You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C87 Huolian City!

C87 Huolian City!

Jian Yun had never really forgotten Xu Haiyang. No matter how much she tried to rip him out of her memories, there was something about him being her first love that had been deeply ingrained in her heart. Although he had hurt her–destroyed her very feelings for him–she still held onto the beautiful moments they had together, hoping that it was all she could remember. Breathing deeply, she turned away.     


In actuality, she had imagined that he would come back to find her. Although what seemed to be an impossible thought back then, she had considered it. However, was she really willing to ignore the past and accept him again? Just like before? With all the trust and laughter as if nothing had happened?     


Back when she still hadn't seen him, she couldn't give herself a straight answer. She didn't know. A part of her had just been caught up with what their relationship had been that she just couldn't imagine actually rejecting him. And now, when she had seen him again, it seemed that her mind was clear.     


It wasn't because of the fact that she didn't love him–she did. In fact, if one could dig deeper enough, Xu Haiyang would always have a place in her heart, whether she liked it or not. What put her off was that even if six years had passed, he still hadn't changed. Although he still was a gentleman, he was still a coward–a man who couldn't own up to his mistakes. It had been six years till she realized that he wasn't the man she had fallen in love with, and it seemed that he'd never be that man.     


Jian Yun would never forget the time when she found out that Lin Lanlan was her half-sister. Xu Haiyang had persuaded her to accept her–to treat her like family. Even the mere thought was laughable now. The corners of her lips twitched into a bitter smile. That probably didn't age well, that's for sure.     


"You might not like what I'm going to say next, but I'm going to say it anyway." Once Wu Wenjing was finished with her call, she glanced at the passenger seat with bright eyes. "What you said back at the park? Now, that was satisfying! Like, have you even seen Xu Haiyang? If you post that as your caption, I would've given you a hundred likes!"     


Winking, she gave Jian Yun a thumbs up.     


Jian Yun simply ignored her as she propped her chin with her hands. Although it felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders when the words had slipped her lips, she couldn't help but feel a little heavy. Somehow, the impact of throwing all her burdens onto the ground had left her a certain emptiness that had never been felt before. She licked her lips, avoiding her friend's gaze.     


"So it's finally over between you two, huh?" Wu Wenjing sighed before shaking her head. Not being able to help herself, she spat, "That Xu Haiyang is just an asshole in the making! Even after six years, he still hasn't recovered from that victim complex of his! He keeps talking about a secret, but he doesn't even trust you enough to tell it. It's obvious that he's just doing that to lure you into his arms–as if you're dumb enough to fall for his shit.     


"I never intended to accept him again either way," Jian Yun muttered viciously.     


If Lin Lanlan wasn't her half-sister or if their separate families didn't have such a complicated relationship, she might have considered pretending as if nothing had happened. In fact, there was even a small chance that she could've accepted him and live as they once did.     


However, her mother was ill because of Lin Lanlan and her mother, and the two had done nothing but declared faux innocence over their part of the ploy. And Xu Haiyang? No matter how many years he had been with Jian Yun, he decided to stand by his so-called 'friend' and accused Jian Yun of being too biased–that Lin Lanlan was innocent and didn't know anything. How could she be with such a spineless man?     


"Then why do you look so conflicted?" Wu Wenjing furrowed her eyebrows.     


"I just...I'm thinking too much." Jian Yun leaned back on her seat and closed her eyes. "Don't talk to me."     


"Ugh, I still don't understand you." She curled her lips, slamming her hand across the wheel. "You know what? You and Luo Yanyan should just enjoy the single life while you're at it. Have one-night-stands! Dance in the clubs! All relationships do is hurt you. It's best if we just attend to our primal needs and leave it at that!"     


"Aren't you afraid of getting sick?" Jian Yun snorted. She had never agreed with Wu Wenjing's way of life, but she knew that everyone had the freedom to choose their paths. Besides, her friend was right. The path Jian Yun had paved for herself was one filled with burden and heartache. Any self-serving woman would've cringed at the sight.     


After parking the car, Wu Wenjing turned to look at her. "Please, you and I both know I'm very careful with these things," she said sweetly. "Besides, it's not like I accept all the available conquests. Looks and education still play a pretty big role in these things."     


"So what's the difference between that and going on a blind date?"     


"This offers more fun under the sheets." Wu Wenjing's smile turned wicked.     


Jian Yun shook her head. She planned on ignoring her friend, but just as she was reaching for the car door, Wu Wenjing suddenly grabbed her wrist. "Yun, tell me honestly," she started mischievously. "Are you still a virgin?"     


