You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C76 He Is the Victim

C76 He Is the Victim

"Please, I haven't even held hands with him. What do you want me to check?" Jian Yun scoffed irritably, bringing her eyes to look up at him. However, at the sight of his mischievous gaze, she quickly quieted down. It seemed that she had fallen right into his trap. Snorting, she crossed her arms over her chest.     


"So what do you plan on doing now?" Cheng Muze leaned against the pole, holding back a laugh. "If you want, we can head to the bar and drink our heads off."     


"No way." She pulled a devastated face and sighed dramatically. "I just found out that my boyfriend is gay–might as well head back home and get some sleep. I've already had enough drama for the week–might as well not add 'drunk in a bar' to the list of embarrassing things I've gotten myself into."     


"Then I'll drive you back. Just give a minute." He didn't even wait for her reply as he raced down the block. His Mercedes-Benz wasn't that far from the dessert shop, and its perched hood glinted under the dazzling lights around them. Although it wasn't as impressive as the Bentley, it was also quite eye-catching.     


Jian Yun thought that he had something else to say to her, but their entire car ride was filled with jokes and laughter. Soon enough, Zhou Shaolong faded into the back of her mind, and even as they had reached the entrance to her apartment, Cheng Muze never mentioned his name. It was as if nothing had happened.     


Was she disappointed that their relationship had ended this way? Yes, but she certainly wasn't going to cry about it.     


"Good night, Sister Jian!" As she stepped out of the car, Cheng Muze blew her a kiss.     


"Good night." She smiled. "Thank you as well!"     


"What are you thanking me for?" His eyes glinted. "For sending you back? Or for exposing Lawyer Zhou?"     


"Both!" Winking playfully, Jian Yun pushed the strands of her hair behind her ears, revealing her heart-shaped face. Without another word, she stepped out of the car and faced him. "All right, we're here. I guess it's time for me to cry my heart out."     


"Do you need a shoulder to cry on?" Cheng Muze called out.     


"Haven't you heard? I'm used to relying on myself." She burst into laughter and went up the steps. Just as she was about to enter the building, she turned around and waved at him. "Drive carefully!"     


As he stared at her retreating figure, he started the car and left the building. Even then, Cheng Muze hesitated on whether he should call Huo Liancheng and inform him of what had happened. As his thumb hovered across the screen on his phone, he decided against it. Besides, after making him work overtime these past few days and holding a grudge against him, he didn't deserve this tiny piece of information. With a huff, he threw his phone onto the passenger seat. Huo Liancehg could figure it out himself in the meantime.     


These past few days, Luo Yanyan would head out early in the morning and wouldn't come back till midnight. When Jian Yun had asked her about it before, the young woman had only waved her hand and said that she was too caught up with all her assignments. That's why it came as no surprise to her when she was met with an empty apartment.     


After showering and changing into her pajamas, Jian Yun fell onto her bed. She took out her phone and wanted to WeChat Huo Liancheng–to apologize to him, but as she was typing, she paused. In reality, there was really nothing left to say.     


Would she say that she had lied to him? That she wasn't going to a reunion but with Zhou Shaolong? That later tonight she had just found out that the lawyer had actually two-timed her with some other guy? That her relationship with him was over?     


It wasn't as if she could explain all of this to him. Besides, Jian Yun had already made it clear enough that she didn't like Huo Liancheng, that they had no relations whatsoever. But why did she feel so guilty when he had caught her right in the act? Her fingers twitched.     


Moreover, Jian Yun had been so cold to him back then. Now that she had found out that Zhou Shaolong was lying to her and had hurriedly explained it to him, would he think that she was simply moving on from one man to the next? That she was some sort of golddigger?     


'Forget it! It's better if we don't talk about it anymore.'     


With a frustrated sigh, she logged out of her WeChat and dialed her mother's number instead. Well, if she wasn't going to speak to Huo Liancheng, then she might as well face the music when it came to her mother. As soon as the call was connected, she briefly told her what had happened back at the dessert shop, leaving out a few parts of what he had said about them.     


"What did you say?" Mrs. Jian was absolutely livid upon hearing her words and was just about to give the person who had introduced them a call when Jian Yun had hurriedly stopped her. After all, the Auntie who had introduced them probably wasn't aware of his...situation. The good thing that came out about this was that she knew of his predicament early on. Otherwise, she would've already locked herself in an unhappy marriage.     


