Spoiling His Lucky Girl

C9 The Child

C9 The Child

With a scowl, the old patriarch raised his hand and smashed the bowl onto Fu Qiao's body. The dishes splattered across his suit, smudging the customized fabric. A bit of the food went to his jaw, which he had hurriedly wiped.    


Li Huang raised her head in surprise. This was the first time she had ever seen the old man this outraged before. Even while he was asking her to explain herself, he wasn't this violent.    


She glanced to the side to see Fu Qiao covering his face, finding more interest in his suit than the people around him. His pale cheeks were flushed in embarrassment. "Grandpa..."    


"Useless!" he snarled. "Just because YY isn't the be found, you stopped the developments? You couldn't have done it yourself, is that it? Never in my entire life have I seen such a spineless man!"    


"I..." The young man glanced up at Xi Ru as if asking her to assist him.    


Waving her hand, Xi Ru crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you so angry?" she finally intervened. "You have no idea how much Fu Qiao had worked to develop those products!"    


"Wasn't he the one who had cried and said he could take the job? Now that he already had the job, he's going to excuse his hard work for no results?" Xi Muqian raised his eyebrow, attracting their attention. "You think we'll sympathize over hard work? We might as well mourn for our waste of resources! The man could work himself to death if he has to!"    


He sneered. It was obvious that he was mocking the couple.    


"What the hell are you laughing at? Don't think I don't know what you're up to!" Having enough, Xi Ru staggered up and pointed a finger at him. Her eyes flashed. "I bet you know how difficult this project is–that's why you handed it over to us!"    


He shrugged and placed his chopsticks right back onto his bowl. "Do you admit it then? That it's hard? That you're weak?"    


"If you think you're so smart, then I dare you to take over this project," she snapped through gritted teeth. "Let's see if you can handle it!"    


"Ask your husband to come to my office tomorrow morning. He'll request the takeover to my secretary, and I'll help you take care of this mess. After all, it's obvious that you couldn't do it without me."    


Although his voice was calm, it still had a more infuriating undertone to it.    


"You–" Xi Ru was about to rage at him when Fu Qiao grabbed her wrist, pulling her back onto her seat. His face looked stricken by the sudden offer, but he didn't say another word. After all, it wasn't wise to go against him.    


Everyone knew that it wasn't important whether the new product made money or not. All their grandfather wanted was to one-up the Shao Family, and if that meant releasing the product before theirs, then that's what they're going to do.    


However, comparing the progress the two companies made, their side was way behind.    


"Since you're so capable, are you daring enough to take a bet?" Calming down, the older woman cocked up an eyebrow. "If you lose to the Shao Family, will you finally give up your position as CEO?"    


"Since you're so interested in betting, I'll take it," he responded coldly. "But if I win, the two of you will hand over your shares to me and leave the company for good. Still want to bet with me, sister?"    


"Have you no shame?" She slammed her hands onto the table. "You–"    


"The two of you are siblings!" Fu Qiao sighed exasperatedly, tugging her back once more. "Why make such a big deal about this? Let's just eat."    


"Out of this entire time, you never bothered to speak up for yourself nor have you acknowledged your wrongdoings. That timidness isn't going to get you anywhere!" Grandpa tilted his head towards the young man. "Tomorrow, you'll hand over the project to me. Whether that succeeds or not, the blame's going to be on you."    




This time, Xi Ru didn't even bother to speak up. All she could do now was glare at him from afar as she shoved a piece of chicken into her mouth.    


Why the hell did she marry such a loser?    


Li Huang didn't intercept in their argument. Even then, she still couldn't wipe off the disbelief in her eyes as she stared at the family before her, watching as they withered to silence. What kind of family was this?    


In the open, they appeared happy and together. Yet, when the cameras weren't there, the family was littered with schemes and tricks–with all of them willing to take each other's place. Just sitting here was tiring enough!    


No wonder Xi Muqian referred to this place as 'hell on earth'.    


Anyone would be scared out of their wits.    


'The best thing I could do now is eat quickly. Maybe then, we can finally get the hell out of here.'    


Suddenly, a shiver shot down her spine, and she froze. Why did she feel a pair of eyes staring at her back?    


Li Huang raised her head and glanced in that direction, only for her to stare directly into Xi Muhee's gaze. He had been silent the entire time, she had noticed. While the others were arguing, he was simply eating.    


His brows were slightly raised towards her, but he didn't say a word. Instead, he shifted his gaze back onto his meal and began to eat as if nothing had happened.    


"Li Huang, let's talk in the study," Grandpa called out once they were finished with their meals.    


Less than ten minutes later, Li Huang hurried out of the study. Although she appeared calm on the surface, there was a trace of conflict in her eyes. She went out into the living room to see that Xi Muqian was the only one there. "Where are they?"    


"They just left. What did Grandpa tell you?"    


"Ah..." She cleared her throat, blinking rapidly. "Nothing. He just wanted me to take good care of you, that's all. He's heading back to his bedroom now, so we should go."    


There was no way she was going to tell her what they just talked about.    


Luckily, he didn't pursue the matter further.    


In his eyes, the old patriarch was the only man who hadn't acted aggressively towards her from the moment she had entered the mansion. If anything, he supported this relationship already even before it was tied up.    


Li Huang wasn't complaining.    


After all, what the man said was too difficult and awkward to talk about–especially while they were still out in public.    


Because, Grandpa had asked her for a child.    


"Now that you're married, Xi Muqian could finally have children with you. The Xi family doesn't have many descendants, so you should hurry up," Grandpa said happily as he clasped his hands together. "All those rumors about Muqian–I'm sure all it takes is a child to quell all of them to the ground. I'll be waiting for your good news."    


Have children...    


She didn't even know how long their marriage would last, and even then, he wasn't the type of man who'd want to touch a woman. How the hell were they going to have children?    


The two of them walked side by side. Li Huang had just opened the door when a small figure rushed in, hitting her leg.    


"Ah!" The child fell onto the ground, and she staggered a few steps back.    


Luckily, Xi Muqian was by her side. He reached out his arm and wrapped it around her waist to prevent her from falling.    


Li Huang immediately recovered from her fall before squatting over to assist the young boy. He had his head lowered, and he stayed silent for this entire time.    


However, when she saw him, her eyes widened.    


This child....    


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