Invincible Bloodline

C1511 Concession

C1511 Concession

Purple Mansion Province, Marlboro Pavilion, 12th floor.    


"Wh. . . What? 2,000 intermediate Divine Tools?"    


Violet Mansion Master asked. He couldn't believe his ears. I. . . 'I heard it wrong, right?' Two thousand intermediate Divine Weapons, how is that possible?    


Palace Lord Wan Bao who was standing not far away wasn't shocked at all. Instead, he revealed an expression of 'as expected'. I knew that little friend Yang Fann wouldn't be so simple.    


Two thousand intermediate Divine Tools at once. This was indeed little friend Yang Fann's style.    


In the next second. . .    


Palace Lord Wan Bao looked at Violet Mansion Master with a hint of ridicule in his eyes. Zi Yuan, ah Zi Yuan, did he really think that a few intermediate Divine Tools could be exchanged for Violet Mansion Secret Key? How could there be such a cheap price in this world?    


. . .    


"Young master Yang Fann, what did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly?" Taking a deep breath, Violet Mansion Master asked again. Two thousand intermediate divine weapons. He really couldn't believe it. How could a single person use so many intermediate divine weapons? It was impossible to say that the forces behind him needed them.    


How could the major powers in Aima Realm Continent lack two thousand intermediate divine weapons?    


Not to mention two thousand intermediate Divine Tools, even if it was a hundred thousand or a million, it wouldn't be a difficult task.    


The resources in Aima Realm Continent were so abundant that it was basically impossible for them to lack two thousand intermediate divine weapons. Even if the thousands and millions of river systems in Aima Realm were combined, they wouldn't be able to match up to the previous Aima Realm Continent.    


"Two thousand intermediate divine weapons. Get someone to send two thousand intermediate divine weapons over. The Secret Key in my hand will be yours. " Yang Fann's voice was as calm as ever, as if the two thousand intermediate Divine Tools were as simple as two thousand intermediate Dao Weapons.    


"It. . . It really is two thousand intermediate Divine Weapons! I didn't hear it wrong! I didn't mishear it! I didn't mishear it! Violet Mansion Master's eyes were a little dull. The good impression he had for Yang Fann had disappeared in an instant. He thought that Yang Fann was a man who knew when to advance and when to retreat. He never thought that Yang Fann was actually a hungry wolf that ate people without spitting out their bones.    


Two thousand intermediate divine weapons. To think that he would say it out loud.    


A total of two thousand intermediate Divine Tools, not two hundred! And it wasn't even twenty! Even if all the intermediate divine weapons in the Violet Mansion Sect were added together, they might not even have two thousand intermediate divine weapons.    


They were not the Myriad Treasure Palace, they were the number one merchant union in the Purple Mansion River. They needed to stock up a large number of intermediate divine weapons to sell. Refining too many intermediate divine weapons was a complete waste of resources.    


After all, there were only so many intermediate Divine Masters in the Violet Mansion Sect. As for high-level Divine Masters, intermediate divine weapons were of little value to them. Apart from Seventh Layer Divine Masters who had just advanced and could use intermediate divine weapons, most of the high-level Divine Masters would refine High-level Divine Artifacts.    


If it wasn't for the fact that they were afraid of Yang Fann's identity. . . Also, there was Palace Lord Wan Bao, who stood beside him. Violet Mansion Master really had the impulse to attack and snatch the Secret Key from Yang Fann's hand.    


Two thousand intermediate Divine Tools, go and dream about it.    


"Taking a deep breath, Violet Mansion Master suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Young master Yang Fann, two thousand intermediate Divine Tools, this is too much. Even if we emptied all of Violet Mansion Sect's inventory, we still wouldn't be able to gather two thousand intermediate Divine Tools. " Hu. . . Violet Mansion Master took a deep breath and said, Young master Yang Fann, two thousand intermediate Divine Tools, this is too much. Even if we emptied all of Violet Mansion Sect's inventory, we still wouldn't be able to gather two thousand intermediate Divine Tools. Young master, look! How about this? My Violet Mansion Sect is willing to offer five hundred intermediate divine weapons and three High-level Divine Artifacts. . . "    


Three High-level Divine Artifacts, which was equivalent to a hundred intermediate divine weapons and five hundred intermediate divine weapons, made Violet Mansion Master quite sincere.    


For example, the Violet Mansion Sect didn't pay that much for the other Violet Mansion Sects.    


It was a pity that Yang Fann didn't want to buy them. He was asking for two thousand intermediate Divine Tools, and it seemed like he was asking for an exorbitant price. However, even if he wanted to pay it back, he didn't have the means to do so. If two thousand were to be reduced to five hundred, how could he lower the price?    


As for the three High-level Divine Artifacts, they were ignored by Yang Fann. What he needed right now was a intermediate divine weapon. No matter how many High-level Divine Artifacts he had, he would give them to him. Before the Nine Revolutions Divine Devil Body reached the Second Transformation Huge Perfection, they were just decorations.    


In the next second. . .    


"Swoosh ~ ~"    


Yang Fann turned his right hand and kept the Violet Mansion Secret Key.    


Since you, Violet Mansion Master, don't have any sincerity, then let's not talk about it.    


Now, it was Violet Mansion Master who begged him, not him who begged Violet Mansion Master to buy the Secret Key in his hand.    


At most, he would just let him keep it. No one was allowed to enter the Land of Legacy. It wasn't like the Purple Mansion River System had a intermediate Divine Weapon. Next, he would have to pass through so many rivers to gather a thousand and a hundred intermediate Divine Weapons. Was it difficult?    


