You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C52 Wechat Circle

C52 Wechat Circle

"I mean, I know we just met, but I really do feel a strong connection with you." Zhou Shaolong had placed his hand on top of Jian Yun's, and a slow and hesitant smile bloomed on his face. After hitting the jackpot back in their blind date, he'd be stupid if he didn't take the risk and settle down with her. With all these strangers glancing at her like she was a trophy, a part of him was anxious that she'd be swept away. However, that didn't seem like the right thing to say, since she had pulled away from her hand and brushed off his proclamations as if they were just talking about the weather.     


"Don't get me wrong, but we've only known each other for a what–a week? I just don't want to rush into things just yet." They had only met around five times throughout the last week, and even if they had gotten to know each other through those spontaneous lunches, she didn't have any strong feelings for him. To her, he was just a friend. And besides, it was far too early to even discuss marriage. "Why? Do I already look old to you?"     


Jian Yun had winked and joked about her age all day, changing the topic almost immediately. Although he followed suit, she could sense a tinge of disappointment dripping from his words, and her stomach stirred. With a sigh, her attention reverted back to the phone call.     


"I wanted to ask if you're free to go trekking with me," he said. "There's a mountain around the suburbs, and the view from the top is just beautiful. There happens to be a Taoist Temple too, so we could both burn some incense...that is, if you're okay with that."     


"I'm fine with that, it's just...I usually head back to Boshan every Saturday to visit my Mom." Refusing, she rubbed the back of her neck. "Maybe next time."     


While she was talking on the phone, Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan couldn't help but lean over and listen in on their conversations, but when they realized that the man on the other end of the line was Huo Liancheng, they returned back to their seats. They furrowed their eyebrows in contemplation and pursed their lips, looking disappointed from the surprising phone call.     


Since it was a Saturday, the bus was crowded. Not finding enough space at the back, Jian Yun and Luo Yanyan decided to seat together while Wu Wenjing sat on the bench right in front of them. Everyone had gone to sleep almost immediately, so the three didn't talk much along the way, not wanting to irritate the other travelers.     


By noon, they had already arrived at Boshan. Jian Yun had already called beforehand that all three of them were coming in, so by the time they had reached her doorsteps, the food was set up. "Auntie Jian, still looking not a year over twenty, I see! You obviously put your daughter to shame," Wu Wenjing teased as she stepped into the household, causing Mrs. Jian to burst into laughter. The old woman had grown familiar with Luo Yanyan and Wu Wenjing over the years, so she was delighted to have them over. The more, the merrier, as she had always proclaimed.     


Since they were staying here till tomorrow, they decided to rent out a car and have some fun. "Auntie, we're staying in a resort for the night," Luo Yanyan said softly, patting the woman's hand. They had already agreed to treat Jian Yun's mother out to Green Valley Resort, a nice hotel located ten kilometers away. Not only was it a break from the dreariness of her own household, but it was also a break from the city life that they themselves had lived in. The hustle and bustle were getting tiring, and they couldn't wait to use these two days to have a little bit of fun.     


Jian Yun would glance at her mother from time to time in the car. This was the first time she had ever seen her this happy. The crinkles in her mother's eyes were more evident as she smiled and chuckled with the younger women. Although she was old and fragile, having been in the wheelchair for the last few years, the joyful sight was enough to send Jian Yun back in time, where they were still living their 'golden years'. Stifling a sigh, she turned away. If only happiness was permanent.     


Since they decided to stay in the resort for the night, Jian Yun and her friends booked two rooms–one for them, and the other for Mrs. Jian and Auntie Qin. Once everything was sorted, they found a nice rustic barn where they could have dinner in.     


As soon as all of them stepped into the entranceway, the smell of haystack and mountain dew filled their nostrils. Wu Wenjing clasped her hands together as a country song blared from the speakers, and Luo Yanyan couldn't help but be enamored by the authenticity of the place. It truly was an unusual sight, different from all the restaurants they had back in Qinghu. Jian Yun smiled. However, they weren't the only ones entranced by the place, as the couple who ran the restaurant, couldn't help but stare enviously at Mrs. Jian. "Auntie, are these beautiful girls your daughters?" She chuckled and shook her head. "If only I had daughters as pretty as yours, you must be so lucky!"     


Before Mrs. Jian could deny it, Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan quickly clung to her sides. "Yes, we are," they responded in unison, causing her to feel overjoyed.     


"Tell me, how have all of you been?" Mrs. Jian asked as soon as they were seated, and they quickly caught her on their lives, telling her stories about their disastrous dates and after-work shenanigans. Soon enough, the table was filled with laughter and hollers as they each shared a joke or two about the happenings in the last few weeks. However, as time had gone on, Jian Yun noticed that her mother was glancing in her direction more and more, looking as if she wanted to say something to her, but was too hesitant to do so. Noticing this, Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan decided to excuse themselves and head back to their room once they had eaten their meals. She and Auntie Qin, on the other hand, took the longer route as they pushed the wheelchair down the garden pathways.     


As they were a few steps in, her mother suddenly pulled on Jian Yun's hand, and when she glanced down, she saw a pair of red eyes staring back at her. She tensed. "Mom, is there something wrong?"     


Knowing that the two needed some time alone, Auntie Qin bowed her head. "Let me just get something back at the barn."     


