Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C153 That Woman Is Our Sister-in-law

C153 That Woman Is Our Sister-in-law

After the meal, everyone suggested going to the Eight Heavens for a drink.    


Therefore, a large group of people drove a few cars towards the Eight Heavens in a grandiose manner.    


Yung Mo naturally brought his woman with him. Ye Chuxia sat in the back seat, while Yung Yuxuan and Lu Wenjin, two good friends, got into Lu Wenye's car, Lih Yuncheng and Leng Yundi.    


Leng Yundi drank a lot of wine in the dining room. Lih Yuncheng was worried about him driving, so he forcefully took over the driver's task.    


In the car, Lih Yuncheng looked at Leng Yundi, who was sitting next to him with a gloomy and silent face. He pursed his lips and finally said seriously.    


"You like sister-in-law?"    


His direct words made Leng Yundi slightly come back to his senses. He looked at Lih Yuncheng, who was driving next to him.    


"Is it very obvious?"    


"Yes, it is quite obvious. Furthermore, it can be seen that Boss knows that you like sister-in-law. That's why the relationship between the two of you is a little strange! "    


Lih Yuncheng naturally brought sister-in-law into the private room and smelled the faint smell of fireworks in the air. Lu Wenye was afraid that he also understood in his heart.    


Leng Yundi was silent and did not say anything. He looked out the window with a slightly gloomy gaze.    


Seeing Leng Yundi's appearance, Lih Yuncheng could not help but remind him.    


"No matter what happened between you and the boss, I still want to remind you that the woman is our sister-in-law now!"    


Hearing Lih Yuncheng's words, Leng Yundi frowned. His gloomy eyes carried a bit of anger and gloominess, and he didn't say anything.    


Lih Yuncheng didn't know if Leng Yundi had heard what he said, but he sincerely hoped that this brother would think it through. After all, they were good brothers who grew up together. They didn't want to be brothers for the sake of women.    


The few of them parked the car at the entrance of Eight Heavens. Immediately, a little brother parked the car and came up to them respectfully. They were all regular customers here, and there was a private room specially reserved for them. Naturally, they were respectful to them.    


They went all the way to the eighth floor and entered their own private private rooms. Only then did everyone sit down on the sofa.    


After a while, a waiter who served drinks brought in fruit plates, desserts, and drinks. Yung Mo knew Muh Jingyan was not good at drinking, so he specially prepared fruit juice for her.    


"This place has been like this for so many years. It really hasn't changed!" Lih Yuncheng looked at the lively scene under the French window on the eighth floor and couldn't help but sigh.    


"Even if other places change, this place won't change. If it changes, where can we find a place to play?" Lu Wenye also looked down and said languidly.    


"How is it? How have you been these few years?"    


Everyone sat down and the few men began to chat.    


Ye Chuxia was a bold girl, and she liked pretty boys even more. As soon as she entered the private room, she had a lot of fun with Yung Yuxuan and Lu Wenjin, who were good friends.    


Muh Jingyan was quietly held in Yung Mo's arms and sat quietly. Seeing Yung Mo chatting with his good brother, the coldness on her face dissipated a little.    


Although Yung Mo was chatting with his good brothers, his loving gaze fell on Muh Jingyan from time to time. He even fed Muh Jingyan some fruits and snacks from time to time.    


She was like a beautiful woman who sat quietly and waited to be fed!    


Ye Chuxia and Yung Yuxuan played for a while. When they saw that no one was playing and that they were chatting at the side, they immediately felt bored and suggested that everyone play games together.    


The men raised their eyebrows. None of them had any objections, so they happily decided.    


"Play what?" Lih Yuncheng asked curiously.    


"Why don't we play the game of the Emperor catching eunuchs?" Ye Chuxia suggested.    


"The Emperor catching eunuchs?" Everyone was puzzled. A few big men usually came out to drink and chat to relieve boredom. How could they make games?    


"I know, I know, I know!" Yung Yuxuan shouted from the side and explained excitedly. "It's to prepare a few cards and tell them that one card is king. The few of us will draw these cards. Whoever draws the king, just say two cards. Then let the person holding these two cards do whatever they want. If they don't do it, they will choose to be honest and take a big risk! "    


When everyone heard Yung Yuxuan's words, they all understood. They nodded, feeling that there was some meaning to it.    


Very quickly, the waiter brought out a set of cards. He picked out seven cards and added another King. Eight cards, just right for the eight of them!    


The game began very quickly. The first round was won by Yung Yuxuan. He called out two numbers, and it turned out to be Yung Mo and Lih Yuncheng. He was immediately frightened and was at a loss.    


"Xuan, hurry up!" Ye Chuxia saw that Yung Yuxuan was in a dilemma and reminded him.    


"I dare not!" Yung Yuxuan saw his big brother's "mighty and majestic" face and his entire body trembled. He really did not dare to let his beloved big brother do anything.    


"Trash, if you don't come, I will!" Ye Chuxia did not have anything that she did not dare to do. At this moment, she would not let go of this good opportunity. After thinking for a while, she could not help but say to the two of them, "Tsk tsk, such beautiful two faces, why don't we have an intimate kiss?"    


Ye Chuxia's words immediately made Yung Mo and Lih Yuncheng's faces darken.    


Lih Yuncheng was really frightened by such a bold and magnificent feat. If he and Yung Mo were to have a kiss, their boss would have sent him flying with a kick.    


Yung Mo, on the other hand, had a dangerous expression as he narrowed his dark and gloomy eyes and looked coldly at Ye Chuxia.    


Muh Jingyan could not help but find it funny. Chuxia's opinion seemed to be quite lovable. She looked up at Yung Mo's ugly expression and could not help but pray for Chuxia in her heart.    


"If you don't agree, you can also choose the words from the heart and take a big risk!"    


Finally, under Yung Mo's terrifying aura like a god of hell, Ye Chuxia did not have the courage to compromise!    


After hearing Ye Chuxia's words, the expression on Yung Mo's face slightly improved.    


After that, both of them chose to speak from the bottom of their hearts.    


"Cough cough, eldest young master Yung, I am more curious. How many times do you and Yanyan spend the night together?"    


Ye Chuxia stared at Yung Mo with a curious look for a while and looked like she really wanted to know. When she saw Muh Jingyan by the side, her face turned red and her heart was filled with regret. She should not have called Chuxia over today.    


However, Ye Chuxia's question made Lih Yuncheng and the others a little interested. They also wanted to know the questions about Yung Mo a few times.    


Yung Mo's dangerous black eyes coldly narrowed. He looked at Ye Chuxia with a cold face. It made her hair stand up straight, but she still held on with a strong face. In the end, she only heard Yung Mo coldly say a few words.    


"Do it until she fainted!"    


"When Yung Yuxuan heard that, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of wine. This time, it was not Lu Wenye who was injured, but Yung Mo.    


Indeed, there was a dumbass brother who came here to suffer!    


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