You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C499 Who Is Waiting in Place?

C499 Who Is Waiting in Place?

"Ah, why are you doing this?" Ling Shaozhong saw Chen Xinran's entire body trembling. He did not expect her reaction to be so big. He hurriedly stepped forward to support her and said with concern. "Are you okay?"    


Chen Xinran pushed Ling Shaozhong away and shook her head. She forced a smile, "I'm fine."    


Ling Shaozhong put the bag in Chen Xinran's hand and said helplessly, "With your current appearance, it is really hard to imagine that you are an international supermodel who can shine on the runway."    


Chen Xinran held the bag tightly and the smile on her face became bitter. "So what if I am an international supermodel? I tried so hard to make myself excellent, but I was still unable to change his mind. He did not even look at me."    


"Let him change his mind..." Ling Shaozhong was silent. Hearing these words, his eyes were deep and deep, but then he pulled the corner of his mouth and said in a mocking tone, "Don't you realize that you are the only one who is waiting at the same place?"    


"What do you mean?" Chen Xinran's voice suddenly became sharp. Her deep eyes seemed to emit a ferocious green light like a cat. She glared at Ling Shaozhong fiercely and her lips turned green.    


"Of course. It has been so many years. Do you still not understand?" Ling Shaozhong's gaze passed Chen Xinran and landed in the distance.    


"What do you want me to see?" Chen Xinran took a deep breath to calm herself down.    


Ling Shaozhong raised his chin and signaled Chen Xinran to look over. "Have you ever seen Huo Liancheng look at a woman like that?"    


Chen Xinran held her breath and slowly turned her head to look. The streetlights in the Zheng family garden were very bright and illuminated the place like it was daytime. She could clearly see Huo Liancheng holding Jian Yun and standing not far away. Even though they were so far away, she could feel the deep love in Huo Liancheng's eyes.    


At this moment, Chen Xinran felt a pain in her heart and subconsciously covered her mouth.    


"My heart, it's time to let go!" Ling Shaozhong's gaze was calm, and his tone was even calmer.    


Chen Xinran shook her head. She covered her face and started to cry. "How can I let go? How can I let go?"    


"Then what do you want to do? After waiting for so many years, when has he ever treated you like this?" Ling Shaozhong lost his patience. If it was not for someone asking him, he would not care about this matter.    


"But I don't want to give up. We were clearly..." Chen Xinran put her hands down. Amidst her tears, she suddenly noticed Huo Liancheng walking towards her. She immediately pursed her lips and swallowed her words.    


"Liancheng, sister-in-law left?" Ling Shaozhong went over to greet him.    


"Yes." Huo Liancheng was not paying attention. He kept looking back until he could no longer see Jian Yun in the car. He looked back at Ling Shaozhong and asked, "What did you just ask me?"    


Ling Shaozhong could not help rolling his eyes. "Since when did you become someone who only cares about your wife but not your friends?"    


Huo Liancheng's eyes were cold. "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."    


After saying that, he really lifted his foot and walked towards the hall. He completely ignored Ling Shaozhong. Not to mention Chen Xinran.    


From beginning to end, Huo Liancheng seemed to have completely forgotten that there was another person beside him. Naturally, he did not notice the tears on Chen Xinran's face.    


Tears surged on Chen Xinran's face. She only felt that the pain in her heart was even more severe.    


"Hey, Liancheng. At least I'm a few years older than you. I came all the way to Green Lake. You can't just ignore me like Ling Shaozhong was very unhappy.    


"You have companions." Huo Liancheng didn't even turn his head.    


"It's different, okay? I'm here for you!" Ling Shaozhong followed Huo Liancheng closely, but he immediately realized that Chen Xinran was ahead of him and was in front of Huo Liancheng.    


Huo Liancheng did not stop. He looked like he was going to ignore Chen Xinran. However, Chen Xinran still stood in front of him unyieldingly.    


"Huo Liancheng, can I take a bit of your time and say a few words to you?" Chen Xinran knew that if she did not take the initiative, she would miss this good opportunity tonight.    


Huo Liancheng finally stopped and lowered his head to look at Chen Xinran, but his eyes were too calm, so calm that there was not a trace of fluctuation. It was as if he was looking at a stranger.    


Chen Xinran raised her head to look at Huo Liancheng's handsome face. She was in a daze for a moment and actually forgot the reason why she stopped him.    


Huo Liancheng frowned impatiently. He turned his head and looked around as if he was looking for another way.    




Ling Shaozhong suddenly called out. Chen Xinran suddenly woke up. When she came back to her senses, she found that Huo Liancheng had gone far away. She hurriedly chased after him.    


Ling Shaozhong saw this scene from behind and could not help shaking his head, "Why is there a need for this?"    


"Liancheng, wait a moment. I will just say a few words. Chen Xinran said anxiously, but Huo Liancheng was tall and had long legs and big steps. It was very hard for her to chase after him.    


Huo Liancheng thought about it and saw people looking in his direction. He stopped and turned to Chen Xinran. "I will give you one minute."    


Chen Xinran gasped for breath. When she was really face to face with Huo Liancheng, her throat suddenly seemed to be choked and she could not say a word as if she had lost her words.    


"Are you still going to say it or not?" Huo Liancheng raised his hand and looked at his watch. He was already extremely impatient. If it was not because he had important matters to discuss with the Zheng family's old man tonight, he would not let Jian Yun go home alone. However, Chen Xinran kept delaying his time and made him very unhappy.    


Chen Xinran looked at Huo Liancheng's face full of impatience. It was as if a big hole had been opened in her heart. The cold wind poured in and made her feel suffocated.    


"You are so patient with her. Why can't you share some with me?" Chen Xinran asked sadly.    


Huo Liancheng frowned and said coldly, "Why should I give it to you? Who are you?"    


These words hurt Chen Xinran and her face instantly turned pale.    


Huo Liancheng did not have any intention of showing mercy to Chen Xinran. He did not even look at Chen Xinran and turned to leave.    


"Why? How long have you known her? I have waited for you for so many years. Why do you have to -" Chen Xinran suddenly broke down and cried.    


"You will take care of the people you brought! Also, I don't want any rumors to spread to my wife's ears! " Huo Liancheng said coldly to Ling Shaozhong without turning his head.    


Ling Shaozhong pressed his head. He felt a headache coming on. He really regretted agreeing to help Chen Xinran meet Huo Liancheng. He knew that Huo Liancheng had been so calm since he was young that he did not look like a living person.    


"You should not be emotional. If you have something to say, you should ask directly. You should know Liancheng's personality." Ling Shaozhong saw that Huo Liancheng was far away, so he handed Chen Xinran a tissue.    


"But I can't help it." Chen Xinran did not care if there was anyone around her. She could not help crying. "You don't understand. I saw him smile at another woman. My heart really hurt."    


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