Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C130 Hubby Is too Fierce 129

C130 Hubby Is too Fierce 129

The moment Shao Zhanping's car left, a red Chevy sped into the parking lot in front of Dongxiao Tower. The car stopped with a squeak and the door quickly opened. Meng Fei hurriedly ran down from the car with her bag in hand. She forcefully closed the door and ran into the hotel. As soon as she walked into the lobby, She saw Zheng's mother standing at the door and immediately walked over nervously.    


"Mom, is Haodong back?"    


Zheng's mother immediately nodded her head. She knew that there were too many people here and it was not a place for them to talk. She brought Meng Fei to the second floor. When they reached the last step, Zheng's mother pulled Meng Fei to the side and whispered, "Dongzi seemed to have broken up with that girl just now. He was a little traumatized and is now in the office. Go in and comfort him, okay?"    


Meng Fei immediately understood and nodded. She looked at Zheng's mother and asked nervously, "Where is my mother?"    


Zheng's mother immediately raised her hand and pointed to a private room not far away. "You go and see Dongzi, I will go and see my biological mother!"    


"Okay. . . " Meng Fei nodded and walked to the door of Zheng Haodong's office in her high heels. She raised her hand to tidy up her clothes and then gently pushed open the office door and walked in.    


Once Zheng Haodong went upstairs, he quickly walked to the window. He saw Shao Zhanping's car slowly start and drive away from his hotel. He saw the car getting further and further away from his line of sight. Zheng Haodong's heart felt like it was being torn apart, and he couldn't breathe. He raised his head. He looked at the distant sky, and his deep eyes were filled with coldness.    


Xiaoxiao. . .    


Must be happy!    


The door behind her was gently pushed open. Zheng Haodong did not need to look back. He knew who had walked in. He looked at the scenery in front of him and smiled bitterly. If it wasn't for the woman he liked. . . No matter who he married, it would be the same to him! Meng Fei, this girl, must have good looks. She had a figure and a body. Her mother also liked her family background. If that was the case. . .    


"Haodong. . . " Meng Fei called softly behind him when she saw him standing there without moving.    


Zheng Haodong did not move. He still stood where he was and spoke slowly, "Do you like me?"    


"Yes!" At this point, Meng Fei did not want to avoid her feelings anymore.    


"The reason why you said you wanted to pretend to be with me was also to get close to me. Actually, you don't have a boyfriend at all, right?"    


"Yes. . . "    


"[Are you really sure you like me?]"    


"Yes! I really like you! Maybe you don't know, we actually met two months ago. I bought too many things in the mall, so I got hit and everything fell to the ground. You were the one who helped me pick them up. When I first saw you, I fell in love with you. . . It just so happened that when you helped me pick up the items, you accidentally dropped a business card. So. . . "    


" I understand. . . I can marry you, but I have someone I like. I might not be able to give you what you want for the rest of my life. Even so. . . Are you willing to marry me? "    


"I am willing!" She believed that as long as the relationship lasted for a long time, he would slowly forget about it. She was still very confident in her charm.    


"Okay! In that case. . . " Zheng Haodong slowly turned around and looked at Meng Fei, who was at the door, and said slowly, "Then today. . . Let's get engaged!"    


"Really? That's great! I'll go and tell Mom!" Ever since Zheng Haodong left the airport, she had been feeling uneasy. She never thought that he would agree so quickly. When she heard him agree so readily, she happily turned around and ran out.    


Although there was a little discordant episode before the engagement banquet, at Zheng Haodong and Meng Fei's engagement banquet, It was still held on time. Actually, the scene of Zheng Haodong and Xiaoxiao hugging each other just now was seen by many people present. Zheng Haodong and Meng Fei had yet to go downstairs. Some people could not help but whisper to each other, discussing the scene just now. Zheng's mother had already expected this. After hearing that her son had agreed to the engagement, she quickly went downstairs. She greeted her family and friends with Father Zheng.    


"Dongzi's mom, didn't I see Xiaoxiao just now? Didn't she come too? Why didn't she come in?" The neighbors who had a good relationship with Zheng's mother asked Zheng's mother, because everyone lived with Xiaoxiao when she was young. They knew each other more or less in the same place.    


Zheng's mother could not help but smile when she heard that. She answered without blushing or beating, "Aiya, Xiaoxiao still has things to do in the company, so she left with Hubby first! When she was young, didn't Dongzi always treat her as his sister? When he heard that Dongzi was going to be engaged, he immediately ran over to congratulate Dongzi. "    


" Didn't he say Xiaoxiao married a cripple? I think that person just now was very healthy! He is also not bad looking!" Someone from the side also interjected.    


Zheng's mother smiled again and replied, "He's just sitting in a wheelchair for now, he's fine. . . "    


While Zheng's mother was talking to a few good neighbors, Zheng Haodong and Meng Fei went downstairs together. Meng Fei put on makeup upstairs and changed the small white suit into a big red suit. She held Zheng Haodong's arm and walked down with a happy face. Both of them looked good and looked very compatible. When they walked over, someone couldn't help but praise them.    


