Strongest Immortal Emperor in City

C1747 Undefeatable

C1747 Undefeatable



At this moment, all the experts of Hegemony Galaxy were dumbfounded.    


That was a force comparable to ten million Dao Seeking Jades. Who could swallow it? Aren't you afraid of bursting your stomach?    




The five cannons that were as thick as pillars followed suit.    


This time, Ye Chen didn't receive it head on. Instead, he tore open the void with both hands. He plunged into space, five cannons that were comparable to a True God's attack. In an instant, they missed. In the next moment, Ye Chen crossed a distance of ten kilometers. He suddenly appeared in front of the Hegemony Galaxy fleet.    


"Not good!"    


The expressions of Meng Donggus and the others changed dramatically, and they were about to give a warning.    


But it was already too late. Mysterious Dust Immortal Emperor's palm slashed out like a heavenly sword. It suddenly cut a thousand-meter long warship in half in the air. Five layers of energy shields, a mysterious metal armor that could withstand the attacks of True Gods. In front of the white-haired True God, it was as fragile as paper.    


Then, the True God reached out with both hands and grabbed the two space warships, crushing them. Then, with a sway of his body, he smashed a few of the Hegemony Galaxy warships into pieces.    


The Hegemony Galaxy warships were as big as mountains, and in front of the white-haired True God, they looked like chickens under the feet of a giant.    


Ye Chen was like an eagle rushing into a flock of chickens, charging forward and sweeping away everything in his path!    


No army could stop him!    


Under the gazes of billions of people from Earth and many experts from the Hegemony Galaxy.    


Ye Chen charged into the fleet of warships and started a massacre. The ten thousand meter tall white haired True God was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Every punch and palm... He would be injured as soon as he brushed past it. The warships of the Hegemony Galaxy, which were strong enough to fight against an alien race and the Magic Treasure... In front of Ye Chen, they couldn't even withstand a single blow.    




Mysterious Dust Immortal Emperor's divine image was several hundred meters wide. His palm, which was the size of ten football fields, suddenly grabbed a battleship that was resisting.    


No matter how many energy cannons the battleship fired at him, Ye Chen did not move at all. Every inch of the white haired divine being's skin was tougher than the hardest armor. Even if tens of millions of Dao Seeking Jades were to land on him, he would not be able to move an inch.    


"Crack -!"    


Ye Chen gently tore the warship of Hegemony Galaxy, which was over a thousand meters long, into two pieces like a piece of bread.    


The warship broke into pieces, and the experts of Hegemony Galaxy flew out of the warship like headless flies. Their bodies were covered in blue light, and their silver spacesuits looked like mercury. They were all wrapped in it, but these people couldn't even withstand Mysterious Dust Immortal Emperor's terrifying pressure. They were instantly crushed into clouds of blood mist and exploded.    




Facing these ants, Ye Chen couldn't be bothered to attack them. He just let out a light snort.    


Boundless energy waves swept across the surrounding miles in an instant. At this moment, the white haired True God was wearing a set of True Essences. * Hong Long...... * Even with just a snort, he managed to kill dozens of Hegemony Galaxy experts. He exploded in the air, and only the late Ascending Stage captain managed to escape. He fled like a rabbit, not daring to look back.    


"You won't be able to escape."    


Ye Chen opened his mouth, and a terrifying suction force appeared out of nowhere.    


In the blink of an eye, the captain, who had escaped thousands of meters away, was sucked into his stomach. The late Ascending Stage expert was almost sucked into the white haired True God's stomach before he was refined by the divine ability, and he didn't even last half a second.    


The white haired True God that Ye Chen used with the Junior Heavenly Monarch cultivation base was just too terrifying. Even the Sea God would be swallowed by Ye Chen in a single gulp. Ordinary Tribulation Crossing wouldn't be able to withstand it, let alone these Ascending Stage warriors.    


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"    


After that, Ye Chen continued his killing spree. Battleships after battleships were either destroyed, torn apart, or captured alive.    


Those experts from the Hegemony Galaxy who escaped from the battleships had just left the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den. In the vast space, their short legs could not escape from the hands of the white haired True God.    




The experts of the Hegemony Galaxy fell one after another. The lowest grade among them was an Early Ascending Stage cultivation base. In their own clan, they were all important figures in the upper echelons.    


The captains of the ships were honorable nobles, but in front of Ye Chen, they were like weak ants. One punch, one palm, and one kick could wipe out a large number of them.    


This was Ye Chen's true strength!    


Ten years ago, Ye Chen could fight a Junior Heavenly Monarch with all his strength and win easily. After ten years of bitter cultivation and ten years of dormancy, no one could imagine how terrifying Ye Chen's cultivation base would be.    




In the end, Ye Chen simply unleashed his devouring ability.    


A huge black hole suddenly appeared on the battlefield. It covered an area of a hundred miles, like a passageway to the abyss of hell. A terrifying suction force surged out from the black hole. Warships couldn't help but throw themselves into the black hole. Only the five fortresses were still standing.    


"Damn it. This human being deserves to die!"    


Meng Dengs was furious. Every warship was the essence of the First Fleet. They could cross the universe, travel to any star system, and were the elites of the Hegemony Galaxy. But now, they were being slaughtered by Ye Chen. It made Meng Dengci's heart bleed.    


"Kill! We can't let him go!"    


The five Oracles roared in unison.    


All of a sudden, the five battle forts, which were several kilometers long, rushed toward Ye Chen at the same time. The shape of these battle forts was different from ordinary warships. They were like a giant eye floating in space. The Hegemony Galaxy worshipped the eye and believed that any power was released through the pupil. Therefore, they made the most powerful fortress look like an eye.    


"Boom, boom, boom -!"    


The main cannon roared!    


Beams of white light, dozens of meters thick, shot toward Ye Chen. Each of them was comparable to a True God's attack.    


This time, Ye Chen did not dodge. The white haired True God raised his right hand and the chaotic Divine Light on his body glowed. He turned into a heavenly blade and faced the five white pillars.    


"Rumble rumble rumble!"    


The void exploded and the chaos churned. The heaven and earth shook at this moment.    


Five True Gods joined hands to attack Ye Chen. What kind of terrifying collision was this? In that instant, the space was torn apart. Cracks that were several hundred meters long appeared, as if a glass mirror had been shattered. Following this, a terrifying glow suddenly exploded. It was as if a hundred hydrogen bombs had exploded at the same time, shining with glory.    


The energy surged like a tsunami, instantly filling up the area within a hundred kilometers. Under the sea of light, the warships were like small sailing ships that were ten thousand meters long. They shook violently and almost flipped over.    


At this moment, the billions of people on Earth raised their heads at the same time, and they could all see a wondrous scene.    


Beside the sun, another dazzling golden crow slowly rose, its two suns shining together.    


"This is a battle between gods."    


Many of the older generation cultivators' hands trembled.    


It was Venerable Roc, Ye Nian, the Demon Ancestor, and the other Ascending Stage warriors. They were also silent. The battle in outer space had reached a level that they could never imagine. Not to mention getting involved, once involved, even life and death would be out of their hands.    


"You have grown so strong in just ten years. Master of Frost Leaf Sect, who are you?"    


The saintess of Chu Yun lowered her head and said with a sigh.    


This thought echoed in the minds of countless people at the same time...    


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