The mother-and-daughter pair exchanged a few more sentences before hanging up the phone. Once everything was over, she lay on her bed and browsed through her Weibo account for a while before giving in to her favorite Kdramas. Yet, no matter how much she twisted and turned under her bedsheets, it was still to no avail. Giving up, she decided to open her WeChat once more, but to her disappointment, Huo Liancheng still hadn't contacted her after his last call.     


Suddenly, a friend request caught her eye. Shrugging, she placed her phone back on her bedside table and headed out into the living room to find something to eat without even bothering to look at it properly. After all, she rarely added people she didn't know. Once she had returned, she noticed that Luo Yanyan had messaged her.     


"Yun, did Xu Haiyang look for you?"     


Seeing his name, she froze and replied, "No, why?"     


"He just visited Qing University today to give a lecture. We just met a few minutes ago, and he asked for your phone number," Luo Yanyan responded quickly. "I didn't give it to him, but he seems to know your WeChat account. Did he try to reach out to you?"     


Remembering the friend request she had a while ago, Jian Yun immediately checked it out. At the sight, all the color receded from her face.     


'Daydreamer'–that was the nickname of the anonymous number. That was the same nickname she had given to Xu Haiyang while they were still dating. And his profile picture–it was a little pomeranian she had when she was still a young teen. When the tragedy had struck their household, she and her mother weren't able to keep the dog so they had to give it away. At the sight, her heart ached.     


It had been six years since they had last contacted each other. Now that she had seen his familiar name flashing across her screen, it gave her a sense of unfamiliarity and unsettledness. Her hands shook so much that she had almost dropped her phone onto her face.     


"Jian Yun?" A knock sounded from the door, knocking her out of her reverie.     


"Hmm?" Blinking, she turned around to see Luo Yanyan pushing the door open and walking right inside.     


"You almost scared me to death!" Her friend scolded, patting her chest in relief. "You weren't replying to your WeChat, and you weren't answering my calls. I thought something had happened to you!"     


Jian Yun snorted. "What do you think could happen to me?"     


"You never know!" Luo Yanyan clicked her tongue defensively. However, upon seeing her friend's pale face and shaking fingers, she sat right beside her. "So I'm guessing he added you."     


Jian Yun slowly nodded.     


"Did you accept his request?"     


"Of course not!" Turning off her phone, she slammed it on top of her table and turned away. Jian Yun scowled. If there was someone she had hated more than Lin Lanlan, it was Xu Haiyang. Who would've thought that the two closest people she had in her lives would someday turn their backs on her. "The man could suck it!"     


Luo Yanyan sighed. "Normally I'd support you, but I did tell you that Xu Haiyang had talked to me awhile ago. He said that there's been a misunderstanding between the two of you–that he needed to clear things out."     


"And you believe him?" Jian Yun smiled mockingly. "I've seen the two of them in bed with my own eyes. What else could I misunderstand? Did one of them just fall from the ceiling and land under the sheets? Was I hallucinating then?"     


"Hey! Don't shoot the messenger." Thinking as to what Xu Haiyang had told her tight night, she hesitated before saying, "He said that it wasn't as simple as you'd think–that he was also a victim in this. He wanted to see you, just so he could explain it to you personally."     


"Well, I won't see him. Besides, even if I've misunderstood anything, it's been six years! It's already too late." She scoffed. He hadn't said anything when she was crying in her room. He hadn't even tried when she and her mother were kicked out of their own homes. He had left her to face the unknown, and that was something she could never forgive him of.     


"I–just consider it, okay? Don't reject him outright." Luo Yanyan didn't even try to persuade her. After all, she had seen Xu Haiyang, and after what he did, the man definitely didn't leave a good impression on her. A man who could easily be shaken by looks was definitely not a man she should keep.     


Jian Yun lowered her gaze. "I know that."     


"I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but God, your love life is all over the place!" Luo Yanyan sighed, running a hand through her hair. "First, it's that Handsome Huo, next is that Lawyer Zhou, and now Xu Haiyang is back in the business. What are you going to do now?"     


"If you must know, the lawyer's already out of the picture." She shook her head as memories from a few hours ago replayed at the back of her mind. "He's gay, and get this, I accidentally crashed into his date. It's over between us."     


"I take it back, your love life isn't all over the place–it's out of this world! Does Cupid hate your something?" Luo Yanyan stared incredulously at her friend. Although her luck at love wasn't that good either, it seemed that her friend had it even worse than her!     


Jian Yun groaned, burying herself into Luo Yanyan's arms. "That's why I'm so sad right now," she murmured and pulled a sorrowful look. "Hurry up and use that big chest of yours as a pillow for my broken heart."     


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