You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C54 Take What You Need

C54 Take What You Need

As Jian Yun told them what happened, their expressions morphed from glee to rage all within a span of a minute. By the time she was finished, Wu Wenjing was practically shaking with anger as she banged her fists against the pillows. "That slut is so shameless!" She gnashed her teeth together. "She's clearly the one who flirted with Xu Haiyang and practically begged you to let her have him, and now she's saying that he dumped you for her? God! That bitch! Does she really think she could get away with it?"     


Luo Yanyan, however, was concentrating on other important matters. She stared at the two for a very long time as if trying to register what had happened that night. "Yun," she carefully said. "You said that Handsome Huo was the one who drove you to the city square?"     


She nodded.     


"So he knows you're going on a blind date?" Her friend asked again. This time, there was a certain glint in her eyes–one that held unreadable emotions.     


"Yeah." Jian Yun carefully nodded, not knowing why she'd ask this.     


Despite this, Luo Yanyan grew more and more agitated. Clasping her hands together, she straightened her back and leaned in closer, looking as if she was close to figuring out how the world was created. "And when you and Lin Lanlan fought, he's the one who saved you?"     


"Well, I wouldn't really call it save." She hesitated. "All he needed was a ride back home, and I was probably the nearest one he could contact."     


"God, Yun, and here I thought you were smart. I never really thought that I'd understand the phrase 'love is blind' until now. When have you gotten so oblivious?" At the sight of Jian Yun's poker face, Luo Yanyan slumped back down and shook her head in disappointment. "If Handsome Huo wasn't interested in you, do you think he'll send you off on that blind date? And even ask you to fetch him when you were being surrounded by all those women?"     


"Well, if President Huo likes her, then why would he send her on a blind date?" Wu Wenjing butted in, scratching her head. "I mean, I get the saving part, but isn't bringing her to the date make it all seem a bit far-fetched?"     


Even Jian Yun couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows in confusion.     


"C'mon, not you too, Wu Wenjing! He obviously wants to know who he's competing with and from the looks of it, he's probably far superior compared to Zhou Shaolong. I mean, have you seen him?" Laughing, she avoided Jian Yun's palm and waved her hands up in the air. "All right, all I'm saying is that he's obviously interested in you, and as your best friend, I say go for him! I mean, after you practically molested him with that kiss, the least you can do is return his feelings."     


"Yanyan!" Blushing bright red, Jian Yun was about to cover her mouth, but it was already too late. The truth had finally slipped out.     


"Wait!" Wu Wenjing's ears perked up in attention, rushing over towards them like a bullet train down the tracks. From the forceful shove, the three of them plopped onto the carpeted floor. Ignoring their disgruntled looks, she quickly questioned, "What's Yanyan talking about? Did you kiss him? You little minx! Why is this the first time I'm hearing this?"     


She scooted just a little bit closer, as a mischievous glimmer flashed in her eyes. "Tell me, how did his lips taste? Is it just how you imagined it would be?"     


"Don't remind me!" Jian Yun groaned, burying her face into the quilt. It was all Cheng Muze's fault! If she hadn't drunk so much, maybe she would've acted less...flirtatious. She squeezed her eyes shut, struggling to rid herself of the thought altogether. "I was drunk, okay? I didn't mean to do it!"     


Luo Yanyan burst into laughter, hammering the cushions. "If you'd been there, you would've faint at the intensity just seeping out of that room," she teased, dodging another smack.     


A thought suddenly occurred to her, and Wu Wenjing turned to the side. Cupping her hands around her chest, she whispered, "I wish I could've seen Lin Lanlan's face when she saw you with President Huo that day! Just imagine the look on that bitch's face when she found out that you've found someone better than that jerk Haiyang!"     


"Seeing him must've made her green with jealousy, that's for sure." Luo Yanyan snorted in disdain.     


At their words, Jian Yun's heart stirred, but she didn't allow herself to be affected by their commentary. Instead, she snapped, "Don't overthink this! I don't like him, and vice versa."     


"And why not? If you think about it, it wouldn't be such a bad thing to be with President Huo. Aside from his good looks, he's obviously loaded. The way he gave you the necklace as if it was nothing shows that he isn't stingy. Maybe then you wouldn't have to work so hard for your mom's surgery fees." Wu Wenjing nudged her, tilting her head. "Besides, right now, you may have enough money for the surgery, but what about the recovery fees? From what I know, they're probably twice the amount of the surgery! Twice! What would you do then? Beg?"     