When the two were finally alone, Mrs. Jian burst into tears. She reached out and trailed her fingers down her daughter's cheek. Although the swelling had subsided and the mark was already gone, she still couldn't help but picture her daughter in the same sorry state as she had been a week ago. "Yundao, I'm so sorry for hitting you. I was wrong. I shouldn't have done what I did! You must hate me, don't you? You're doing everything for me, and I've acted so ungratefully I..."     


Yundao was a nickname Jian Yun had back when she was still young, but ever since the incident, that name had long been forgotten.     


"Mom, how could I hate you?" Jian Yun protested, wiping her mother's tears with a tissue. However, the more she wiped, the more tears came out. "I was wrong that day too. I shouldn't have said those things to upset you, okay? It's my fault."     


Mrs. Jian sniffled as she held her daughter's hand, stopping her from wiping her face. Looking up, she stared deep into her eyes. "Actually, I never wanted to force you to get married. I just wanted someone to share the burden with you, to be with you during your hardships...You've worked so hard all these years, taking care of me. And all I ever wanted was for someone to take care of you this time around. I'm sorry if I seem too harsh on you. I just want for you to live a better life, a life that I don't think I can give you."     


"M–mom..." Not being able to help herself, Jian Yun could feel her own tears trickling down her cheek. This was the first time they had ever spoken like this, and the heaviness in her heart had grown lighter. "I'm sorry..."     


"I just left to grab something, and you're already crying?" When Auntie Qin had returned, she glanced at the two tearful women and sighed. Although she lived a hard life, she knew for a fact that this mother-and-daughter had faced tribulations she never had. "After all the times that you've suffered, I could only wish you joy. Because as they say, your happiness is life's biggest revenge to those who have brought you down."     


Drying her tears, Jian Yun gripped her mother's hands even tighter. "Mom, I've already made an appointment with a doctor in the capital," she promised. "When he comes back from his trip, you'll finally be having your surgery. You can stand up and walk again."     


"Yundao, just please don't overwork yourself, okay? Promise me!" Her mother smiled as she allowed herself to be pushed by Auntie Qin.     


"I know, Mom." After sending them back to their room, Jian Yun returned to her own room. It had been a long day today, and after all the fun they had around the resort, her exhaustion was taking a toll on her. With a yawn, she turned the knob of the door and walked right in.     


Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan had pushed the two beds together so that the three of them could all sleep together–a habit that they had developed back when they were still college roommates.     


The two women lay on the bed, enthusiastically discussing various topics. Once they noticed that she had entered the room, Wu Wenjing waved her over, "Yun, come over and take a look at all the pictures I've taken today," she said excitedly and shoved her camera to the woman's face.     


Wu Wenjing always had a more creative streak. Ever since they were still in college, she'd always carry an expensive camera over her shoulders and take pictures wherever they went. Over the past few years, her photography skills had improved, and her passion for the arts had only gotten even stronger. As of this moment, she was uploading all the files to her computer, checking all of them one by one.     


"All the photos are so beautiful!" Luo Yanyan swooned, copying one of the photos and placing it in her own gadget. "You should post it on WeChat later!"     


"Sure, I'll take a bath first. Just send the photos to me."     


When Jian Yun finally came out of the shower, she noticed that her phone had been blaring nonstop. Picking it up, she saw around a dozen photos being transferred to her. "You really took all these pictures?" She blinked, surprised. She had never thought that Wu Wenjing had taken this many photos during the day. At this point, it would take her around half an hour just to scan through all of them.     


"Yes! Remember to post it on your WeChat Moment!" Wu Wenjing tilted her head. "And don't forget to like our pictures as well!"     


It's been a long time since she had posted pictures online, but after seeing her friends in high spirits, she couldn't bear to disappoint them. After picking a few pictures, she posted them on her wall.     


However, as she was scanning the pictures that her friend's had posted, her jaw dropped. "Are you crazy? Why are you posting every single photo? You even included solo pictures of me and Yanyan!"     


Jian Yun could only stare at her own screen, dumbfounded at all the photos that her friend had uploaded. Within a few seconds, her wall was already filled with pictures of them from every corner of the resort.     


"Because we look gorgeous! Look at how many people are liking my pictures!" Wu Wenjing seemed pleased with herself as she wiggled her phone up in the air. "Someone even asked me who the two of you are. Oooh, Jian Yun, I think you have another know what? You'll probably have tons of them with the number of people asking me to hook them up with you."     


"If you wanted to post something, you could post yourself. Why drag me into this?" Jian Yun blinked, snatching her phone away. "I'll be deleting them now."     


"Hey! They're my pictures!" Wu Wenjing tried to reach for her phone, and the two immediately resorted to brawling things out. As the two rolled around the bed, Luo Yanyan bit back her laughter. It truly was as if they were back in college again. It was nice to reminisce the good old days.     


At the same time, in a residential area located at the highest point of Qinghu City in Thomson First Pin, Huo Liancheng was having a video conference with the other shareholders of his company. He sat there in his study as he listened to all their proposals as to their next stage in business. As the directors argued and pushed their own opinions onto the table, his phone suddenly rang. When he looked down, he saw that the call was from Cheng Muze.     


Huo Liancheng frowned. Cheng Muze knew that he had an important conference tonight, so if he was calling, it must mean that something important had happened. With a resigned expression, he answered the call.     


"Fourth Brother, check WeChat Moment!" Cheng Muze hung up after that.    


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