Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C793 Call Me an Idiot

C793 Call Me an Idiot

"Can I talk to her alone for the last time?" Seeing Leng Qianqian about to leave, Leng Yundi's eyes were filled with reluctance.    


"I will give you ten minutes!"    


Robert nodded and looked at Leng Yundi.    


"Thank you!" Leng Yundi thanked Robert and got into the helicopter. Robert even closed the door for Leng Yundi.    


They had been separated for four years. After all, it was not four days. Robert could understand the pain of being separated from someone he loved deeply.    


On the helicopter, Leng Yundi quietly stared at Leng Qianqian, as if he wanted to deeply imprint everything in her heart. He was full of reluctance and pain, but he had no choice but to let go of his girl and let her leave.    


For a whole ten minutes, Leng Yundi did not speak. He just quietly stared at Leng Qianqian. Until Robert's urging voice came from behind, "It's almost time!"    


Only then did Leng Yundi come back to his senses. No matter how reluctant he was, at this moment, he could only let go of the longing in his heart.    


He lowered his head and kissed Leng Qianqian between her brows. After that, his eyes, nose, and mouth moved carefully. His actions carried an extremely tender feeling as he softly whispered into Leng Qianqian's ears.    


"Four years. I will wait for you. After four years, I will come and find you. No matter where you are, I will let you return to my side. Qianqian, I love you!"    


The voice filled with deep emotions fell into Leng Qianqian's ears like the most moving melody in the world. In places that Leng Yundi could not see, Leng Qianqian's fingers moved slightly but it was not obvious.    


Leng Qianqian finally left with all of Leng Yundi's love.    


He believed that the short separation was for the sake of a better reunion in the future. At that moment, he would never miss this important girl in his life. He would accompany her for a lifetime, until the end of the world, until the end of his life!    


But Leng Qianqian's departure also made his heart temporarily empty. It was as if something was lost in his body.    


Leng' s mother looked at Leng Yundi. They had seen Leng Yundi's feelings for Qianqian these few days as his parents. Now that Qianqian had left, Leng' s mother was deeply afraid that Leng Yundi would support her. She could not help but let him go home and rest.    


"No need. I'll go to the company!" Leng Yundi did not want to be free, nor did he dare to be empty. He was afraid that he would not be able to help but miss him.    


"No, you haven't slept for the past three days. How can you continue to live like this? Go back and sleep. There won't be any problems with your father in the company! "    


Leng' s mother suddenly became strong and looked at Leng Yundi with heartache.    


In these three days and three nights, Leng Yundi practically never left Leng Qianqian. If he did not sleep, his body might collapse.    


"I'm fine. If I'm tired, I will go back and rest!"    


Leng Yundi's voice was much colder than before. After saying this to Leng' s mother, he walked out. Leng' s mother was so anxious that she felt both anger and heartache.    


Leng Qianqian's departure made Leng Yundi's heart turn cold. Not only did Leng' s mother and Leng's father, who were Leng Yundi's parents, feel this, but also Yung Mo and Lu Wenye.    


But they understood.    


Leng Yundi had just taken two steps when he suddenly stopped and fell down. Luckily, Lih Yuncheng was quick enough to pull Leng Yundi back.    


"Boss, your attack is too fierce!"    


Lih Yuncheng held the unconscious Leng Yundi and complained to Yung Mo.    


"It is not heavy. I am afraid he will not completely lose consciousness!" Yung Mo glanced at Leng Yundi, who was lying in Lih Yuncheng's arms, and then took Muh Jingyan's hand and walked out of the hospital.    


"I'll leave this kid to you!"    


"Hey, boss, don't play like this. You bullied me because I am alone and no one cares about me, right?" Lih Yuncheng complained to Yung Mo.    


Lu Wenye laughed and looked at Lih Yuncheng with amusement. "Let's go and take him to Qianqian's ward to sleep. He also has Qianqian's body temperature. This kid should be happy to do so!"    


"Looks like you understand!"    


Lih Yuncheng's eyes lit up when he heard Lu Wenye's words and smiled.    


After the two of them carried Leng Yundi to the ward, they looked at Leng's father and Leng' s mother, whose faces were full of worry, and comforted her. "Uncle Leng, Aunt Leng, don't worry. This kid will not wake up every two or three days when Boss's palm strikes!"    


"That's good, that's good. I'm really afraid that once Qianqian leaves, he will torture himself day and night. At that time, his body will be ruined!"    


Leng' s mother let out a sigh of relief and her tone was filled with worry for her son.    


"Don't worry, this kid will understand!"    


Leng Yundi woke up two days later at night. In his daze, he seemed to smell the unique fragrance of Qianqian in the air. But when he opened his eyes, he only saw the darkness and loneliness in the room.    


At that moment, Leng Yundi had never felt cold before. His heart was cold. For an entire night, Leng Yundi curled up on the bed that Leng Qianqian had once lied on. He rested on the pillow that Leng Qianqian had slept on. The tip of his nose was wrapped with a faint and familiar fragrance, but he felt an unprecedented satisfaction.    


After dawn, Leng Yundi still got up on time and went to work on time. He did not feel dispirited at all and did not indulge himself at all. It was just that the low pressure around his body was more dangerous and sharper than before.    


Since then, he had never mentioned the name Leng Qianqian. Every time someone mentioned him, he would always be the one who was the most silent. He pursed his lips and no one knew what he was thinking. Leng Yundi was so quiet. He was busy with the company all day and almost regarded the company as half a home.    


Leng' s mother and Leng's father were naturally happy and worried in their eyes.    


In the blink of an eye, a few months had passed. The weather in Di City was getting colder and colder. It was already late autumn, and it was not far from winter.    


In the garden, Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng were almost one year old. The entire Scenic Garden was discussing how to hold a grand birthday banquet for the two little fellows!    


Yung Xiaodai and Yung Xiaomeng were able to hobble for about seven months. Their wobbly little appearances made everyone in the garden very happy. Old master Yung even showed off his Great-grandson and great-granddaughter wherever he went.    


Yung Xiaodai spoke a little earlier. Six months later, he would be able to babble and babble. It was a single syllable, but it also made old master Yung and Grandma Yung very happy. They shouted loudly that Great-grandson was a smart child.    


Yung Xiaomeng spoke a little later. She only spoke after eight months, but the first one she called out was not Yung Mo's father or Muh Jingyan's mother. The first time she spoke, she actually called Bai Yichen "idiot!"    


Yung Xiaomeng, who had never received any knowledge in this field, really scared a lot of people when she spoke. Even the person involved, Bai Yichen, didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard Yung Xiaomeng call him idiot.    


However, Bai Yichen's intuition had been telling him this. His heart, which did not know whether to laugh or cry, immediately calmed down when he saw Yung Mo roll his eyes at him. He even felt an indescribable sense of joy in his heart.    


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