"That's right. If you keep looking out for love, then I can tell you right now that it doesn't exist. Love–no matter how intense–fades over time," Luo Yanyan butted in. The glimmer in her eyes had vanished, and it was soon replaced with a totally blank expression. "But you know what doesn't? A man's bank account. You're gorgeous and every guy would die to have you–even President Huo. Maybe it's time you use it to your advantage."     


"I don't want to just take advantage of him. It wouldn't be fair." Although Jian Yun knew that her friends were thinking of her future, she still had enough dignity left in her to say no to this. She may be in need of cash, but she wasn't desperate enough that she'd resort to selling her body.     


"What do you mean it's unfair? He likes you for your beauty, and you like him for his money. That's a fair trade, isn't it?" The smile on Luo Yanyan's face had faded even more, and she sneered. "You're pretty, and while he's still interested in you, you should take advantage of it! After all, every man would lose interest over time. There are plenty of women in the world, so before you lose him, you better lock him in first!"     


"What the fuck! What the hell happened to my poor and innocent, Yanyan?" Wu Wenjing blinked in surprise. Although she had agreed with her friend, this was totally unlike her. Normally, Wu Wenjing was the one who made all the blunt jokes while Luo Yanyan would be the one pulling her back–not the other way around. Luo Yanyan may not be naive, but this was the first time she had spoken so crudely.     


"She grew up." Luo Yanyan lowered her head to cover the darkness that had flashed across her face.     


Wu Wenjing and Jian Yun shared a glance. It was obvious that something had happened to Luo Yanyan, but seeing as she wasn't ready to talk about it, they couldn't really pry any further. Instead, they silently agreed to change the topic.     


"Alright! That's enough gossip for the day." Jian Yun placed the fruit plate on their bedside table and clapped. "Aren't you guys tired from walking all day? I'm exhausted! Let's go to sleep."     


Soon enough, the three of them snuggled under the blankets. Wu Wenjing fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillows. Although her parents didn't love her as a kid and had left her to her grandmother's care, she had a very cheerful personality–far different from the somberness of the other two. Amongst the three women, she seemed to be the most carefree, a trait that the other two were envious of. Jian Yun sighed.     


No matter how much she twisted and turned, she still couldn't fall asleep. Her mother's words echoed in her mind. Maybe she had truly misunderstood her mother this time around. Her mother wanted her to go on all these blind dates not because she was afraid that Jian Yun was getting older, but because she wanted her daughter to have someone to share her burden with. Maybe then, life wouldn't be as cumbersome as it had been.     


However, Jian Yun knew that no man would be willing to marry her knowing her family situation. That was reality. Her mother's surgery and subsequent recovery fees were too expensive, and no ordinary man would like to latch onto such a huge burden. In short, she was just another beauty that men would stare at, yet never find it in themselves to commit to.     


Besides, she didn't want to get married.     


It was dark, yet her eyes were still wide open. She found herself staring at the curtains in curiosity, and Luo Yanyan's words suddenly rang in her ears. If ever she really was desperate, could she ever use her body in exchange for money?     


She shook her head almost immediately. No! She wouldn't dare!     


"Yun, Shen Yunfeng is getting married." Luo Yanyan's hoarse voice echoed across the room. "He's marrying the bureau chief's daughter...The girl's pregnant."     




Jian Yun was so surprised that she immediately jolted back up. All sleepiness had faded as her eyes widened. However, before she could react, Luo Yanyan murmured, "Please don't ask anything. I–I'm not ready to talk about it yet."     


"Yanyan..." She stared at her petite figure, and suddenly everything had fallen into place. No wonder Luo Yanyan was acting so weirdly tonight.     


Luo Yanyan and Shen Yunfeng used to be Qinghu's most enviable couple. Their young love was definitely one for the books. It was pure and beautiful with unswerving chastity. No matter how far they were from each other, anyone could see the love they had for one another. Jian Yun had always thought that they'd last forever, no matter what life may throw at them.     


However, it seemed that love can only exist in fairy tales.     


Jian Yun stayed up all night as various thoughts entered her mind. Could she ever find her own happy-ever-after? Or was that truly not possible in such a bitter world?     


Huo Liancheng was also restless that night. He stared at the ceiling as Jian Yun's face flickered in his mind. Perhaps he had been lonely for too long that he had forgotten how to court the woman he liked.     


He had scoured through every inch of the city just to find her, and now he could only stand and watch helplessly as she repeatedly refused him. Was this really how they were supposed to end? His heart stirred, and he found himself clutching his chest. He hated this feeling.     


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