Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C937 Hubby Is too Fierce 936

C937 Hubby Is too Fierce 936

At night, Father Bai, Bai's mother, stayed in the guest room. Bai Chichi did not care about her pregnancy and insisted on washing her father and mother's feet.    


"After a long time, now that you have a child, you cannot work as hard as before!" Bai's mother stroked her daughter's hair and said.    


"Mom, look at what you said. I am not that kind of delicate person! Besides, I'm a doctor, so I know what I'm doing!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


Father Bai sat on the sofa, and his face was covered with wrinkles. He looked much older than he actually was.    


As he listened to the conversation between his daughter and his wife, he felt warm in his heart. He felt that the sacrifices he had made in his life had finally paid off.    


As long as Bai Chichi lived well, it would be his greatest achievement.    


"After a long time, did he treat you well?" Thinking about the past, Father Bai said something that made Bai Chichi's heart ache.    


"Good, very good! Father, it was us who were insensible in the past and always tortured each other. We will never let you and mother worry about us in the future!" Bai Chichi said with tears in her eyes.    


Father Bai nodded and said earnestly, "Then, in the future, you have to do your duty as a wife and raise your children well!"    


"My daughter has grown up and become sensible. Don't nag anymore!" Bai's mother smiled and interrupted Father Bai's words.    


"That Yuan, do you think she is reliable? I heard that she is going to the company to work for Qing?" Father Bai loved his daughter dearly and considered everything thoroughly.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Father, why are you as paranoid as Xiaozi? Yuan is a good girl and I trust her very much!"    


"That's good. " Father Bai's turbid eyes were filled with care for his daughter.    


The next day, according to the original plan, everyone went to the largest supermarket to buy daily necessities. Then, they brought two pairs of parents to their future home.    


The parents were very satisfied with the arrangement of the children. They also enjoyed the happiness of being filial to them. Everything was going according to plan.    


After the two parents settled down, Bai Chichi, Situ Qing, Xin Xiaozi and Situ Yuan returned to the old residence of Situ Family. This way, they would be able to take care of each other.    


Chen Yuan was still living in Situ Family. Firstly, it was convenient for her to follow Situ Qing to work at the company in the future. Secondly, she had to help take care of the two pregnant women when she got off work.    


Xiao Ying and Xiao Tao had already walked out from the grief of losing her mother. Facing the upcoming college entrance exam, the two of them also moved back to their grandfather's home.    


Situ Family became lively and lively. Every day was filled with laughter and laughter. Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi would also occasionally go and visit their parents to celebrate.    


A few days later, Situ Yuan was going to return to the army. Situ Qing also tidied up his mood and returned to the company to start working normally.    


On the first day of work, Bai Chichi helped Chen Yuan choose her clothes and took her to do her hair. She looked like a brand new person.    


"Yuan, don't worry. In the beginning, I will arrange for you to do some simple daily work. When you are familiar with the rhythm of the company, you can do more complicated things. Take it slow and not rush. " Situ Qing was afraid that Chen Yuan would be nervous, so he comforted her.    


"Okay, brother-in-law. I will study hard. I will not disappoint you and sister's expectations of me!" Chen Yuan changed into a blue suit and looked very fresh and beautiful.    


Bai Chichi sized her up and smiled as she said, "Really, people rely on their clothes to rely on their saddle. Yuan, you are not able to see the look of escaping death from the ruins at all!"    


"Isn't it because elder sister knows how to dress up!? If I went to buy clothes and hair myself, I would definitely be laughed out loud!" Chen Yuan had short hair that reached her ears. She had put on light makeup and looked like a white-collar worker.    


"How could that be? You have a good foundation and you are young. You will look elegant and refined after tidying up a little bit!" Bai Chichi praised from the bottom of her heart.    


Situ Qing smiled and nodded. "It is indeed not bad. Compared to the female assistant I hired previously, Yuan, your appearance is much better!"    


"Brother-in-law also makes fun of me. No matter how I dress, I can't compare to Ms Chichi's little finger!" Chen Yuan said shyly.    


Situ Qing looked at Chen Yuan with admiration. Although Bai Chichi was smiling, there was a little shadow in her heart.    


But she immediately told herself that this was because of the hormones in her pregnancy, which caused her to have this kind of unstable mood. How could she suspect Situ Qing and Chen Yuan? They were now the people closest to her.    


"Alright, if you don't go to work soon, you will be late!" Bai Chichi pushed Situ Qing and sent them to the door.    


Situ Qing started the car and drove Chen Yuan away. Bai Chichi stood there until she could not see them before she turned around and went back into the house.    


Situ Yuan left early in the morning, so Xin Xiaozi also sat by the window of the room and looked at Ci Huai, who was outside, and missed him.    


"Xiaozi, what are you doing?" Bai Chichi passed by Situ Yuan's room and saw Xin Xiaozi.    


"I just feel empty after I leave! Where's Chen Yuan? Did she go to work with Qing?" Xin Xiaozi came down from the floor-to-ceiling window and walked to Bai Chichi's side.    


