You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C56 I Want to Woo You!

C56 I Want to Woo You!

Jian Yun missed another key as she turned to the young blonde. "Nonsense!"     


"But why do you blush whenever he looks at you?" Chloe's innocent blue eyes sparkled, giggling.     


"I'm not blushing!" She touched her face subconsciously, feeling the warmth rush up to her cheeks. She may have been blushing, but it definitely wasn't because of Huo Liancheng! It was just hot, that's all! Besides, after being under the sun the entire day, it was normal for her to be a bit flushed.     


There was no way she could possibly like Huo Liancheng! The apathetic man was definitely not on the top of her list. Even the thought of liking him made her want to laugh out loud. It was ludicrous!     


"But I think Uncle Huo's in love with you!" Chloe insisted, stretching the 'love' word as much as she could. Her pale hands dropped to her lap, and she peered at the man sitting on the couch. "Look at the way he's looking at you! It's like the way Daddy looks at Mommy!"     


"Do you even know what 'being in love' means?" Jian Yun stuttered out. Unable to find a way out in this situation, she playfully poked the little girl on the forehead and motioned to the pages. "Listen here, missy, today's lesson isn't over yet. You're not allowed to be distracted!"     


"You know I'm right!" Poking her tongue out, Chloe returned to her piece and resumed her playing. As the various notes echoed across the hall, Jian Yun allowed herself to sway to the beat, intentionally ignoring Liancheng's gaze boring down her back.     


The two hours had passed quickly, and soon enough, Jian Yun left the young girl to practice by herself. Noticing that the living room was empty, she got up from her seat and walked towards the kitchen. The weight in her shoulders was suddenly lifted, and the tension that had stirred in her heart had immediately faded.     


Just around half an hour ago, Mr. Bernard invited Huo Liancheng back into his study to discuss business matters, probably because it was getting too boring to watch them play. At the thought of his gaze leaving her back, she had played more easily in the last couple of minutes, and it was as if everything had turned back to normal. However, something told her that this wasn't the last time she'd interact with him tonight. And the thought was enough to reel her back to reality.     


As soon as she had entered the kitchen, Sophy immediately walked up to her with a strange look on her face. It was right then when Jian Yun realized where the young girl had gotten her mischievous side from. "Well, what do you think of Huo?"     


"He seems nice." She shrugged.     


"Do you like him? I can tell that he likes you, you know." Sophy leaned in closer.    


"Sophy!" Protesting, Jian Yun rubbed her forehead. This conversation was enough to give her a headache. "I know you mean well, but I already have a boyfriend."     


The older woman blinked in surprise, taken aback by the sudden proclamation. "What? You have a boyfriend?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "How come you've never told me about it?"     


"We haven't really known each other for a long time, so I planned on telling you later once it was the real deal." She avoided her gaze and concentrated on the marble countertops. This was the only reason Jian Yun could think of to stop the Frenchwoman from doing anything crazy. From all the years that she had known her, she was sure that Sophy would continue pushing her towards him if the woman knew she was single, and the last thing she wanted was to cause even more awkwardness with her boss.     


"What a pity!" Sophy frowned. "But Jian–"     


"Give me a second, I have to go to the bathroom." The last thing she needed was a long lecture on enjoying what love had to offer. Sometimes, talking to Sophy reminded her of talking to her mother–minus the aspects of marriage and plus the liberating sense of romance.    


The comfort room was located on the first floor of the villa, and it was right next to the backdoor. Jian Yun washed her hands before looking at herself in the mirror. At the sight of her flushed face, she couldn't help but recall what had happened the night at the party.    


In all honesty, although her memories were still blurry, she still had fragments of what had happened during that night. Jian Yun knew that she had kissed Liancheng, but she had only hoped that it was a dream–a nightmare that she was bound to wake up to and forget the next day. She never expected that it had really happened. That was the reason why she was so flustered in seeing him today.     


Feeling the tips of her ears reddening, she patted her face with cool water, trying to calm herself down. Jian Yun had never been such a forward person. Even when she was drunk, she usually had more reservations than this. She just hoped and pray to God that he wouldn't misunderstand her intentions.     


Once the redness on her face had subsided, she opened the door and stepped out of the room. However, just as she was about to head towards the kitchen, a tall man blocked her from moving any further. A certain masculine scent entered her nostrils and her heart started doing backflips. She didn't need to raise her head to know who it was.     


