Strongest Immortal Emperor in City

C1610 My Master Is Here!

C1610 My Master Is Here!

The main altar of the Tian Yin Sect in the volcano of catastrophe.    


This dead volcano had been heavily cultivated by the Tian Yin Sect. Almost empty, a huge underground hole had been dug out of the belly of the mountain. All of the elder, True Immortals, and secret disciples of the Yin Sect were usually cultivating in this underground space.    


The Yin Sect was famous for its ability to condense Yin energy between the heavens and the earth. Yin energy carried high temperatures, great heat, and fire poison. Its power was limitless. The Baleful Yin Qi was mainly extracted from the volcanic lava zone. Within the extinct volcano, there was a small lava river. As for the altar of the Old Ancestor, it was set up beside the lava river.    


"Crack! Piak! Piak!"    


The flames within the lava river were burning, causing brilliant sparks to erupt. The temperature of the entire space was extremely high.    


The black-robed old man sat on the seven-meter tall altar, his eyes closed as he cultivated. Every breath he took, a huge amount of black miasma would be absorbed from the lava river and refined into his body.    


"Say, what's going on outside? The strange black-robed men came and went. And look at that old monster on the altar, he's a lot more violent than usual "    


In a corner, in the iron cage, there were seven people locked up.    


There were men and women among these seven people. They were all young and had different skin colors. One of them, a short and black youth, said in a low voice.    


"I don't know, Brother Qiao, you've been here the longest. Did you encounter something like this?"    


The other girl with tanned skin, long brown hair, and brimming with youth and vitality turned her head to look.    


"I've been here for three months. The old monster might not even wake up once every half a month. However, ever since that Earth girl came, he often woke up. I also heard from their people that it seems like they have gathered together. The ceremony is about to begin."    


The blond man called Brother Qiao sighed as he spoke.    


"You... what do you think the old monster will do to us?"    


A petite and cute girl cried.    


"I don't know, but he caught us and locked us up here. It's obvious that he wants to cultivate some evil technique or hold some evil ritual"    


Brother Qiao shook his head. When he said this, the few youths couldn't help but feel sad. Some of the younger ones even started to sob in low voices.    


These were the people that the Yin Sect had captured from different planets, and were partial to the Yin Meridians. Most of them weren't even cultivators, nor were they aware of any Immortal sects or holy lands. They were just ordinary mortals. When faced with such a thing... How could they not be afraid?    


"Lily, aren't you sad?"    


A young and beautiful girl dressed in fashionable black hair had tears at the corner of her eyes as she looked towards the corner of the iron cage. She was a cold girl who was sitting in a seat. The girl was very quiet. Ever since she was captured, she had not said a single word, as if she had already resigned herself to her fate.    


"Ever since I was born, my father used me as a sacrifice to Wu Tiangou. He raised me for twenty years. If Master hadn't saved me, I'm afraid that I would have... He had long become Wu Tiangou's bait. Since this is the fate of being born like this, what do I have to be afraid of? It's a pity that... I have never seen my master again."    


The cold girl said faintly.    


She was Aokawa Sayuri, who had been taken away from the Miao family.    


After more than ten years, Aokawa Sayuri's aura became colder and colder, like a bright moon in the sky. Even though the seven people who had been captured were all leaning towards the Yin Meridian system, they were all handsome men and beautiful women. But everyone had to admit that Aokawa Sayuri's appearance and temperament were the most outstanding.    


"Who exactly is the master you have been talking about? Your boyfriend?"    


The black-haired woman blinked her eyes and said. Out of the seven of them, only two of them were from the Milky Way. Their hair color and pupils were both black, so they were naturally closer.    


" He was my former master, a very outstanding one. A very dazzling person who could crush all the injustice in this world. He was so outstanding, so outstanding that I had no right to like him. I'll be satisfied just by looking at him silently. "    


Sayuri said in a daze.    


"Hmph, you said he was so outstanding, but you were caught and he did not come to save you."    


The black-haired woman snorted coldly and said, "I also have a boyfriend, but the night I was caught, he ran away like a coward. If I go back, I'll kick him first. "    


As the black haired woman spoke, she said with incomparable yearning and infatuation, "If a handsome guy comes to save me and breaks away from the devil claws, I'll definitely cling onto him and marry him for the rest of my life."    


Even in this kind of situation, Aokawa Sayuri was amused by the female companion's words. She covered her mouth and laughed lightly, "What if a super ugly fatty comes?"    


When the black haired woman heard this, her body immediately stiffened and her pretty face turned green and purple. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Who cares if he is fat or thin, whether he is ugly or handsome. As long as he can save me, I'll throw caution to the wind. At most, I'll just go to bed and close my eyes. Handsome and not like food to eat... It would be best if he was handsome. Unfortunately, that old monster and his subordinates are so strong. Who can save us?"    


As she spoke, the black-haired woman's mood fell, and she was about to cry again.    


Aokawa Sayuri gently embraced the young girl and sighed in her heart, "Master is afraid that in this lifetime, I will never have the chance to see you again..."    


Just as the seven people in the iron cage were filled with sorrow, suddenly a booming sound, like Lei Zhen, passed through the layers of mountains and reverberated throughout the entire belly of the mountain.    


"Frost Leaf True Immortal of Earth... has come to pay a visit to Ancestor Tian Yin of Tian Yin Sect!"    


The voice sounded like the heavenly thunder. It reverberated in the belly of the mountain, shaking everyone until they felt dizzy.    


"This is..."    


Including the seven people in the iron cage, as well as the people in the belly of the mountain, they were all flabbergasted. The black-robed old man sitting on the seven-meter tall platform suddenly opened his eyes, which shot out a green light like a hungry wolf.    


"Ancestor! Shuang... Frost Leaf True Immortal is here to kill."    


A black-robed person scrambled into the belly of the mountain and cried out in panic.    


"Bastard, do I not have ears? Can't you hear me?"    


The old man furiously rebuked. He raised his hand and unleashed a huge black palm that grabbed the black-robed man in front of his terrified eyes.    




The incomparably condensed black baleful qi directly burned the black-robed man's skin and flesh until it was charred black. Even his bones were burnt until they were carbonized. His entire person instantly turned into a black charcoal skeleton.    


"All of you stay here and guard this place. This ancestor will go and meet Frost Leaf True Immortal."    


After the old man killed with a palm, he let out a strange laugh and suddenly turned into a black smoke that pierced through the heaven and earth and shot out of the belly of the mountain.    




All of the Yin Sect disciples dropped to their knees in terror and answered with trembling voices.    


The seven people in the iron cage were dumbstruck. "Is... is someone really here to save us? I'm not dreaming, am I?"    


"From what that person said, he seems to come from a planet called Earth. Do you know who he is?"    


Brother Qiao's gaze turned towards Aokawa Sayuri and Aokawa Sayuri.    


The black-haired woman frowned, "Earth is indeed a planet in the Milky Way, but I don't understand what he is talking about, what Frost Leaf... What ancestor."    


"No, he's talking about Frost Leaf True Immortal!"    


Aokawa Sayuri suddenly opened her mouth and said resolutely. Her beautiful eyes were shining with surprise and joy.    


"My master is here!"    


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