Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C791 He Had Planned to Leave a Long Time ago

C791 He Had Planned to Leave a Long Time ago

Leng Yundi had already forgotten how he left Scenic Garden and how he returned to Lih's Hospital. He had a feeling that this wasn't a long journey, but it had become extremely long today.    


It was so long that it made him feel like he was suffocating. He was stunned when he saw the endless stream of people shuttling in front of the windshield.    


He stepped on the accelerator tightly, as if he was isolating everything around him, and kept moving forward. He completely lost the will to think.    


It was only when a sharp and ear-piercing horn sound came from behind him that Leng Yundi woke up from that kind of pain that he had never felt before.    


The moment he came back to his senses, he felt that he had run into a speeding small bridge car. Fortunately, Leng Yundi's driving skills were too strong. He quickly turned the steering light around and brushed past the car door of the speeding car. It did not turn into a huge car accident.    


However, at this moment, Leng Yundi's heart was not calm. After the car sped over, it fiercely said something to Leng Yundi.    


"F * ck you, you don't have eyes!"    


If it was Leng Yundi, he would have gotten off the car and left immediately. However, at this moment, Leng Yundi did not have any reaction. It was as if the other party's voice did not exist at all.    


Leng Yundi drove the car to the side of the road and stopped. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. He took two deep breaths, wanting to relieve some of the suffocating pain in his heart.    


The white smoke rings were spat out one by one, spiraling in the air like a wisp of smoke that was blown away in an instant. However, the pain in his heart was getting deeper and deeper, as if the tear could not be healed.    


Leng Yundi had been listening by the side of the road for a long time, so long that even he himself did not realize the problem of time.    


Until Leng' s mother called Leng Yundi. She asked worriedly, "Yundi, are you alright over there?"    


Leng' s mother thought that something had happened to Leng Yundi after he went out for so long and did not come back. There was some worry in her voice.    


Only then did Leng Yundi come to his senses. "I'm fine. What's wrong? Is Qianqian relapsing again?"    


Leng' s mother called. The first thing Leng Yundi thought of was that Leng Qianqian had a high fever.    


"No, Qianqian's condition has stabilized. I just thought that something had happened to you after you went out for so long!"    


Leng' s mother was relieved when she heard Leng Yundi's voice. Actually, she was only afraid that Leng Yundi would do something stupid. She did not want to lose her son when a daughter was already like this.    


"Yes, I will go back now!"    


Leng Yundi answered, put away the phone, and started the car again to drive towards Lih's Hospital.    


When he arrived at the hospital, Leng' s mother was not there. Leng's father was accompanying her in the ward. Seeing Leng Yundi come in, Leng's father looked at him and said: "Go and have some food. Your mother's painstaking efforts have been wasted. Your mother has not rested well for Qianqian these two days!"    


"I am not hungry yet!"    


Leng Yundi responded, but did not go straight into the kitchen to eat. Instead, he walked to the bedside and stared deeply at Leng Qianqian who was lying on the sickbed. As long as he watched her quietly, Leng Yundi felt very satisfied.    


But when he thought about Muh Jingyan saying that they would be separated for as long as four years, Leng Yundi felt exceptionally satisfied. Leng Yundi's heart sank again.    


Qianqian should hate him, right? She hated him so much. If they really separated for four years, would Qianqian forget him after she recovered?    


Or would Qianqian fall in love with another man somewhere else?    


Whenever Leng Yundi thought of those possibilities, he would feel that something was not right. Just thinking about it would make him feel like he had gone crazy with jealousy.    


But when he thought of those past injuries and his Qianqian being alone in the dark corner with no one to accompany her, feeling sad, alone in pain, and shouldering everything by herself, Leng Yundi felt a little afraid. He was afraid that Leng Qianqian would push him far away when she woke up and not let him get close to her again.    


He thought that no matter which kind, he would suffocate to death.    


"Silly boy, what are you thinking about? The phone rang!"    


Leng Yundi was still staring at Leng Qianqian, lost in thought. Beside him, Leng's father had already called Leng Yundi a few times.    


Leng Yundi took out the phone beside him. It was Leng Qianqian's phone. Leng Yundi looked at the caller ID on the phone and saw that it was an unknown number. He hung up without thinking.    


However, the phone did not seem to give up. It rang two more times in a row. The ringing annoyed Leng Yundi.    


In the end, Leng Yundi still picked up the phone, but his attitude was not very good. He said coldly: "What's the matter?"    


"Hello, may I ask if this is Miss Leng Qianqian and Miss Leng's place?"    


A gentle and polite voice came from the other end of the phone.    


Leng Yundi frowned. He said coldly: "She doesn't have time to answer the phone right now. What do you want?"    


"Oh, it's like that. May I ask who you are, Miss Leng? Is it convenient for you to ask me because I am in a hurry? "    


" Go ahead! "    


"I'm the receptionist of Country R's XX Hotel. Miss Leng had booked a room for a week here, but Miss Leng didn't come to the hotel yesterday, so we need to ask her if she still needs a room in the hotel. Or should we just cancel the reservation? Yes, I'm the receptionist of Country R's XX Hotel. Miss Leng had booked a room for a week here, but Miss Leng didn't come to the hotel yesterday. We need to ask around in the hotel. Do we still need a room in the hotel? "    


"Hotel? When did you book it?"    


Leng Yundi had never heard of Leng Qianqian going to Country R, but when he received the phone call from the front desk of the hotel, he immediately understood. At this moment, he looked at Leng Qianqian with a slightly dark gaze.    


His heart was filled with bitterness.    


"I booked it a month ago. May I ask if you can help me ask Miss Leng about it? Our hotel has been short of rooms recently!"    


"Withdraw, she won't be coming!"    


When he heard that they had booked a hotel a month ago, Leng Yundi's temper immediately flared up. After saying that coldly, he hung up the phone.    


His dark eyes were dyed with an indescribable bitter smile. He stared at Leng Qianqian on the sickbed, not knowing whether to be happy or sad in his heart.    


It turned out that his girl had already decided to leave him so early in the morning!    


Leng Yundi tried a few times to suppress the pain in his heart, but found that it was useless at all.    


"What's wrong? What happened?" Leng's father asked worriedly when he saw Leng Yundi's ugly expression.    


"It's nothing. Dad, you should go back too. I'll just watch over Qianqian tonight!"    


Leng Yundi said faintly and looked at Leng's father.    


"Go and rest. I'm not tired yet. Your mother and I will watch over you at night. You haven't slept for two days and one night. You rest tonight!" Leng's father looked at Leng Yundi and said.    


"No need. I can. I will leave the company to you. Go back!"    


Leng Yundi did not want to miss the opportunity to get along with Leng Qianqian. So even if she wanted to leave in three days, he still wanted to stay by her side for the last three days.    


That's right. Leng Yundi knew very well that he couldn't stop sister-in-law and Yung Mo. If they really wanted to take Leng Qianqian away, it would be a piece of cake for him.    


More importantly, he understood that he wasn't qualified to do so. He had caused Qianqian so much pain in the past. How could he let her live in such pain this time? He was willing to let go of her and let her leave for four years to be treated properly.    


But after four years, he would definitely not let go anymore!    


Even if she did not want him, she fell in love with someone else, she hated him, he would still accompany her, protect her, take care of her like he did when he was young, pamper her!    


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