Invincible Bloodline

C2845 Heaven and Earth Were Saddened

C2845 Heaven and Earth Were Saddened

Morning Star Chaos Domain, ten thousand light-years away.    


The Cold Shine in Xia Rui's eyes flashed. He was too lazy to waste any more time talking to Daolord Solesky, and directly told him the bottom line that his master, Yang Fann, had given him.    


This was also the Gu Cang Chaos Circle. These Quasi-Chaos God and Chaos Gods were considered half of his hometown. Yang Fann would only give them a chance.    


Otherwise, if the other expert in the chaos circle dared to plot against the Morning Star Chaos Domain, they wouldn't have given any warning. They would have just ordered Xia Rui and the others to kill the intruders.    


A group of ants dared to covet his hometown. They really didn't know what death was!    


However, when these words fell into Daolord Solesky's ears, it had another meaning.    


Daolord Solesky's eyes widened. He was so angry that one Buddha was born, and two Buddhas were born.    


This Chaotic God that came out of nowhere was a little too overbearing.    


Anyone who stepped into the realm of ten thousand years would die!    


Who did he think he was?    


He might not even be a Middle-level Chaos God. Even if he was really a Middle-level Chaos God, he still wasn't qualified to take Daolord Solesky's life.    


. . .    


"Sir, if you want to eat all by yourself, aren't you afraid of being stuffed to death?"    


Daolord Solesky smiled coldly. This Large-Sized Chaos Domain was the key for him to break through to the Quasi Middle-level Chaos God, or even the Middle-level Chaos God. No matter what, he would never give up just like this. Once he missed it, he would have to wait for countless Large-Sized Chaos Domains if he wanted to meet another newly advanced Large-Sized Chaos Domain.    


In fact, the possibility of that happening was still unknown. The Gu Cang Chaos Circle was just the lowest grade, the lowest grade, the small chaos circle. Its resources were limited. It was unknown what kind of dog luck it had to give birth to the second Large-Sized Chaos Domain.    


The third Large-Sized Chaos Domain, to be honest, Daolord Solesky really didn't think so highly of it!    


Besides, even if the third Large-Sized Chaos Domain was really born in the Gucang Chaos Domain, how could it be compared to the current Large-Sized Chaos Domain?    


Before the advancement was completed, the scale had already surpassed the Gucang Chaos Domain.    


This energy grade was not considered low among the many small chaos circles in the Large-Sized Chaos Domain.    


Once the transformation was completed and it entered the mature stage, it was very likely that it would become a high energy grade Large-Sized Chaos Domain.    


While they were talking.    


"Buzz. . . "    


Daolord Solesky took a step forward and entered the Morning Star Chaos Domain, which was ten thousand light years away.    


Furthermore, he didn't stop walking. He continued walking towards the Morning Star Chaos Domain, as if he was about to step into the Morning Star Chaos Domain.    


Not only do I have to enter the place that is ten thousand light years away from me, I also want to enter the Large-Sized Chaos Domain. I want to see what kind of abilities you have to be able to kill me.    


With his divine ability, even if the Middle-rank Middle-level Chaos God wanted to keep him, it would be extremely difficult for him to leave.    


Unless it was the expert above High-rank Middle-level Chaos God's, could the person in front of him be the expert above High-rank Middle-level Chaos God's?    


But was this possible?    


The aura given by the person in front of him was much weaker than that of the Ancient Blue Chaotic God. At most, it was just a Low-rank Middle-level Chaos God.    


At most, he would be defeated. It was absolutely impossible to truly threaten his life!    


. . .    


"Stubborn! Then die for me!"    


Xia Rui's eyes flashed with killing intent. It was like the high and mighty Great Dao had decreed Daolord Solesky's fate.    


As an old man who was born in Great World Of Spiritual Martial Arts, Morning Star Chaos Domain was not only the hometown of Yang Fann, but also Xia Rui's hometown.    


If he didn't listen to his advice and still dared to plot against the Morning Star Chaos Domain, he would only die!    


If it wasn't for his master's order, he wouldn't have talked so much nonsense with this aphid worm.    


He would have attacked long ago and sent this ant on his way!    


. . .    


"If you want me to die, don't be afraid that the wind will blow your tongue. "    


A hint of disdain flashed across Daolord Solesky's eyes. He didn't take Xia Rui's words seriously at all.    


If Daolord Solesky's life was so easy to take, he would have died countless times already.    


"Aphids! I hope you can still be so stubborn later. "    


The next second. . . . . .    




Xia Rui no longer suppressed his aura. He was like a peerless ferocious god that had awoken from its deep slumber.    


A terrifying and invincible pressure was crushing down on Daolord Solesky.    


Daolord Solesky was right. Xia Rui only had Low-rank Middle-level Chaos God's cultivation base. In terms of cultivation base, he was much weaker than the Ancient Azure Chaotic God who had stepped into the Middle-rank Middle-level Chaos God. However, cultivation base did not represent combat strength.    


As Yang Fann's personal guard and a disciple who was cultivating in the Heavenly Pillar Divine Mountain, which was comparable to the Seventh Grade Divine Mountain of Primeval Chaos Dao Palace, how could Xia Rui's foundation be compared to the Ancient Blue Chaotic God? A rogue cultivator like the Ancient Blue Chaotic God could be compared to him.    