"Damn junior! He's going to take down my Violet Mansion Sect for sure. . . " Violet Mansion Master cursed in his heart, but he couldn't do anything to Yang Fann. As long as he didn't want his Violet Mansion Sect to be removed from this world, he couldn't use force. Even if he used force, would he be able to take the Secret Key away?    


Regarding this, Violet Mansion Master wasn't confident either. Putting aside that old man, he couldn't just sit there and do nothing. How could A Peerless Monster not have some precious treasures that could save his life?    


It couldn't be said that. . . The last one to die will be himself.    


The means of those Fourth Grade Top Level True God and even Domain God Sovereign were not something a First Grade Top Level True God like him could imagine.    


"Young master Yang Fann! If you have something to say, say it. If you have something to say, say it. " Violet Mansion Master gritted his teeth and said, "Eight hundred intermediate divine weapons and three Top Level True Gods, how about it?"    


Yang Fann picked up a teacup at the side and took a sip of the Void Clearing Yuan Long Tea. He did not even look at Violet Mansion Master. The meaning behind it was obvious.    


"This hateful little devil! Violet Mansion Master hated injustice in his heart. For tens of billions of years, he had never been looked down upon like this. However, he was stronger than others. No matter how dissatisfied he was in his heart, he had to suppress his anger. "Young master Yang Fann, one thousand intermediate divine weapons! . . . . . . "    


"Bang ~ ~"    


Putting down the teacup in his hand, Yang Fann calmly looked at Violet Mansion Master. "How about this? Both of us will take a step back. One thousand five hundred intermediate divine weapons. I agree. You can take this Violet Mansion Secret Key. If you don't agree, I will keep this Secret Key for myself. "    


One thousand five hundred intermediate Divine Tools. This was Yang Fann's bottom line. Although he only needed one thousand one hundred or so intermediate Divine Tools, three hundred of them were Superior Intermediate Divine Tools. Compared to the Inferior Middle-level Divine Artifact, Superior Intermediate Divine Tools took a long time. Swallowing one of them would take him nearly sixty years.    


However, the strength of the Nine Revolutions Divine Devil Body's Second Transformation Huge Perfection would increase exponentially with the strength of the First Transformation Huge Perfection as the foundation. In other words, even if Yang Fann had ten thousand intermediate divine weapons, he would still be able to refine Exquisite Intermediate's divine weapon. There wouldn't be any difference between this and refining ten thousand Inferior Middle-level Divine Artifacts.    


Since the strength was the same, why would he waste so much time?    


As for whether Violet Mansion Master would give up just like that, Yang Fann believed that he would make a wise decision.    


One thousand five hundred Inferior Middle-level Divine Artifacts might not be a small amount, but the total value was only two to three hundred thousand High Level Divine Stones. With the foundation of the Violet Mansion Sect, this amount of High Level Divine Stones could at most injure them a little. It was not enough to shake their foundation.    


If Yang Fann insisted on not letting go, he would definitely take the two thousand intermediate divine weapons. Violet Mansion Master gritted his teeth and would most likely agree to it.    


After all, compared to the inheritance of the Purple Mansion Divine Master, this amount of intermediate divine weapons was nothing. A single Top-level Divine Artifact was equivalent to two thousand intermediate divine weapons, and it was even more than that.    


"One thousand five hundred intermediate Divine Tools is truly too much. Even if we emptied the Violet Mansion Sect's storage, we still wouldn't be able to gather so many intermediate Divine Tools. . . . "    


"If we don't have enough storage, we can just find someone to buy it. It's just a Inferior Middle-level Divine Artifact. Just one to two hundred High Level Divine Stones. Even if it's Exquisite Intermediate's divine weapon, it's only five to six thousand High Level Divine Stones. The Violet Mansion Sect is a big family, so this small amount of divine stones is nothing. Of course, if your sect is unwilling to part with this small amount of divine stones, just treat it as if I didn't say anything. This transaction will end here. "    


" F * ck, this little amount of divine stones?! Even if it was the lowest grade intermediate divine weapon. . . One thousand five hundred pieces of divine stones is equivalent to three hundred thousand High Level Divine Stones. Do you really think our Violet Mansion Sect is a nouveau riche like the Myriad Treasure Palace, with countless divine stones?" At this moment, Violet Mansion Master was cursing in his heart, especially when he saw Yang Fann's hateful face. He really wanted to leave just like that.    


But in the end, he endured it.    


"Hu. . . "    


Taking a deep breath, Violet Mansion Master chose to compromise. The inheritance of the Purple Mansion was not only related to whether he could take that step and advance to the Second Grade Top Level True God, it was also related to the whereabouts of their ancestor, Divine Lord Purple Mansion. No matter what, he could not give up.    


"Young master Yang Fann, you have won. But I need some time to gather more divine weapons. . . "    


The Violet Mansion Sect could take out 1,500 intermediate Divine Tools. However, many of them were intermediate, upper grade, and even Exquisite Intermediate's Divine Tools. The difference between the first grade and the Divine Tools was more than double the price. How could the price of these Divine Tools be so cheap to this young man?    


He didn't specify the grade of one thousand five hundred intermediate divine weapons. The lowest grade Inferior Middle-level Divine Artifact was enough.    


"Alright. One month later, Violet Mansion Master, we'll still be trading here. Finally, Yang Fann added, "Oh. " That's right. Don't forget the three High-level Divine Artifacts you just promised. . . . "    


. . .    


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