"Mother Dongzi is lucky this time. She married a good wife!"    


Zheng's mother heard this and felt very happy in her heart. She was afraid that she would neglect her beloved mother, so she quickly returned to the main seat.    


The engagement banquet started in a lively atmosphere. . .    


Zheng Haodong seemed to be in a very high mood today. He held the wine glass and kept toasting at the banquet. No matter who toasted to him, he took it and drank it all in one gulp.    


One cup, one cup, another cup. . .    


The originally spicy white wine, for the first time, tasted bitter!    


When he thought of Xiaoxiao's back as she turned around, his heart could not help but feel an indescribable pain!    


It was as painful as being torn apart!    


He really wanted to drink to his heart's content! Let me get completely drunk once!    


Although there weren't many people, there were still a few dozen of them. After Zheng Haodong finished drinking, his steps started to become messy, and the figure in front of him also started to shake.    


However, when the wine was drunk in his stomach, it was in his heart. It was as if there was a layer between them. No matter how much wine he drank, he couldn't rush away from the person who had been engraved in his heart for a long time. . .    


His body was a little shaky, but his heart was like a mirror!    


Seeing her son's strange behavior, Zheng's mother walked over and helped him up the stairs with her daughter-in-law. Then, she entered the office and put him on the sofa.    


"Mom, you can go down first! I will just take care of him here. . . " Meng Fei squatted beside Zheng Haodong like a mistress.    


"Okay! I will go down now!" Zheng's mother happily left a separate space for the two of them. She closed the door and left.    


There was a face in front of them that kept shaking. Zheng Haodong stretched out his hand in a daze and touched that face a few times. There was a happy smile on his face. "Xiaoxiao, we. . . We are engaged, right?"    


Meng Fei heard his words and bit her lips. After a moment, she nodded. "Yes, we are engaged. You have not kissed me yet. . . " After saying that, she lowered her head and moved closer to his lips. " Mr Dongzi, kiss me. . . "    


The face in front of him slowly enlarged. At a certain moment, Zheng Haodong saw the face clearly. It was not his Xiaoxiao. He reached out and pushed her away.    


"Go away!" After saying that, he closed his eyes and fell asleep drunk.    


Meng Fei's body was caught off guard and was pushed to the ground. Her body hit the corner of the coffee table, causing a sharp pain. She frowned and looked at the sleeping Zheng Haodong. She angrily bit her lower lip!    


She knew that her little wife was in a bad mood and did not have an appetite to eat. But rice. . . He had to eat. Shao Zhanping drove his wife back to his apartment. When they passed the market, He went in and bought some vegetables before driving his wife back to her apartment. Once they entered the living room, Shao Zhanping first placed the things in his hands on the floor, then directly led his wife into the bedroom. He let her lie down on the bed first, then helped her take off her shoes. After covering her with a blanket, he squatted in front of the bed and lowered his head to kiss his wife's forehead.    


"Close your eyes here and have a good rest. I'm going to cook. When the meal is ready, I'll call you. Sleep well! Don't think about anything, okay? " He kept comforting her while rubbing her hair.    


Xiaoxiao nodded her head powerlessly and then closed her eyes.    


Shao Zhanping smiled in relief and understood her feelings. He turned around and walked out of the bedroom and gently closed the door.    


Tears fell once again the moment the room was gently closed.    


Mr Dongzi, I'm sorry. . .    


She really didn't mean to hurt his heart. She also didn't know what was going on with her. Why did she fall in love with Shao Zhanping after spending three months with him?    


She kept reminding herself from the beginning that there was only one agreement between them. But looking at him helplessly sitting in his wheelchair, Her heart began to beat faster and faster for him. It was only when she truly became his woman last night that she truly understood her heart. So it turned out that in these three months, He had already occupied her heart. He could no longer find a place to hold her, Mr Dongzi.    


Shao Zhanping quickly finished cooking and went into the bedroom to bring Xiaoxiao to the dining room. Xiaoxiao sat down blankly and looked at the delicious lunch in front of her. She did not have the slightest appetite.    


Mr Dongzi, who had liked her for nine years, had his heart broken by her. How could she still eat it? When she thought of what he had said in front of the hotel, tears welled up in her eyes.    


I'm sorry!    


I'm really sorry!    


If today's result was what she had expected a long time ago, she would never have made such a promise to her Mr Dongzi!    


It was she who gave him hope, but also ruthlessly shattered that hope.    


Because she had once been abandoned and betrayed by Shao Zhengfei, she knew what kind of pain that feeling was, and what kind of pain it was!    


It pierced her heart!    


It felt like she had been abandoned by the whole world!    


"Xiaoxiao, no matter how uncomfortable you are, you must eat something. He let go of your hand not because he wants you to suffer, but because he wants you to be happy. Do you understand?" Seeing his wife sitting on the chair and silently crying, Shao Zhanping gently comforted her.    


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