Spoiling His Lucky Girl

C7 Aren't You Going To Let Me Explain Myself? 

C7 Aren't You Going To Let Me Explain Myself? 

"Hell on earth, huh?" Li Huang had never thought that there would be such a place that Xi Muqian would insult that much. However, upon seeing how serious she was, she straightened her back and stared right ahead.    


"I'll go with you."    


Nodding, he placed her hand over his jacket. "It's dark inside," he said momentarily when she furrowed her eyebrows at him. "You can pull on my clothes."    


Ah... The thought of her falling into his arms flashed at the back of her mind, and a light blush colored her cheeks. She gripped the fabric tightly. "Right, thank you."    


The two of them entered the room.    


"If someone inside says anything against you, you're welcome to tell them off," he warned as they were walking down the lawn. "You do not need to be intimidated by any of them."    


"I...Are there many people?"    


"Yes, but you can treat them as ghosts." He shrugged. "Always there, and unimportant."    


Always there and unimportant? Was he trying to say something? Li Huang blinked in surprise, but she didn't say anything in retort.    


If he was joking, then he wasn't being funny.    


They walked for about twenty to thirty meters when the darkness started to clear up. The surrounding lights began to gleam around them, and she found herself squinting at the neon brightness.    


Within a few seconds, she finally let go of his shirt.    


They were in a courtyard. There was a large fountain on top, and its stony details were already etched with moss and dirt. It had been quite some time since someone had cleaned that up. And as she gazed around, she saw that the architecture wasn't far from the mossy fountain–it was vintage and gothic, like a mansion that had just popped out from a Frankenstein novel.    


The two of them entered the mansion one after the other. 'This must be the Xi Family Mansion,' she thought, turning to look at all the family paintings hanging around the wall.    


When they had reached the living room, she saw the Old Patriarch of the Xi Family. Surrounding the old man was Xi Ru–Xi Muqian's older sister, her husband Fu Qiao, and cousin Xi Muhee.    


All of them stared at the newcomer–their eyes narrowed and mocking.    


"Do I need to introduce them to you?" Xi Muqian walked over and glanced at her.    


She pursed her lips. "I know them all."    


"Right." Nodding, he turned his attention back to his family members. "I'll introduce you to them then. Everyone, this is my wife, Li Huang."    


As soon as the words slipped her lips, Xi Ru barked out in laughter. Mockery flashed in her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Wife? Are you a garbage collector, Muqian? That you have to collect other people's garbage?" She cocked up an eyebrow. "If you really wanted a wife, the least you could've done is brought home someone who's right up our alley."    


Guess the rumors had one thing right–Xi Ru was as vicious as a tiger.    


"Ru," Fu Qiao said hesitantly, pulling her hand. "Even if you don't like her, that still shouldn't account for your actions. She's still a guest."    


She sneered. "A guest? That woman had dragged Muqian's name to the mud yesterday! Have you seen what the others are saying? Do you really want me to welcome her just like that?"    


The Old Patriarch had been sitting in her seat this entire time. As soon as he heard her words, her gaze stricken. "What are the others saying?" His voice was enough to make everyone freeze in their seat.    


"They've all been saying that Muqian was being held hostage by this woman! That he was forced! Look, I find nothing wrong with him getting the girl, but the least he could do is set some standards!" She gritted her teeth. "We're no ordinary family, and he knows very where the restrictions we have. There are so many prestigious women in this city, and he had to settle for that woman? Is he blind?"    


Although what she said was right, that there were far more prestigious women around the city, Li Huang still couldn't help but seethe in rage. Her eyes flashed as she glanced up at Xi Muqian.    


His lips were curled itno a sneer, but he didn't say a word as if he couldn't hear his sister.    


How the hell was he enduring it all?    


He felt her gaze on his side, but he still continued to stay silent.    


Although Xi Muqian wanted to go against his sister, he deliberately stayed silent. He wanted to test Li Huang, to see what her bottom line was and how she was going to handle her sister's outrageous insults.    


After all, if she really wanted to get along with his family, then she should grow a backbone herself.    


Otherwise, the woman was going to be bullied to death.    


"Shut up." Finally having enough, the old patriarch sighed and patted the side of his sofa.    


"You're telling me to shut up as if I'm the one saying it! Others are talking about this! It's everywhere–from tabloids to social media websites–well, are you going to shut them out?" Xi Ru snorted. "Besides, you're the one who started it! Of all the women you could've chosen, you have to look for this lying bitch?"    


The old man gritted his teeth as he glared at Li Huang. She still hadn't looked away–no matter how many insults his granddaughter had flung, she was still as calm as the sea.    


Back then, he had only wanted to bully the old bastard from the Shao Family. That was why he had sent his people to investigate in this girl.    


Despite the insults being thrown at her, Li Huang was the type of woman who abided by her own principles. In fact, she'd never even let that useless weed touch her. How could her virginity be lost? Stolen by Xi Muqian himself?    


"Miss Li, you're going to tell me the truth. Not only have you implicated Muqian, but you've also sullied our name. And you even dared to show up here. What do you want?"    


Her hands clenched into fists. They had already received their marriage certificate; that meant that their wedding was final, but if she couldn't get along with his family...    


Her thoughts flashed back to Xi Muqian's words a few minutes ago. She could tell them off, right?    


"Mr. Xi, aren't you going to give me a chance to explain myself?"    


"Fine, let's hear how she's planning on explaining herself." Xi Ru rolled her eyes.    


"Miss Xi, you're a young lady with such a wealthy background. You must've been raised by tutors and music instructors, yet when you talk, you sound like some street dweller."    


"What did you just say?" Her expression changed almost immediately.    


Even then, Li Huang seemed unbothered. "It's our first time meeting, yet you judge me based on what I've said on the media. Who gave you that right? Plus..." She raised her eyebrows. "How can you be so sure that I lied yesterday? Do you have any proof?"    


"Ha! You got spunk, I'll give you that," Xi Ru said, incredulity clear in her expression. "So what? You're saying that my brother really took your virginity? You really think that I'll believe you?"    


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