Planning to go around him, he quickly stepped back and blocked her path once more. With a sigh, Jian Yun looked up, seeing as she had no other choice. "President Huo?" Her voice shook at the end. "Is something wrong?"     


"So you're finally willing to look at me?" There was a certain bitter undertone in his voice–one that she brushed off.     


"If there's nothing else, I'm leaving." Jian Yun lowered her head and prepared to leave.     


This time, Huo Liancheng was not going to allow her to escape his sight. Before she could react, he used one of his hands to slide the back door open and used his other hand to pull her out and push her up against the wall. Her wrists slammed against the concrete, and she could feel the fabric of his sleeves trailing across her skin. She shivered subconsciously.     


"How come I didn't know that you already have a boyfriend?" His voice was filled with spite, and she froze. What was happening?     


Jian Yun struggled to break free from his hold, but he quickly suppressed her. "Who the hell are you to know whether or not I have a boyfriend?" She spat. Who cared if he was her boss? Right now, all she wanted was out of this house and in her apartment, or anywhere else in the world, as long as she didn't have to see him. "Just because you're my boss doesn't mean it gives you the right to know every single detail of my life!"     


"Do you really like the lawyer that much?" Something flashed in his face, and she couldn't help but reel back. There was something about the way he was looking at her–like a predator catching glimpse of his prey, and there was no way she was falling victim under his willful gaze.     


With a huff, she met his eyes, forcing herself not to be affected despite her racing heartbeat. "Why? Does it have anything to do with you?"     


Although the last thing she wanted was to cause even more trouble, Jian Yun felt that she had to bite back. After all, he was the one who had provoked her first. It wouldn't be right if she'd just stand there and take it all in like some damsel in distress. She clenched her fists, trying to push him away, but it still was to no avail.     


"You–" He gritted his teeth. "Do you have anything to do with me? Are you blind or something?"     


Before she could say anything else, he leaned in for a kiss.     


His hot breath fanned against her lips, as his cold skin brushed against hers. Suddenly, it felt as if the world had stopped spinning, and all she could feel was his body up against hers. The freezing wall scratched against her arms as she was pushed up against the wall. It took her a few seconds to realize what was happening.     


"Umf!" Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment and anger. Seeing as her wrists were still pressed above her head, she decided to go another route. Fortunately, her legs weren't restrained.     


Not thinking too much, Jian Yun brought one of her legs up to the man's crotch, and at the same time, she bit down on his lips. A rusty taste filled her mouth, and immediately the weight on her body had been lifted.     


Huo Liancheng groaned, stumbling back. With one hand on the wall, he turned his back towards her as he doubled over in pain. This was the first time she had seen his face so scrunched up, looking as if he was in extreme pain.     


Staring over at him, guilt gnawed on her. Jian Yun had been so outraged that she hadn't paid attention to where she was kicking. 'No,' she told herself, straightening her back. This was no time to feel guilty. Besides, he was the one who had started this entire thing! If he hadn't trapped her under him, she wouldn't have resorted to violence.     


As his words resurfaced in her mind, she gritted her teeth and stomped towards him.     


"Hey!" She straightened her back and glared at his shadowed figure, readying herself for the worse.     


After a long while, Huo Liancheng finally raised his head. His handsome face was coated with cold sweat, and blood trickled from the corner of his lips. Suddenly, he smiled. "You really are ruthless." He chuckled softly, and something in his eyes had flashed–was it amusement? "Do you really plan on crippling me?"     


"I–" Even she was at a loss for words. This was the first time she had ever seen him smile directly at her, and it had caught her completely off-guard. Normally, his expressions would range from indifference to straight out anger, but this? Jian Yun didn't expect for his eyes to be as bright as sunlight when he smiled, or for his face to soften like an innocent boy. Her breath hitched.     


However, he'd looked better if he didn't looked so beaten up.     


Finally regaining her senses, she suddenly looked away and stepped back. Although that may have stunned her, it still wasn't enough to assuage her anger. "I don't know what your motive is for going through all these lengths to get close with me," she said steadily. "If I insulted you that night in the cafe for calling you an ass, then I'm sorry! But if you think you can continue to get away with playing with me, then I advise you to think again!"     


"Who says I'm playing with you?" Wiping the blood from his mouth, he straightened his back. The smile on his face had stiffened, and his other hand slipped into his coat pockets.     


Jian Yun blinked. "I–what are you trying to say?"     


"What I'm trying to say is..." Huo Liancheng stepped forward, staring at her as if she was his lifeline. "I like you, Jian Yun, and I want to woo you."     


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