"Move out of the way!" Immediately, her face grew tomato red at Wu Wenjing's words. Not wanting to answer her question, she quickly stepped out of the car and peered outside. The cold air brushed against her cheeks as she desperately struggled to cool herself down.     


Wu Wenjing locked the car and followed her out, placing a hand on Jian Yun's shoulder. "I can't believe it!" She giggled. "Do you know how rare it is to see women your age still living so pre-historically? I mean, who the hell cares if you're still a virgin? But for a man like President Huo...I'm sure he'd be quite satisfied on your first night."     


"Are you really going to mention him again?" She shot her a warning look. The last thing she needed was to hear about Huo Liancheng, especially after the day they had spent.     


"Fine, I'll remove him from my vocabulary!" Wu Wenjing made a motion of zipping her lips and throwing the key. "You won't be hearing him for the night."     


When the two of them finally reached the top floor, Jian Yun was still in a bad mood. She grabbed all the snacks in the fridge and scattered them all over the tea-table. 'Might as well eat my sorrows away,' she thought bitterly as she heard a satisfying rip from the bag of chips.     


"You shouldn't eat too much. We'll be having dinner soon!" Wu Wenjing had already ordered takeout along the way, and from the looks of it, the food was already coming any minute now. Taking the other bags, she handed Jian Yun a glass of water instead. "Besides, you don't want to be bloated, do you? I've always hated that feeling. Takes me hours before I could actually go to sleep."     


Jian Yun shrugged and proceeded to lie on the sofa. After a moment of silence, she suddenly asked, "Am I useless?"     


"What the hell are you talking about? Of course not!" Wu Wenjing brought in the takeout, patting her on the head. "Don't think about all that nonsense. Besides, you can think better with a good helping of chicken."     


In reality, Jian Yun still couldn't think properly even after she had a good meal. And as she twisted and turned in Wu Wenjing's guest bedroom, she still couldn't help but return to the scene at the Qing University Lake. Xu Haiyang's words echoed in her eyes, especially when he had asked her about having a rich boyfriend. Her wrists twisted in anxiety, and her lips curled.     




Jian Yun didn't know when she had fallen asleep, but when she finally opened her eyes, it was already the next day. Glancing at the clock, she blinked wearily as her head pounded. She seemed to be dreaming, having remnants of blurred faces and forgotten lines. Although she couldn't remember what she was dreaming about, she could tell that it had made her uneasy. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she swung her legs onto the carpeted floor.     


Not wanting to sleep anymore, she decided to head back home. Besides, it was Monday, and she had work, so it was better to leave while it was still early. At least it would give her time to change her clothes and freshen herself up before the next day.     


As Wu Wenjing was still asleep, Jian Yun didn't wake her up. Instead, she left a note on the table and quietly walked out of the house.     


It was already April, so the weather was warm today. The trees perched on both sides of the road, waving at her in bright greens and yellows. The skies were as blue as the sea, streaming over her head so calmly as she strode down the sidewalk. The streets were empty, besides the occasional elderly jogging around the block. Those who knew her would warmly greet her along the way.     


These greetings would occasionally include an offer to introduce a potential boyfriend for her, but she politely rejected them.    


By the time Jian Yun had reached the entrance of the building, she crossed paths with Luo Yanyan who had gone down to get some breakfast. With this, the two of them headed into the elevator together. "Aren't you an early bird?" She noted, glancing at her friend.     


"I have classes in a bit." Drinking her soy milk, a thought suddenly crossed her mind. After a period of hesitation, Luo Yanyan casually asked, "Hey, Yun, did Handsome Huo call you last night?"     


"Why would he call me?" Jian Yun blinked strangely. Yesterday afternoon, Huo Liancheng had sent her to Wu Wenjing's home and left the vicinity. She could still remember his withering glare and cold words. Plus, he also said that was the last time he'd ever ask her such a thing. If he called her again, wouldn't that make him lose face? She frowned, twisting her wrists hesitantly.     


"No?" Luo Yanyan's eyes widened, murmuring to herself, "Impossible. I saw his car parked downstairs..."    


"Yanyan, what did you say? What car?"     


"Oh, nothing. I was probably just mistaken." Biting on her straw, Luo Yanyan smiled innocently. Maybe it was best not to tell her friend that little detail.     


However, Jian Yun had already connected the dots. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned away. A car. Did that mean that Huo Liancheng had waited out of her apartment building all night? Did that mean he was waiting for her to show up? An uneasy feeling stirred in her stomach.     


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