A Middle-level Chaos God with a low grade and small-scale chaos circle like the Ancient Blue Chaotic God was definitely the weakest among all Chaos Gods of the same level. Whether it was their foundation or potential, they were far from being able to compare with those Middle-level Chaos God from the Large-Sized Chaos Circle. To put it bluntly, even in a low grade Large-Sized Chaos Circle like the Star Dragon Chaos Circle, the quasi-Middle-rank Middle-level Chaos God of the Ancient Blue Chaos God might not be able to defeat a newly advanced Quasi Middle-level Chaos God.    


As for Xia Rui, even if he was in the Primeval Chaos Dao Palace, with the same cultivation base, most of the intermediate disciples might not be a match for him. Only a small number of intermediate disciples could be a match for him.    


Anyone who could become a intermediate disciple of the Primeval Chaos Dao Palace was the Heaven's Pride Evildoer of the Large-Sized Chaos Domain. Challenging someone with a higher cultivation base than him was just a piece of cake.    


. . .    


"Ah. . . Not good. . . This pressure. . . This pressure. . . "    


Daolord Solesky's expression changed. An extremely ominous universe swept across his heart. This pressure was thousands of times more terrifying than the Ancient Blue Chaos God.    


Damn it! How could this be!?    


A wave of regret surged into his mind.    


This time, I'm afraid I'm really wrong. This madman, he's not lying, he really has the power to kill me.    


. . .    


"Lowly aphids, die for me! Divine Ability - Yin Yang Sword Kill!"    


Xia Rui did not show any mercy in this strike. He used the Middle-level Chaos God skill he had practiced - Yin Yang Sword Kill. He had already warned this aphid insect before, but it was still reckless to barge in. Who could be blamed for that?    


"* Hong Long. . . . . . *"    


Two brilliant sword lights burst out from Xia Rui's body. One was black and the other was white. The other was Yin, and the other was Yang. Each sword light was no weaker than the full power of a peak Middle-level Chaos God. The two swords combined into one, and the power was ten times, a hundred times stronger.    


Even a Extreme Middle-level Chaos God would suffer a great loss if he wasn't protected by the Middle-level Chaos Divine Artifact.    


. . .    


"Ah. . . No. . . How could this be. . . This power. . . . . . "    


Daolord Solesky's pupils shrunk. Apart from fear, his eyes were filled with fear. Under the Yin and Yang sword light, he could truly feel the danger of death.    


Vaguely, there seemed to be a voice that kept ringing in his ears. He would die if this sword strike landed on him! He would really die!    


There was absolutely no second possibility.    


. . .    


"No, spare my life, please spare my life, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong. . . . "    


Scared! Daolord Solesky was completely scared!    


After cultivating bitterly for hundreds of millions of eras and experiencing countless dangers, he had finally attained the Chaos God Realm. He didn't want to die. He really didn't want to die.    


. . .    


"It's too late to beg for mercy now!"    


With a cold smile, Xia Rui remained unmoved. The Yin Yang Divine Sword was killing everything in its path.    


. . .    


"No. . . Ah, poof! Heaven Amplification Plate, block it, block it for me!"    


"Buzz. . . "    


A chaotic divine light rose from Daolord Solesky's body and turned into a huge disc that looked like a huge round shield, protecting Daolord Solesky's body.    


The Heaven Amplification Plate was a Low-grade Low-level Chaos God weapon. Daolord Solesky's Lifeblood Divine Artifact was also the only Low-level Chaos God weapon in Daolord Solesky's hand!    


Adding Daolord Solesky's Origin Divine Blood, its power was comparable to a intermediate Low-level Chaos God weapon, and it was enough to defend against the attack of a Quasi-Middle-rank Middle-level Chaos God like the Ancient Blue Chaotic God. Unfortunately, the one he encountered was Xia Rui, who was strong enough to fight a Extreme Middle-level Chaos God warrior.    


. . .    


In less than a breath's time.    


"Puchi! . . . "    


The Heaven Amplification Plate was directly minced into pieces by the Yin Yang Sword Light.    


" Ah. . . No. . . I'm not willing, I'm not willing! I shouldn't have come! I shouldn't have come! . . . " Endless regret engulfed Daolord Solesky's soul. He really shouldn't have coveted this Large-Sized Chaos Domain. Compared to his own life, any amount of resources was useless.    


"Argh! Flower life, I will use the Soul as a sacrifice to curse you. I will curse you to die a horrible death! . . . "    


. . .    


Gucang Chaos Domain.    


"Rumble. . . "    


Suddenly, the weather changed.    


More than half of the Chaos Domain was covered in blood clouds, causing one's hair to stand on end.    


. . .    


"Tap. . . Tap. . . Tap. . . Tap. . . "    


Soon, a rain of blood poured down. It was as if the heavens and earth were weeping in grief. An inexplicable sorrow surged into the hearts of tens of thousands of spirits.    


. . .    


"Ah. . . This. . . What exactly is going on?"    


"The heavens and earth share the same sorrow, perishing. He died, This is the fall of a Chaos God. "    


"Heavens. . . Daolord Solesky, it's Daolord Solesky. No! How is this possible? How is this possible?"    


. . .    


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