You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C63 Love Enemy Meet

C63 Love Enemy Meet

Jian Yun rubbed the back of her neck, peering at the entrance of the cafeteria. "The cafeteria's exclusively for Ming's employees," she explained awkwardly.     


"Ah...I may have not thought this through." Zhou Shaolong scratched his head. He knew that she wasn't lying. After all, there were many company cafeterias that weren't open to the public. Even if his law firm did have dealings with them, he'd still have to report to the Director himself before he could get permission to stay for lunch.    


He sighed, a bit disgruntled by the sudden obstacle. As they worked in two different companies, he couldn't help but worry that some other man would pursue her in his absence. That was partly why he came all the way here in the first place–to be with her and to make sure that nobody had any ideas of stealing her from him, but it seemed that he hadn't planned enough for this.     


"Then, why don't we eat out?" He glanced at Wu Wenjing. "Will you be joining us, Miss. Wu?"     


"No thanks, I'd prefer not to third-wheel. You two go right ahead. I, for one, will see what delicacies the chef had cooked up for us." Wu Wenjing winked at them, waving her hands repeatedly before racing towards the dining hall.     


Since President Huo would be eating with them for the day, Wu Wenjing was positive that the chefs would serve them dishes they'd rarely cook every other day. This would mean all of the food on display today would surely be mouthwatering. She licked her lips in anticipation. Although she appreciated her friend, she certainly wasn't going to join in on their date with all the free deliciousness waiting for her in the cafeteria.     


"Let's go." Jian Yun held the bouquet of roses in her arms, knowing fully well that she didn't have much of a choice in this matter. She turned to the elevator and pressed one of the buttons. "Wait for me in the lobby. I'll just get my bag in my office."     


"Sure!" She could ask him to wait for a few hours, and Zhou Shaolong would've agreed the moment she'd asked. Being so moved by her natural beauty, how could he refuse her?     


The elevator doors opened, but just as she was about to enter, a voice shouted from behind her, "Wait!"     


Cheng Muze ran up to her. His combed back hair was a bit disheveled, and an easy-going smile was painted across his lips. What was he planning? Jian Yun peered at him, but he simply winked at her and turned to Zhou Shaolong. "Are you Attorney Zhou?"     


"Yes, I am." He pursed his lips. "I'm sorry, but I don't seem to know you."     


"Cheng Muze, the CEO's special assistant." Cheng Muze extended his hand. Although his face was alight with innocence, there was a glint in his eyes that told her otherwise.     


Zhou Shaolong's face immediately lit up, and he clasped the man's hands. "Ah! Cheng Muze, I've heard a lot about you," he said amicably. Although he was slightly overwhelmed by the unexpected attention, he certainly didn't look displeased by it. "It's a pleasure to meet you."     


"I've heard from Director Wang that Ming's and Tengfei Law Firm would be working together in the future. Since you're one of their best litigators, I was wondering if you'd mind staying and having a meal with us," Cheng Muze offered.     


"You flatter me too much! I'm simply just doing my job." Zhou Shaolong boomed in laughter, waving his hand dismissively. His smile widened even further, and he puffed up his chest in pride. Besides, he had initially wanted to eat at Ming's cafeteria in the first place. With this opportunity, it was like hitting two birds with one stone.     


"This way then!" Cheng Muze motioned his hand towards the entrance, and Zhou Shaolong quickly followed him.     


Jian Yun blinked, unsure of what had just happened. If they weren't going out to eat, then that was completely fine with her, but still, something didn't seem right. After all, from what she had known from Zhou Shaolong's professional life, his resume didn't seem all that impressive. Although he had studied in the States, that still didn't account for him being one of the best. If so, why would Cheng Muze personally invite him to eat with them?     


While Zhou Shaolong was looking around the cafeteria, Jian Yun took advantage of this distraction and tugged on Cheng Muze's sleeves. She mouthed, "What are you planning?"     


Before he could answer, the lawyer turned around in amazement. "Your cafeteria's so big! I could probably fit a whole truck here!"     


Her eyes twitched. "This is actually one of the first dining halls built in Ming's," Cheng Muze explained, seeing that the young woman had become silent. "The second cafeteria is actually located on the third floor, but it's not as large as this."     


"The cafeteria's filled with people." Zhou Shaolong gaped at the number of employees entering and exiting the vicinity. "We only have a few dozen lawyers back Tengfei, so it's not as lively as this. It's quite a company."     