"En, I just left. " Bai Chichi nodded.    


"What do you want Chen Yuan to do?" Although Xin Xiaozi's resentment towards Chen Yuan had been resolved quite a bit, she was still somewhat worried.    


Bai Chichi walked to the window. The breeze was already somewhat warm and the sunlight was also starting to become glaring. Summer was coming.    


"She is nominally an assistant, but let her do some simple office work first. Chen Yuan said that she only went to high school and there are a lot of things that need to be learned slowly. " Bai Chichi turned around and looked at Xin Xiaozi.    


Xin Xiaozi also walked over and said thoughtfully, "The girls who graduated from high school are not competitive now and I do not know if she can do it. "    


"Take it slow. I think Chen Yuan is quite smart and should be able to adapt very quickly. " Bai Chichi said casually.    


Xin Xiaozi frowned and said, "Smart is indeed quite smart. And I feel that her EQ is quite high. Look, it's only been a few days, but she has taken down every single one of us! "    


"You're here again, she saved you!" Bai Chichi reached out and touched Xin Xiaozi's belly and said with a smile.    


Xin Xiaozi shrugged. "Yes. So now I owe her a favor. It is unpleasant to hear. I won't say anything else! "    


"Don't say anymore. Let's go back and see mom and dad. We can also have lunch at home!" Bai Chichi held Xin Xiaozi's hand and said.    


After the two of them reported to Situ Baichuan, they slowly walked back to the residential area where their parents lived. Along the way, they saw the Tree of Dao growing more and more verdant, and their mood became better.    


After Situ Qing brought Chen Yuan to the company, he led her around everywhere, letting her familiarize herself with the environment, and then went to his office.    


"Yuan, my office is here. You are working in the small glass compartment outside. " Situ Qing put down the briefcase and saw that the documents on the table were piled up like a mountain. It seemed that there were a lot of documents that needed his signature to make a decision.    


Chen Yuan nodded and said, "Okay brother-in-law, no, President Situ!"    


"Haha, very good. Just call me that in the company. Call me brother-in-law when you go home! Yuan, do you know computers? " Situ Qing asked with a smile.    


Chen Yuan had just seen that everyone in the office had a computer in front of them, and of course there was a computer on the table in her small compartment.    


"Yes, I can type and type, and I also know some simple programming. " Chen Yuan's answer surprised Situ Qing. He did not expect that in that remote little town, high school students could also learn such knowledge.    


Seeing his expression, Chen Yuan smiled and said, Yes. " When I was working part-time, I worked as an internet manager at an internet cafe in town. When I was working, I learned some useful knowledge by myself. "    


"Oh, I see. That's even better! Alright, go take a look at the information on the computer first. If there's anything you don't understand, come in and ask me. " Situ Qing rubbed his temples. The large pile of documents in front of him would definitely be busy for an entire day.    


Chen Yuan hesitated for a moment but did not say anything. She nodded and left.    


This morning, Situ Qing's workload was not small. There were many documents waiting to be signed, reports, and work that needed to be followed up. He did not have time to care about other things.    


Luo Huian had represented Situ Qing to meet the bosses of a few cooperation projects in other places these few days. He was not in the company either. He was the most capable assistant.    


Chen Yuan was studying the company's rules alone in her room. There were also a lot of things on the computer. Fortunately, it was not very complicated. She quickly sorted out her work procedures.    


As an assistant, she naturally had to help President Situ deal with some phone calls, visitors, and other things. She wanted Situ Qing to not have to worry about some trivial matters and do more important things with all his might.    


Chen Yuan first sorted out the information in the computer according to her own habits. Human Resources Department, Sales Department, Finance Department, and so on. Their connection with Situ Qing had to be accurate and effective to avoid complicated repetitions and wasting manpower and time.    


Important visits and calls should be highlighted. If it was a non-essential business meeting, it would be blocked. Personal appointments were clearly distinguished.    


Chen Yuan's qualifications were obviously not as shallow as what she had said. One should know that she was a professional in modern office management. These children's things would be settled in minutes.    


However, in order to hide her ability, Chen Yuan had to pretend to be very young. She would go in on time to learn from Situ Qing. It looked like she was going to learn from him. She was a typical office rookie, but it made people think that she was a good subordinate who was ambitious and hardworking.    


Chen Yuan, who was behind the veil, hid too many things. Everything she did only had one goal, which was to make Situ Qing have a good impression of her. She slowly could not leave her.    


All of this originated from Chen Yuan's background. That story that she had always felt humiliated had brought her endless pain and torture.    


The current Chen Yuan must hide behind the character that she had carefully designed. She must not show any trace of it.    


"President Situ, what does this mark mean?" Chen Yuan found that there was a heart-shaped pattern on Situ Qing's visitor list, but it did not have a name.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "This is your sister, Bai Chichi's logo! She is the only VIP here. No matter when or under any circumstances, she is an unimpeded and noble guest!"    


"Oh, so that's how it is!" Chen Yuan smiled.    


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