Spoiling His Lucky Girl

C432 I Love You.

C432 I Love You.

Gu Sang gasped for breath and struggled to get out of his body. She was so tired that she was sweating.    


"Be good and stay where you are. Don't move. I'll get you some water to wipe it off."    


She had just entered the bathroom when she heard Duan Jingnian vomiting from outside.    


By the time she came out, it was already too late. He was vomiting everywhere on the bed sheet.    


Gu Sang was very troubled. She really wanted to go up and hit him.    


She was extremely angry. But Duan Jingnian did not care at all. He turned around and continued to sleep.    


Gu Sang could only compromise and help him up first, "Stand still for a while. I'll change the sheets for you." She had just let go of him and pulled off the sheets when Duan Jingnian lost his balance and was about to fall to the ground. Gu Sang tried to help him a few times but he could not stand steadily.    


Gu Sang helplessly helped Duan Jingnian up and returned to her bedroom. She could not ignore Duan Jingnian sleeping on the floor.    


When Duan Jingnian laid on the bed again, Gu Sang poked his forehead with her index finger.    


"I'm warning you. You can't throw up again this time. If you throw up on my bed again, we really can only sleep on the floor."    


After saying this, she looked back many times with worry. Then she returned to Duan Jingnian's room and brought the water she had just picked up.    


When she entered the room, she heard him mumbling something.    


Gu Sang walked closer to listen to what he was saying. She listened carefully for a long time before she realized that he was not talking, but singing.    


"I am willing to become the angel you love in the fairy tale. I want to spread my hands and turn my hands into wings to protect you. "You have to believe, believe in us..."    


Gu Sang heard his singing and shook her head while smiling. It was the first time she knew Duan Jingnian could sing, and he sang so well.    


However, why did he, who was already drunk, only sing this song?    


Gu Sang turned around and put the towel in the basin, wringing it dry and wiping his face and neck. Duan Jingnian enjoyed himself like a child. He did not even sing anymore.    


After Gu Sang finished wiping Duan Jingnian's face, Duan Jingnian grabbed her hand. He closed his eyes. He did not know if he was talking drunk or in his sleep. He said, "I love you."    


Regardless of whether he was talking drunk or in his sleep, Gu Sang was stunned. She could not move. She wanted to cry. Although she did not know who she was talking to, Gu Sang really liked hearing those words.    


Duan Jingnian hugged her tightly.    


Gu Sang was shocked and wanted to stand up. But he was too strong. She could not break free.    


She thought that Duan Jingnian had finally calmed down. She did not want to wake him up again. She laid beside him. She looked at her diamond ring.    


That day when she woke up from the ward and Shen Shaochuan went to buy food for her, she suddenly found a ring on her finger.    


At first, she thought Shen Shaochuan helped her put it on, but she quickly took off the ring and put it on the table.    


Later, when Shen Shaochuan saw the ring on the table, he asked doubtfully, "Where did this ring come from? "I've never seen you bring it before. This ring looks pretty."    


These words immediately made her confused. Then who gave this ring to me?    


She suddenly remembered that when she was in a coma, she seemed to have heard Duan Jingnian's voice. Gu Sang thought to herself, could this ring be given to her by Duan Jingnian?    


Although she knew the possibility was not high, Gu Sang still carried this thought and put the ring back on.    


Now, Duan Jingnian was lying beside her, making her feel that he had given her this ring.    


Was this ring really given to her by Duan Jingnian? Perhaps it was really given to her by him...    


When Gu Sang woke up, it was already dawn.    


Duan Jingnian was looking at her the whole time.    


She suddenly became very nervous and hurriedly sat up.    


After that, Duan Jingnian sat up calmly. He asked doubtfully, "Why am I here?"    


He only remembered seeing a woman who looked like Gu Sang when he was drinking in the nightclub last night. He did not remember what happened after that. When he woke up today, he found that he was already lying on Gu Sang's bed.    


Gu Sang turned her head and asked, "Don't you remember what happened last night?"    


Duan Jingnian shook his head. "I don't remember anything."    


Gu Sang pointed at the room next door. Go to that room and take a look. Perhaps the scene in that room can help you remember what happened last night.    


Gu Sang got up and walked to the kitchen as she spoke. "I'll make some soup for you."    


Duan Jingnian got up and walked to his room. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled the pungent smell of vomit.    


He pinched his nose and walked into his room. He saw that the blanket was thrown on the floor and the bed sheets were thrown in a corner.    


He walked over and shook the bed sheets. Before the sheet was fully unfolded, he could already see the vomit in the corner.    


He suddenly recalled something that had happened yesterday, but he was unable to recall everything.    


If he remembered correctly, did she really go to the nightclub yesterday?    


He stood up and threw the sheet directly into the trash can. After he came out, he walked to the kitchen door and asked, "Did I throw up the sheet?"    


Gu Sang indirectly said, "I did not drink."    


Duan Jingnian said awkwardly, "I rarely drink that much."    


Gu Sang nodded in agreement. "I know. You just often drink a lot of wine recently."    


Duan Jingnian felt a little ashamed. He asked, "What did you do at the nightclub yesterday?"    


Gu Sang turned back and glared at him. "I went to find someone."    


"Find someone?"    


" You're right. When I went to buy groceries, I heard a lot of people discussing the matter of the Zhantian Group's CEO cuckolding Young Madame. In order to protect my personal reputation, And in order not to be a laughingstock again, I have to go to the club to find you. Fortunately, "Otherwise, I would really be laughed at."    


Duan Jingnian turned around and asked, "Did you watch the news too?"    


"I was forced to watch. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that you had been like this recently. grandfather and Tang Xue don't care about your matters anymore?"    


When Gu Sang mentioned Tang Xue, she suddenly remembered that she seemed very sad yesterday. She asked," Tang Xue yesterday... "    


Gu Sang wanted to say but did not say it. She then shook her head and did not plan to say it out loud. In her heart, his relationship with Tang Xue was more intimate than his relationship with him. She did not need to care about the matter between them.    


Tang Xue would definitely tell him if she went to abort.    


Duan Jingnian turned around. He did not answer her question. He just asked, "Did I say anything excessive yesterday?"    


Gu Sang thought of his singing last night and the sentence 'I love you'. She lowered her head and smiled.    


Duan Jingnian saw her smile and asked worriedly, "Did I say anything?"    


Gu Sang shook her head and said, "No, you did well."    


Duan Jingnian looked back at his room. He thought it did not look good.    


Gu Sang seemed to be mocking him on purpose.    


When he turned back to look at Gu Sang, he happened to see the ring on her hand.    


She did not take off the ring. She was still wearing the ring...    


He thought that this was really good! If only this was a wedding ring, he would have given her a wedding ring earlier.    


Duan Jingnian had not been at home for many days. Now that he was eating the food Gu Sang cooked herself, he felt that it was a little unreal.    


However, this feeling was also very happy.    


When Gu Sang went to the kitchen to get milk, Duan Jingnian turned on his phone to search for news.    


After seeing the news content, he suddenly did not feel as calm as before.    


How could there be a photo of him and Gu Sang hugging each other passionately in the nightclub?    


Furthermore, this was definitely a loving embrace.    


Could it be that everything that happened yesterday in his memory was real?    


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