Jian Yun, however, had paid no heed to Zhou Shaolong's praises. The moment she had entered the dining hall, it was as if her heart had stopped beating and her eardrums had started ringing. It was the first time she had seen the cafeteria so crowded today. And from the looks of it, there were practically no seats left. All the employees were chattering delightfully as they stared in the same direction. Following their lustful and envious stares, she saw Huo Liancheng and a few of Ming's directors sitting at the table located in the middle of the room. Just like every other employee, they also ate from food trays, but there was a certain elegance with the way they were eating.    


A blush coated her cheeks, and she immediately ducked her head. There was no way she was going to be seen by him, not like this. She dug her fingers into the stems of her bouquet as beads of sweat slid down her forehead. He wasn't even standing close to her, and she was already prepared to die in anxiety. 'Why do I have such bad luck with these?'    


"President Huo would actually be eating with us today." Cheng Muze glanced at them. "Do you mind sitting together with us?"    


Upon hearing that he was going to sit with Ming's CEO, Zhou Shaolong immediately bit the bullet. "It's my honor! I certainly wouldn't mind at all."     


'I mind,' Jian Yun wanted to scream out. The last thing she needed was for them to share a table. Under Huo Liancheng's sinister gaze, how could Zhou Shaolong stand a chance against him? Knowing fully well that this invitation certainly didn't involve any business between the two firms, an uneasy feeling settled in her chest. But even if she didn't want to seat with them, how the hell was she going to refuse?     


Feeling as if her eyeballs were about to roll out of their sockets, she scanned the proximity, immediately laying eyes on Wu Wenjing. Maybe that was her out! "Cheng Muze," she said, trying to sustain the relief in her voice. "I actually have a colleague waiting for me over there. I should leave you to it."     


She was about to sprint towards her friend like a mouse running from a cat, but Zhou Shaolong pulled her back.     


"Jian Yun, we shouldn't just refuse the invitation." He tried to reason out, glancing furtively at the table in the middle. Unlike her, Zhou Shaolong was actually excited about the opportunity, and he certainly wasn't going to let anyone ruin it for him.     


"That's right, Miss Jian. President Huo had specifically invited the two of you." Cheng Muze stared at the way the lawyer was holding her arm, and he couldn't help but push his glasses up the bridge of his nose in contempt. Out of the corners of his eye, he saw Huo Liancheng's darkened features and resisted the urge to smirk. This was going to be an interesting lunch, indeed.     


A shiver shot down her spine, and Jian Yun subconsciously removed his hold on her. This time, she could see almost every employee staring right at her as if she had just committed a bank robbery.     


As a Ming's employee herself, Jian Yun knew how fast gossip flew around here, especially if it concerned any handsome man. And seeing as Cheng Muze wasn't as inferior to Huo Liancheng in terms of looks, he was certainly at the top of their wish list. With his sunny personality and warm smile, he had attracted quite a lot of admirers in the firm, so standing next to him was enough to garner their attention.     


"Let's go!" He smiled meaningfully before turning his back towards her.     


Knowing that she had no other choice, Jian Yun grudgingly followed him.     


As soon as they reached the table, Zhou Shaolong was immediately acquainted with the Commissioner of Legal Affairs as well as Director Wang himself. Just as the director had introduced him to Huo Liancheng, the lawyer extended his hand for him to shake, only to be coldly refused.     


Zhou Shaolong's arm fell back to his sides, and the tension around the room thickened.     


"Attorney Zhou, President Huo doesn't like to have any physical contact with strangers," Cheng Muze quickly explained. "He's a bit of a germaphobe, you see."     


Jian Yun kept her head down the entire time, praying in her heart that they'd pay no attention to her. However, upon seeing the little scene play out right before her eyes, she resisted the urge to scoff. It seemed that the germaphobe struck again!     


However, Zhou Shaolong didn't mind at all. Besides, being a lawyer himself, he already had his fair share of meeting haughty businessmen. And this was certainly not abnormal behavior.     


"The flowers are beautiful!" Huo Liancheng commented.     


Jian Yun froze as she slowly raised her head, immediately regretting it once she saw him gazing right at her. His fierce eyes were narrowed tremendously, and a trace of coldness flashed in his features. Gone was the warmth she had seen back at the villa. Instead, it was as if his face had reverted back to its normal indifference. At the sight, she lowered her own gaze, only to see that she was still holding the bouquet tightly in her chest. Her cheeks flushed.    


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