this, the expressions on their faces became even more afraid. They became deathly pale. They gritted their teeth and exchanged looks. They would rather die than admit it.    


"Boss, we didn't go anywhere at home last night. We really didn't do anything. Let us go!"    


As one of them spoke, the other three people also shouted at Leng Yundi.    


"Is that so? We didn't go anywhere. It seems like you won't tell the truth if I don't teach you a lesson!" Leng Yundi coldly smiled, then raised his hand and made a gesture.    


"Change the song and let them wake up!"    


As soon as Leng Yundi's cold voice faded, a fast-paced song suddenly sounded in the private room. Then, the subordinates standing on both sides walked towards the four people kneeling on the ground. The four of them were flustered when they saw this. They couldn't help but step back.    


"Ah, I'll fight you to the death!" One of the gangsters kneeling on the ground couldn't hold it any longer. He stood up from the ground and rushed towards the direction where Leng Yundi was sitting.    


Before he could reach Leng Yundi, he was blocked by one of his subordinates with his arm. He was coldly blocked. Then, with a "bang," a miserable scream of pain was heard. The hoodlum who wanted to rush towards Leng Yundi was sent flying and fell heavily on the door.    


He fell down heavily again. He bent his body, hugged his knees, and rolled on the ground in pain.    


The music in the private room was very loud. No one outside noticed it, but the people in the private room were. Because of the painful screams, they all shivered. The remaining three people who were kneeling on the ground looked at the gangster who was rolling on the ground in pain. Their faces turned pale.    


But Leng Yundi did not seem to be moved by the scene in front of him. He was fierce, violent, and sinister. His cold eyes glanced at the gangster rolling on the ground in pain and landed on the faces of the three gangsters kneeling on the ground. He raised his hand and signaled his subordinate to lower the sound of the music and spoke in a gloomy voice.    


"How about it? Do you want to consider it again? It's okay. I have plenty of time to waste with you. I will wait until you say it!"    


Leng Yundi's aura was so strong that it suppressed the three gangsters kneeling on the ground. Another gangster in front of them had his knee broken and his painful scream rang in their ears. The three of them were also scared.    


"I said, let me tell you. Last night, the four of us went to the door of a restaurant called XX and kidnapped a woman, but we didn't do it on purpose. We were just doing things with money. Let us go. We really didn't know that woman was the boss's man. Please spare us, boss! "    


"Yeah, boss. We were really just doing things with money. We didn't want to do it either. Boss, please spare us!"    


The three of them kowtowed to Leng Yundi and begged him bitterly.    


"Who asked you to kidnap the person? How much is it? Tell me!"    


Leng Yundi narrowed his eyes and looked at the three gangsters kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy. The ruthless look in his eyes became more and more intense. He really wanted to drag these people who dared to kidnap Qianqian out and scare her to death.    


After being shouted by Leng Yundi, the three of them suddenly shivered.    


"Boss, it's not that we don't want to say it, but we really don't know. The other party only found us through the phone and gave us five hundred thousand yuan. We just need to kidnap a woman at the entrance of the XX restaurant and send her to a hotel room. That's all. Boss, it's not that we don't want to say it, but we don't know either. The other party just found us through the phone and gave us five hundred thousand yuan. We just need to kidnap a woman at the entrance of the XX restaurant and send her to a hotel room. We don't know anything else! "    


The three hoodlums were filled with regret at this moment.    


If they had known that the kidnapped woman had such a huge force behind her, not to mention five hundred thousand, even if they were given one million, they would definitely not have made a move.    


"Five hundred thousand yuan, humph!" His Qianqian was only worth so little money. Leng Yundi was very unhappy in his heart. "Phone number?"    


"The phone number is here, here!" One of the gangsters immediately took out his phone. Instead, it was the phone he had previously contacted. "Mutt, this is it. Boss, please spare us. We really don't know anything!"    


The subordinate took the hoodlum's phone over. Leng Yundi looked at the number on the screen. It was a landline. It seemed that the person who kidnapped Qianqian was very careful. A landline like this was very likely to be a public phone. It would not be easy to find it.    


"What's the other person's voice? Is it a man or a woman?"    


"It's a woman. It's the voice of a young woman!"    


Leng Yundi narrowed his eyes. The voice of a young woman. What motive would the other party have to deal with Qianqian? Qianqian had just returned after leaving for four years. What she did every day was basically within his scope of observation. No one could get close to Qianqian at all.    


Leng Yundi's eyes flashed. It was a sinister look. His ruthless eyes looked coldly at the three people who were kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy with pale faces. The one who was rolling on the ground in pain stood up coldly, and a cold smile appeared on his lips. He had a ruthless expression on his face.    


"Do something and send them to prison, so that they won't be able to come out for the rest of their lives!" After Leng Yundi said that, he walked out of the private room without looking back, leaving the four people in the room with pale faces and frightened faces.    


Leng Yundi left the Ku Shang KTV and headed towards the hospital. The expression on his face was somewhat gloomy and violent under the light of the night. It was volatile!    


Le Shi, it seemed like he needed to investigate what happened when the little girl went to the 17th floor to deliver the documents yesterday.    


Since he was related to Le Shi, no one would dare to hurt the little girl.    


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